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Little things that drive you insane?

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A member of my DH's family uses some sort powder on her body as needed(could be morning, could be middle of the night). Inside legs and such....


She gets powder all over my bathroom floors, walls, toilet paper, book basket and whatever else is in there.


She never cleans it up(which may not be possible due to her weight issues), asks her husband or someone else to clean it up, thinks to lay a towel down before doing it, or even apologizing for the mess made.


She also never lets anyone know that she's made a mess, so if you walk into the bathroom unaware you step all over feminine powder. :glare:


Drives me up a wall and grosses me out. I try to take deep breaths and tell myself she only visits for a week or so at time.

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Yep, people chewing. Makes me out of my mind crazy as if I just want to start clawing my face. It actually hurts my ears. My problem so I try not to say anything but it's really hard not to, well unless they are eating with their mouth open and then I figure it is fair game. It's actually making me cringe just thinking about it.


Yep. ANY chewing or swallowing noises! Makes me feel like David Banner just before he turned into the Hulk! When at home, I try to have music on or some other noise to drown out those sounds.

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How do you handle your own personal reaction to certain things that just set you off? For example, lately I've really come to feel absolutely disgusted by the sound of chewing, even with the person's mouth closed. I just hear it. Eww.. And a particular person in my life says the word 'so' after everything said. I don't know why, but it drives me batty. I don't think it's important enough to say anything aloud. I believe this is my issue but I just can't get past it. Egads! There are other little things too. It's like a barrage of uncomfortable feelings all day long. It's so weird!


That is one of my triggers too, but I keep my mouth shut and move away if I can. I know it is usually just because I am on edge that I am so hyper-aware.


Every day I wash my face and hang up my washcloth. All day every day, people knock it onto the floor when they dry their hands on the towel it shares a rack with and I have to throw it in the wash, just can't bring myself to put it back on my face. sigh

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People creasing paper...drives me up the wall, and if you do it more than once I WILL snatch that paper out of your hands or run from the room!


Constant repeated sniffing. My poor dd has had horrible allergies all her life, and until recently she drove me nuts on a daily basis by sniffing all day. Thank GOODNESS she is finally getting those allergies under control.

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Yes! Yes! What IS that??


And the shoes. My word, the shoes! How can you only find one of them? Do you take one off and go one-shoe clinking to another room to remove the other? And then... Where is MY other shoe? Because I know perfectly well I took them both off in the same place.


Unless you have a puppy in the house, that is mysterious. :001_huh:

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I cannot stand when someone is talking and they list a few things but they make their voice go high at the end like the list is going to continue. It's hard to explain.


For example: "I have to do the dishes, I have to do the laundry..." and their voice ends in a high pitch like they're going to continue the list but they don't. I just want to yell "And?! What else???! Finish the sentence!!"


My mom is what I like to call a "trailer offer". She'll start to say something and then....


Drove me nuts for years. :banghead: Especially when I was in my teens.


Lately though, especially since turning forty, I've started doing it myself. It's because sometimes I am talking, get distracted and forget what I was going to say :bored:.


It's really sort of.....



















frustrating. :tongue_smilie:

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