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Can stress really be the culprit of these health issues?

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The last 18 months have been incredibly stressful with many life changing events occurring. Last year at this time I went to the dr complaining of aches and pains . . . mostly hands and feet and elbows. He did blood work all of which came back normal. Since then I developed alopecia (loosing two patches of hair). That seems to be better. The last patch fell out in January and is growing back on its own.


Anyway the dr said "stress". Now I know stress can wreak havoc on the body but I just feel plain lousy. And the aching has come back (it seems to come and go). And two weeks ago I developed a weird rash on the back of my hands . . . rash with tiny blisters. dr said it was an allergic rash, prescribed cortisone and it did mostly clear up but I still see it.


I exercise every day . . . mostly walking and some running. I used to run daily, approx. 35 km a week. Now its hard for me to run. But I do get out every day.


I have gained weight but I eat a pretty healthy diet.


All this can be related to stress? Really? Then how do I change things?


I'm feeling a bit desperate. (btw I'm in my mid-40's).

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Stress is often a diagnosis used when a doctor doesn't know what is going on.


However, stress can cause many weird symptoms. My aunt lost much of her hair and her skin was peeling really badly all over her body. She thought she was dying. Then she finally broke up with her difficult husband and it was all better. I, who rarely ever has a monthly cycle, bled for 6 weeks once. It stopped the day my husband left. That day. The doctor had even told me it was stress and he was quite correct.


Yes it can be stress, but don't let them blow you off in case it isn't.

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In my experience, yes, stress can cause many, many medical problems. It's really good you're exercising and eating healthy. How's your sleep patterns? Are you getting enough restful hours? Do you have a hobby you enjoy? These are things that are easy to let slip, especially when life is so frantic and hard.

I also find my health negatively affected when I'm depressed. I usually try meditation and yoga as well as carving out some fun time with the kids and hubby.

I hope you get to feeling better soon!

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In my experience, yes, stress can cause many, many medical problems. It's really good you're exercising and eating healthy. How's your sleep patterns? Are you getting enough restful hours? Do you have a hobby you enjoy? These are things that are easy to let slip, especially when life is so frantic and hard.

I also find my health negatively affected when I'm depressed. I usually try meditation and yoga as well as carving out some fun time with the kids and hubby.

I hope you get to feeling better soon!


Sleep is definitely an issue. I've never been a good sleeper but now that I'm having to work full time and homeschool teens, well lets just say I'm lucky when I get 6.5 hours a night and I know that's not enough for me. But if I get more sleep than I'd lose the exercise time (I get up at 5 to exercise before work.) I'll have to try and go to bed even a bit earlier.

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Sleep is definitely an issue. I've never been a good sleeper but now that I'm having to work full time and homeschool teens, well lets just say I'm lucky when I get 6.5 hours a night and I know that's not enough for me. But if I get more sleep than I'd lose the exercise time (I get up at 5 to exercise before work.) I'll have to try and go to bed even a bit earlier.


Your body makes most of its serotonin between sunrise and two hours after. Are you able to switch your exercise to another time of day? Lunch time? Right after work? I'd be really surprised if that didn't make a difference. At the end of the day, serotonin converts to melatonin, the sleep hormone. If you don't have enough serotonin left at the end of the day, you won't have enough melatonin to last the night, so you'll sleep badly.



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Guest momk2000
All those are symptoms of autoimmune diseases. Which isn't to say that's definitely what it is, but the combination of symptoms would make me want to look into that possibility.




I have been struggling with quite a list of symptoms for the past 3yrs, so far my tests have all come back normal, but I still believe I have an autoimmune disease.

If your doc. doesn't take you seriously, find a new one. It took me 4 primary care docs to find one that actuaally listens. I hope you find an answer soon. :grouphug:

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Yes! I was perfectly healthy until late dh passed. I was left with an infant, a toddler, and a rising Ker. Plus, my stepdd's mother took her from me the day he passed....after I had raised her for eight years.


It was exactly a year from the date of his death when I started experiencing symptoms.....chest pain, joint pain, muscle pain, sore pressure points all over my body, numbness all down the left side of my body, extreme fatigue, insomnia, ibs, racing heart, heartburn that NO drug would help, dizziness, and more. I went to several doctors, had numerous tests, and they all told me it was depression when they found out my situation. I had experienced depression in the past and knew that this was not what I was experiencing. I was SSSSOOOOOO scared because I was afraid I had something horrible......at the least fibro or RA.


I finally went to chiropractor that also practices homeopathic medicine. He diagnosed me with adrenal fatigue, some digestive issues, hypoglycemia, hormone imbalance, and Hashimoto's hypothyroidism. Much of this is caused by stress or a by product of it on the body. He started me on a nutrition and supplement plan plus I finally found an endo that would deal with my hypothyroidism as I prefer. I saw GREAT improvement in how I felt and I now have NO aches or pains. I do have to stay focused on my nutrition and supplements or I will start to feel tired and draggy again, but otherwise I feel great.


They say to get rid of your stress or learn healthy ways to deal with it. The thing is, I didn't feel stressed. I was content that God was in control and we would be okay.

Edited by mothergooseofthree
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Stress is often a diagnosis used when a doctor doesn't know what is going on.


However, stress can cause many weird symptoms.


Both of these.


I have an anxiety disorder. The array of symptoms that stress and anxiety can produce is truly amazing.


However, it's also not uncommon for doctor's to write off symptoms, especially those of women, as psychosomatic without really investigating the cause.


I'd probably keep an open mind about the possibility of it being stress-related, and do what you can to reduce stress--since that can't hurt in any case--but to push for more than simple blood work, just to rule out physical causes.

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I agree with all the suggested possibilities- stress, auto immune, thyroid....your doctor can run thyroid tests including and auto immune antibody test. Or find a doctor who will.


But even if its thyroid and/or autoimmune, stress is probably triggering or exacerbating symptoms. Your body has self healing mechanisms but lack of sleep and stress interfere with them. When animals are sick, they withdraw, are quiet, sleep and fast. They don't keep going and going.


Working full time and homeschooling teenagers? Do you have an end in sight or is this likely to go on for years? I don't know how I would do it. If your health is failing maybe it's a sign it really is too much.

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I was going to suggest adrenal fatigue, too. Stress and lack of sleep do not do good things for your adrenals. And the effects will last for a LONG time after the stress is gone. And adrenal fatigue can affect your thyroid, immune system...all sorts of things. Get on a B complex asap and then start doing some research....get those adrenals back in working order!

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