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moms of many young boys, what do you use to clean

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Kristen - I was thinking along the same lines. I remember years ago there was one couple in our group of friends and everyone knew she made her dh sit to pee. I guess all the other couples giggled and talked about it when they weren't around. It was the first I'd ever heard of a man being made to sit. I don't know if the guy had bad aim or why that rule was in place, but after seeing everyone else make fun of both of them for it I didn't think it would ever be a good idea to have that rule in my house.

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:iagree: Yeah, I mentioned to DH that several women on this board had their male family members do this and he was absolutely stunned. He didn't believe me that even one woman made that rule, let alone more than one. He just said "You know that would never fly in this house, right?? I am not. a. girl." :lol:


Joking aside, I really am curious - for those of you that have this rule - did your DH object at all? Do the boys do that in public as well or just at home? I'm really curious now because I have never in my life heard of boys or men sitting to pee at home.



The sitting is my husband's rule. He says if any man has to clean his own bathroom on a weekly basis, he would sit. Toilets are made for sitting. If a man wants to stand, he needs to install a urinal.

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If you can make them sit, you can make them clean.


As far as emasculating goes, I think that having your wife MAKE you sit down to pee because you won't clean up after yourself IS a little emasculating. Grown men should be able to aim and clean it up if they miss without their wife making them, right?


Nonsense. Potty training usually happens far younger than cleaning chores are given. Most 3 year olds aren't going to clean the bathroom to my standards.


I agree about husbands. I have never had to tell my dh how to do anything in the bathroom and don't expect I ever will.


I have no idea what to make of grown men who are oblivious to such disgusting habits that their wives have to tell them to sit on the toilet or remind them to clean the urine off the wall/floor.:confused:


If my dh has ever been messy in the bathroom, I don't now about it because he cleans up. I'm not sure why any grown person would have to be told to do so.


Kristen - I was thinking along the same lines. I remember years ago there was one couple in our group of friends and everyone knew she made her dh sit to pee. I guess all the other couples giggled and talked about it when they weren't around. It was the first I'd ever heard of a man being made to sit. I don't know if the guy had bad aim or why that rule was in place, but after seeing everyone else make fun of both of them for it I didn't think it would ever be a good idea to have that rule in my house.


Wow. Or maybe it would be a better rule to find some better friends to hang out with instead.


Of course. I say that. But I will totally be discussing this with my friends at some point.:tongue_smilie:

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Nonsense. Potty training usually happens far younger than cleaning chores are given. Most 3 year olds aren't going to clean the bathroom to my standards.


I agree about husbands. I have never had to tell my dh how to do anything in the bathroom and don't expect I ever will.


I have no idea what to make of grown men who are oblivious to such disgusting habits that their wives have to tell them to sit on the toilet or remind them to clean the urine off the wall/floor.:confused:


If my dh has ever been messy in the bathroom, I don't now about it because he cleans up. I'm not sure why any grown person would have to be told to do so.




Wow. Or maybe it would be a better rule to find some better friends to hang out with instead.


Of course. I say that. But I will totally be discussing this with my friends at some point.:tongue_smilie:


I did find new ones. :)

But it's just something I never thought about until all these people were making fun of that couple!

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Mine all sit down. Dh agrees that I should not have to clean up others urine all the time. The boys have been taught this since they were young so not complaining here.


Now they do love to go where they can stand. But at home they sit.


I also just use a simple bathroom cleaner to clean around the area.



Side note Dh is the one who decided that the sit and pee. No one complains at our house. I let males who use the bathroom know if they stand they need to clean.

Edited by hsmom
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Kristen - I was thinking along the same lines. I remember years ago there was one couple in our group of friends and everyone knew she made her dh sit to pee. I guess all the other couples giggled and talked about it when they weren't around. It was the first I'd ever heard of a man being made to sit. I don't know if the guy had bad aim or why that rule was in place, but after seeing everyone else make fun of both of them for it I didn't think it would ever be a good idea to have that rule in my house.


:confused: Why, how on EARTH?! Did this woman follow her dh into the bathroom, grab him by the hips and push him down onto the toilet?! I just cannot imagine, for the life of me how a grown woman FORCES a grown man to sit down to urinate. Was it at gunpoint? Cuz I imagine that just SEEING the gun would have forced urination, standing OR sitting. :001_huh:


I can understand forcing your SON, but your husband?? Thankfully, my dh likes his privacy. I can't for the life of me imagine trying to control how her urinates. (of course, my MIL taught him to be very clean so I have just never thought of his pee posture.)

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:confused: Why, how on EARTH?! Did this woman follow her dh into the bathroom, grab him by the hips and push him down onto the toilet?! I just cannot imagine, for the life of me how a grown woman FORCES a grown man to sit down to urinate. Was it at gunpoint? Cuz I imagine that just SEEING the gun would have forced urination, standing OR sitting. :001_huh:


I can understand forcing your SON, but your husband?? Thankfully, my dh likes his privacy. I can't for the life of me imagine trying to control how her urinates. (of course, my MIL taught him to be very clean so I have just never thought of his pee posture.)


Hehe...I have no idea. I think she was just the boss. :)

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:confused: Why, how on EARTH?! Did this woman follow her dh into the bathroom, grab him by the hips and push him down onto the toilet?! I just cannot imagine, for the life of me how a grown woman FORCES a grown man to sit down to urinate. Was it at gunpoint? Cuz I imagine that just SEEING the gun would have forced urination, standing OR sitting. :001_huh:


I can understand forcing your SON, but your husband?? Thankfully, my dh likes his privacy. I can't for the life of me imagine trying to control how her urinates. (of course, my MIL taught him to be very clean so I have just never thought of his pee posture.)




I mean, really? What is WRONG with people that they think socially belittling their spouse is ok? Ever. (not just in this case) And, I'm sorry, I'm a little left of liberal but I DO NOT discuss my husband's urinary (or any other personal) habits with friends. Good. Grief. Tacky, tacky, tacky. (and no, a general discussion of how things go at your house on a message board is not the same)

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:iagree: At one time I also made my son start sitting down. He hated that so it was good incentive. In the bathroom that had tile I had to use a bottle that was diluted bleach and water, and use it every day. Spraying lysol around the area helped some too. For the toilet that is on hardwood, I would buy a couple of those contour rugs that fit around the toilet and wash them regularly.

Yes! I make my boys sit until they can aim properly.

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