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I have a love/hate relationship with the library!

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I LOVE having all the resources. I LOVE that it gets my kids excited to check out books! I LOVE that they are learning library/research skills. I LOVE the feeling I get that this is encouraging their love of reading and of learning....


I HATE having to keep up with the books. It seems to never fail, no matter how strict I try to be on where they keep the books, one always seems to fall through the cracks. So we are late to get somewhere and one of my kids is saying "Mooommmm....I can't FIND it!"

I HATE paying overdue fines. If we don't have a reason to go to the library, then I often forget to get the books back in time. One time, my kids had checked out a big stack of books. I didn't discourage how many books they got because I thought it was great that they were that excited about it! I got a notice from the library that my books were overdue. (of course, the library's notice wasn't sent to me until the books were 2 weeks overdue). I rushed to the library, beating myself up inside for forgetting to get these books back, only to find I had a $75 FINE!!!!! OUCH! :eek:

So they tell me I should sign up for Library Elf. I do. I think things will be okay now. But....no. The Elf system is supposed to remind me every day for a week until my books are back. It reminded me once. I tell my kids "Everyone get your library books, we're taking them back today."

Kid #2 "Mooommmmm....I can't find such and such book."

Kid #3 "Mooommmm....I can't find the such and such video."

Me: "Ok. We're late now. We'll just return what we have and I'll renew those items when we get back home. After all, we have a week before they are due, and the Elf system is going to remind me." (sound like famous last words to anyone???)

Somehow the Elf system never sent me another notice. You guessed it, I forgot to renew when I got home. And now I'm here again. My kid #2 STILL can't find the book. We are needing to leave to meet a friend. And I got a late notice from the library that the book is now 2 weeks late. again. *sigh*


For some reason I feel so embarrassed when I have to pay a late fine at the library (not to mention the pain it is to my wallet! I could have bought brand new books with that $$$!). It feels like being sent to the principal's office! :D

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I can keep up with my library books through my account online. I also have google calendar send me reminders to renew. As far as keeping up with the physical location of the books at home, we have a library basket. If the kids want some of the books in their rooms they have to leave an index card in the library basket stating how many books and titles they took to their room. Their room library books have to stay on their nightstand at the end of the day. Usually they remember at bedtime if they left one in their backpack or car bc they don't see it on their nighttable for bedtime reading. That is how we do it - we don't pay fines and we have checked out 25-100 books at a time over the years for picture books, reading books and elementary TQ history reading.

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I manage our HEAVY library use online, by renewing materials once a week (Tuesday in my case)--and I renew everything that will be due before the following Tuesday (I can see due dates online). This means that everything ends up being due on a Tuesday, and we go to the library every Tuesday. We have dedicated shelves for library books at home (in a few different rooms), and my kids pay any library fines out of their allowance. But really--renewing everything once a week that will be due before that date the following week makes managing our library books soooooo much easier!

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I have Library Elf email me EVERY day, and I get my reminder notices of what is due THREE days before they are due (and every day thereafter). I also renew everything online, and then I can see what I wasn't able to renew because it was on hold. We are at the library at least three time a week or so, just doing drop-offs, and pick-ups of what I requested.

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Our library also provides online account information and email notices, as does the other library with whom we have reciprocal privileges. We keep all library books either on top of the piano or on a nearby table and the kids can take away one at a time.


However, we live in a smallish, one-level ranch, so there aren't a lot of places books can go. Movies are a little harder. We don't check them out as often for that reason. Netflix discs sometimes spend a long time at our house because we've misplaced either the disc, the sleeve, our the return mailer.

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We have a bin we keep all unread library books in and a heavy duty canvas tote we put all read books in to go back to the library.


Do your children get any kind of allowance or have money in a piggy bank? At those ages, in our house, if they can't find a book when it's due, they pay the fine. It's only $0.10/day, but it has encouraged them to keep track of the books better.


Also, to keep myself organized, we go to the library one day a week. So we don't have to worry if we have books due Wednesday or Thursday, etc. We know it's Saturday, so we have books to return (and more to borrow).

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I try so hard to stay on top of our library books! We also have a dedicated shelf for library books that is away from our other library books. I can access our accounts online, so I daily check when things are due. I have *currently* (knock on wood) not had to pay any fines to date, although I almost did when one child decided that under the kitchen table (in a little nook) was a good place to hide a book. :tongue_smilie:


Libraries are really such great resources, though. I am so thankful to have access to a decent one.

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My son still can't find that book! Ugg! Thanks for all the help! I really did better when we went to the library once a week. In the Summer we are off schedule, so it's not so organized! :glare:


The "Elf" system sends out reminders. The problem is, I didn't realize that my kids cards weren't on it. So I didn't get their reminders. I've fixed that!


Having a regular day to get on the internet and renew items is a great idea. That way it buys me some more time until we can get to our library. I really need a class or something that makes me get to the library once a week. My daughter used to have a writing co-op that met there. We didn't pay a single fine that year! Maybe I should start a writing class myself, just to have a scheduled reason to get to the library! :D

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Our library also has online access to accounts and I signed up for email notification. The most helpful thing, though, has been to have a regular library day. For us it's Weds--every week. I know I'll get a notification on Monday. Then on Weds I go online, check my account, and renew everything that's due that day. Then I find the books that must go back (couldn't renew) and gather any others that the kids are done with. I don't have a good system for keeping them in a handy spot, though most of them can be found in the school room. But the regular library day--and all that goes with it--has become part of our routine.

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Oh, I have library issues, too. And they send me e-mails to remind me and everything. Here's a transcript of an actual conversation I had with the librarian as I was forking over wads of cash.

Librarian: You know you can renew on-line and on the phone.

Me: Yes, I know that.

Librarian: And we have a book drop slot, so when you're out and about...

Me: Yes, I know that, too.

Librarian: You know, a lady was in here the other day and was telling me about her....

Me: Book basket. Yes, we actually do have one of those. I'm just irresponsible.


And then I took my receipt, grabbed my children and left.

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Oh, I have library issues, too. And they send me e-mails to remind me and everything. Here's a transcript of an actual conversation I had with the librarian as I was forking over wads of cash.

Librarian: You know you can renew on-line and on the phone.

Me: Yes, I know that.

Librarian: And we have a book drop slot, so when you're out and about...

Me: Yes, I know that, too.

Librarian: You know, a lady was in here the other day and was telling me about her....

Me: Book basket. Yes, we actually do have one of those. I'm just irresponsible.


And then I took my receipt, grabbed my children and left.


:lol: BTDT!!! It sounds like a conversation I've had! When I had that $75 fine the librarians actually told me I should limit my kids to only 2 books. I thought it was strange for them to suggest that I discourage my kids in their excitment! She was trying to be helpful, but she also said it with a disdain in her voice, like I should have known better. Like if I was a more responsible mother this would not have happened. :tongue_smilie: Sheesh! I know! Please don't remind me! :D

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I have Library Elf open as one of the tabs of my "home page" in Firefox. That way, I'm prompted to check it every day. Sometimes, though, you just gotta think of those fines as the cost of using the library, which is STILL a huge bargain, when you think about it.

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Oh, I have library issues, too. And they send me e-mails to remind me and everything. Here's a transcript of an actual conversation I had with the librarian as I was forking over wads of cash.

Librarian: You know you can renew on-line and on the phone.

Me: Yes, I know that.

Librarian: And we have a book drop slot, so when you're out and about...

Me: Yes, I know that, too.

Librarian: You know, a lady was in here the other day and was telling me about her....

Me: Book basket. Yes, we actually do have one of those. I'm just irresponsible.


And then I took my receipt, grabbed my children and left.

HA! I've had almost exactly that same conversation.

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For some reason I feel so embarrassed when I have to pay a late fine at the library


I work at a library. There's no reason to feel embarrassed. Some people are apolgize for a $.10 fine. Others don't want to pay anything on a $7 fine. It makes no difference to us.


BUT $75 in late fees??????? Whatever your library is charging is outrageous. We need to up our fine structure, but we charge $.05 per day for books, max late fee is $3 per book--even if you turn it in a year late (as someone did today, a bunch of motorcycle books, and paid a $20 late fee. He was very happy, and we were just glad to have the books back).


We don't like fines either!

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I pay lots of late fees, too. And struggle to stay on top of those books! My kids check out tons, but I check out even more! It's like I have this hoarding thing going on...I get all excited to see all of these books and I can take anything I want...and I want it all! :D (And I really do read them...most of them).


The set day for library visits sounds like a good plan that might help me. And I like the library shelf idea.


Up to this point, I just chalk our fees up to donations for the library! (Even though I have to pay $100 a year to go to this specific library...)

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Having a regular day to get on the internet and renew items is a great idea. That way it buys me some more time until we can get to our library. I really need a class or something that makes me get to the library once a week. My daughter used to have a writing co-op that met there. We didn't pay a single fine that year! Maybe I should start a writing class myself, just to have a scheduled reason to get to the library! :D


That's exactly why my library day is Tuesday; that's also our grocery shopping day, and Safeway is practically next door to the library. I like this system because it puts me in control of when the books come due; with the amount of stuff we take out (I calculated it one year, and my estimate was over $10K worth of materials borrowed!) Library Elf just became annoying, as well as so frequent I tended to tune it out. Kinda like Flylady email updates when I tried to get a handle on house cleaning, but that's a whole nother thread. :tongue_smilie:

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I work at a library. There's no reason to feel embarrassed. Some people are apolgize for a $.10 fine. Others don't want to pay anything on a $7 fine. It makes no difference to us.


BUT $75 in late fees??????? Whatever your library is charging is outrageous. We need to up our fine structure, but we charge $.05 per day for books, max late fee is $3 per book--even if you turn it in a year late (as someone did today, a bunch of motorcycle books, and paid a $20 late fee. He was very happy, and we were just glad to have the books back).


We don't like fines either!


Yeah, I have to say, I was really burned by that! It shook me! I totally was not expecting that amount, especially for only being 2 weeks (not 2 months) late. Our library charges 25 cents per day with (obviously) no max.

Thanks for the kind words from a librarian! It makes me feel better about it all! :001_smile:

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