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What to do in Boston if one has already done

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all the "normal" touristy stuff. We're going for a week. We spent a week there about 2 years ago. We've already been to Bunker Hill, the Constitution, the aquarium, Paul Revere's house, Old North Church, etc.


Is there anyplace I can drive to the beach?


We will be staying downtown Boston.

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Singing beach is lovely. It is north of Boston.


One place I used to take people who came to visit was to the Christian Science headquarters. I am not of that faith, not even close, but there is a stained glass world globe room that you walk through on a glass bridge (so you are actually on the inside of the stained glass world globe) that is just incredible. It was free when we used to go and everyone I took loved it. It doesn't take long but it is really pretty cool. If you go, be sure to stand at the very center and whisper.


Also, catching a live Boston Pops concert down at the river is really wonderful too.


I miss Boston:glare:.

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Also, you can take the ferry over to Martha's Vineyard or Nantucket. You can ride bikes or scooters around and they have lots of wonderful beaches. I think you can do at least one of these as a day trip but can't remember which one. Or you could drive to the Cape, which is also lovely.

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There are some in town beaches, like Castle Island or Revere or Malibu beach in Dorchester, and then there are lots of ocean beaches if you don't mind driving. Salem is a nice day trip; you can see the House of Seven Gables and then all the witch stuff. Have you done the Museum of Science? A Duck boat tour? whale watching?

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Georges Island is really cool. It has an old fort to visit and a beach. You have to bring food, but there is a small snack shop. And, bring a flashlight to explore the old fort - parts are pitch black.


Did you already do Plymouth Plantation? Whale watch out of Gloucester. Franklin Zoo, top of the Prudential.

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It's north of Boston -- a bit of a drive, but if you go all the way to the end of the island/peninsula, there's a wonderful beach with a tide pool area that is amazingly full of cool things. We found huge clam shells -- unbroken, many other unique and interesting shells, occasionally sand dollars and starfish, even.


Also, there are areas where the sand is a maroonish purple color.


(Okay, we moved 8 years ago, so this might be somewhat out of date... I'd see if you can find recent info online, since a lot can change in 8 years!)


Less of a drive (but maybe you saw one or both as part of the more typical 'touristy' places) are Walden Pond and Concord. We used to live about 10 minutes from each.


Have fun -- Boston is firmly in the 'GREAT place to visit, but I'm glad I don't live there anymore' category in my heart!


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Duck boats are a lot of fun :) If you have a car and can drive to the Cape then I strongly recommend that as a fun place to go, lots of shopping, beautiful rocky beaches and wonderful bike trail along the canal. Also if you have a car, then Concord is full of history. First shot heard round the world :) Minuteman National Park - Old North Bridge. Sleepy Hollow Cemetery - the burial site of a number of famous Concordians, including some of the United States' greatest authors and thinkers, especially on a hill known as "Author's Ridge." Visit Walden Pond or go for a bike ride on the minuteman trail. PM me if you have any questions - I lived there for 10 years :)

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If you are museum folks, the Gardner Museum is fantastic. I second Plum Island! And a drive into the Berkshires is a treat in the opposite direction. Tanglewood! There are also walking tours of the downtown building in Boston that add another dimension to the city that isn't just early America. Then, of course, you could just eat your way around!! Great restaurants. (I loved Boston when I lived there...)

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