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Being induced

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So, dw went in for her 39 week check up today, she had not progressed any (still a 2) and measured smaller than before. They did a NST(?) and a sono. She just called to say they are admitting her and inducing due to a low level of fluid, it is below 5% or something like that.

Luckily I was able to be home to watch the girls during this appointment, so I don't have to get this message at work and rush home. Looks like we will be packing some bags, I will drop the girls off at a friends, and we will be having a baby sometime soon.

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Congratulations :) Praying you're little bundle has arrived!


Side note: I was induced with dd1 because of low fluid at 40w. I was induced at 9am on 3/8 and that little stinker didn't show up until 1am on the 9th. Long process, but obviously so worth it!

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