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Should I read Gone with the Wind?

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You should read it if for nothing else but to understand all the references made to it.

skit, "Fiddle-de-de," "I'll think about it tomorrow. . .at Tara!," "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies," Frankly my dear, I don't give a ****."


And if you ever go to Atlanta, you'll need to know who Aunt Pitty Pat is & why anyone would want to go to her porch & eat!

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There's a phrase from GWTW that I use all the time. Rhett was the one who said it in the book. It's:


"The dogs bark, but the caravan passes on."


I'd say always that when my kids would beg me to buy them things in the store. (Yes, I was likening my dear children to dogs.) When I walk my dog nowadays, and he wants to stop and bark at other dogs, I pull him along and say Rhett's phrase to him.

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I say read the first few chapters. If it grabs your attention you will probably read it obsessively until you finish. If you just can't get into it . . . skim it or skip it. Nobody can read EVERY book and it's up to you what you skip :)


I read it 20 years ago and I still vividly remember the differences between the book and the movie. Of course, I also appreciated the lousy sequel because I wanted more of the story.



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Of course. :001_smile:


It may change your view of the War of Northern Agression. Just so you know. :D


You and I must be related. LOL My aunt and uncle can talk your ear off about the War of Northern Agression.


Oh and OP- Yes I think you should read this book!

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It's a fast read for a long book. I read it one summer when I was in high school. It didn't take me very long.


That said, it's not a book I'd force myself to get through if I didn't enjoy it. I'd say check it out of the library, read a couple of chapters, and see if you want to go on. If you don't, I would feel no guilt about putting it aside, or fear that you're missing an essential book.

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You should read it if for nothing else but to understand all the references made to it.
skit, "Fiddle-de-de," "I'll think about it tomorrow. . .at Tara!," "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthin' no babies," Frankly my dear, I don't give a ****."


And if you ever go to Atlanta, you'll need to know who Aunt Pitty Pat is & why anyone would want to go to her porch & eat!


I think most cultural references can be found in the movie, though.

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I read my grandmothers copy when the book was first printed which made the book all the more exciting. I had seen the movie first and found the book later. I was in high school and read through it fairly quickly. The book was so much better than the movie, as many have mentioned before.

But it makes no sense for you to trudge through a book you are not interested in simply to cross it off a list. Try a few chapters out before you give up on reading it.

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I hated it and considered it highly aesthetically unpleasing. :)


I'm so glad to see at least a couple people who don't love it. I hated it, or at least what I could slog through. I've tried to read it about 4 times at various ages because I thought I "should" and I could never get into it. It is the one book I have never finished cover to cover and I read a lot. Usually I can force myself to read anything out of a desire to see things through to give the author a chance to redeem him or herself at the end.


I agree with whoever said to read the first few chapters, heck the first 100 pages since it goes quickly, and see if you like it. I'm American and southern too and have lived very close to "Tara." Still don't like the book and have never watched the movie.

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