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DS bit a little girl at gym daycare.

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This is the second time, so I've been asked not to bring him back indefinitely. :crying: It was a huge bite on her back, too. No broken skin, but bruised and welting.


The gym was really my only break. I'm so sad and angry with the little bugger. Fortunately, the other mom was very gracious as she comforted her weeping girl. DS had small bite marks on his wrist, too, but the daycare lady said he probably did it himself. :glare: That would have been a first. DS has been guilty of passion biting us. He'll get so excited that he bites. He hasn't done that in a while since we started flicking his cheek.


Just looking for sympathy.

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I'm sorry... I was a horrible biter. My mom talks about how all of her friends would scoop up their children and run away when they saw us coming. ;) At least for a little while. I promise it's been more than 30 years since I bit any of my friends. ;)


And yes, I even bit *myself* in fury once. But only once...


My dd was a biter too, but only a couple of times and only, as far as I recall, her older brother...


Still. I'm really sorry about the loss of your gym time. That's a serious and frustrating blow! Is there any possible way to have someone else watch him a few times for you over the summer so you can still go? That's such a sanity-saver!

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My ds7 was a biter. Oh, it was bad. He's a passionate guy and had minimal impulse control, and I think it was the only way he had to express his anger. It got to the point where he'd bite and then take off running so he wouldn't be punished. He only bit family, but then again, I didn't leave the house much when he was younger.


One time he bit ds10 on the eye (so his top teeth were on the eyebrow and bottom teeth were right below the eye). A few years later, we were talking about ds7's legendary biting. Ds10 says: "Remember that time he bit my eye? All I could see was the back of his throat." :lol:


He did eventually stop biting, BTW.

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My used to run a daycare and my younger brother was a biter. She had to make many apologies. He was just the type of kid that didn't yell when mad, just held it in until he exploded (which meant biting). It does get better:grouphug:

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:grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: I worked in preK and remember one kid in particular that was a biter. I felt terrible for his mom because I knew she was a fantastic mom. I have no doubt you are a fantastic mom as well. Have you looked into other centers? Will they let you reapply for care aftrer a break?

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:grouphug::grouphug:I had two biters. One, fortunately, only went after family. I was a biter myself. We do outgrow it. (Though I must admit that when pushed to the limit the urge still hits me. I swear my teeth start aching...:D)

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Please don't flick his mouth. Please?


Biters are often (usually, as a matter of fact) oral sensory seekers. They seek sensation (input). If they don't get it appropriately, they will get it inappropriately.


The way to take the edge off his seeking to bite include:



  • Designating a biting toy that you give "instead". "Here, ds, bit this, not people".
  • Offering a variety of taste sensations, to the limit he enjoys: salty, savory, sweet. Try things like cinnamon, salsa, sausage.
  • Offering a variety of chew textures: crispy, chewy, soft (bagels, fruit leather, mashed taters)
  • Offering a variety of temp options: hot, cold, warm. Try smoothies, ice cream, hot chocolate, soup, etc.

Teach him a different way to communicate the following:


Get out of my body space (word or baby sign or ask for help)

I want a turn (use the word, or a baby sign)

I'm excited! (High five, jump up and down, squeal)

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My son was a biter (and headbanger and hitter). It all started at 4 months. He had the propensity until he was four. I, sad to say, tried every trick in the book. Then I finally took responsibility as his caregiver to just not allow it to happen (not to other people but not to let him have that experience either). I do the same with my current 1 yr old whose behavior of choice is hitting. I did the same as the toddler 1 and 2 teacher in a large daycare. It was very rare that there was a biting incident (like twice ever) because I was determined to not allow it to happen. Having the propensity for biting should not mean the child bites.


In addition to taking responsibility, I completely agree with Joanne (surprise surprise there -at least about this topic-, I'm sure). Sensory play (though I would add more than just oral) and a lot of physical activity help tremendously as does working with kiddos on their communication skills and tools.


Anyway, so *I* would be upset that the daycare didn't address the issue appropriately and your son got that experience again in their care. And I would find a center who would work with your son and you to best give him what he needs to do better in the future.


This is not to say your son is completely off the hook. I think it more than reasonable to be quite firm and directive with him. However, I think adults taking responsibility and disciplining (teaching/guiding) can be very helpful until he outgrows this stage.

Edited by 2J5M9K
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This is the child watch center at the gym, not a licensed daycare. They watch your kiddo while you work out. Not sure how much guidance, etc, the kids get behaviorally in that situation.


No advice, but :grouphug: I hope he gets past this phase soon.

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Thanks. I'm quite sad over this really. I'll either have to get up extra early or workout after dh gets home. I'll consider your other posts regarding stimulation. He doesn't usually bite when he's mad, it's more like an affectionate kiss gone terribly wrong. Of course, I didn't see what happened. That little girl's bite was really bad. Once again I am just thankful the mom was so nice about it.

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