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Thorough Language ARts...is there "one?"


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I posted before on my struggle for next year, but I think I asked too many questions all at once, and my confusion was probably contagious...thus only one reply. So I'm going to try to be more focused here...bear with me:tongue_smilie:


Rising 2nd and 4th graders. Have done FLL with both. Finished FLL1 and FLL 3 this year. Tried WWE for 2 years...I'm going to duck for cover as I say this on this forum, but we dreaded WWE.:001_huh: This has been a challenging year (and my second year hs'ing 4 kids ages 7-13) due to some health challenges for one of my kids. I need next year to be simple and thorough. Feeling like I failed my kids this year. But can't be jumping all over the place next year.


Is there one Language Arts curriculum that is fairly thorough in all aspects of L.Arts? Actually, not worried about spelling (going to do AAS with both girls), and may do IEW for writing. But something to cover everything else. Grammar, mechanics, usage, etc...? I've considered just doing Abeka (sigh) just because it's all there. Any input would be great. I don't mind "teaching" my kids, but Shurley seems overwhelming. GWG doesn't sound thorough, and same with MCT (no practice).



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I didn't like A Beka for Language. I am on the fence with FLL-some of it is great, some not so much. Have you looked at Rod and Staff or BJU? I think that both are very good but BJU's TM is far and above better than any that I have seen. You can see samples of R&S on rodandstaffbooks.com or BJU's at christianbook.com. Good luck!

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I have wondered this same question. Sometimes I get tired of piecing it all together and feel that there must be an easier way. But, the problem is that I really like everything we are using!!! :001_smile:


I've looked into CLE math, though...so maybe I'll check out their LA too.


Those of you who have used it, did you feel that it covered everything thoroughly? (not to hijack...I could start another thread...)

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My top three are First Language Lessons, Rod and Staff English and CLE Language Arts (in that order). We have settled now on R&S English but we've used all three.


R&S is more mastery, in that you work on nouns for several lessons, then verbs, then adjectives, etc. with oral review all along. CLE is more spiral in that you learn a little something new each day and then move on while having review as well each day. CLE also includes spelling (not the greatest IMO) and handwriting (which I do like). I feel more than sure that *everything* will be covered with R&S or CLE - just each in their own way.


Hope that helps,

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I am a grammar curriculum junkie!! :tongue_smilie: So, I have used many of these out there. I started with Abeka for K and 1st because that's what I grew up using. Then I read TWTM and off I went to First Language Lessons, which I guess was ok, but I was really bored with it. Then I tried Rod and Staff for 3rd gd. Very thorough, but I could quickly see that my boys were bored stiff, and it reminded me of growing up on Abeka. And really, in all honesty, at that age, I just don't think that much rigor in grammar is necessary--esp with boys! :) A good friend of mine was using Growing with Grammar and said she liked it, so that was 4th grade!! Again, it was ok, but still not what I was looking for. And then, 5th grade (this past year), I bought Easy Grammar, and we all loved it! They really learned a lot, and it was just so straight-forward and, well, easy to do! Now, did it click this year because they were at the age to finally understand it, or was it the curriculum...IDK...but all I know is, we liked it and are sticking with it! Actually, I'm doing Daily Grams (the daily review of Easy Grammar) this year to focus more on writing, which we're using Writing Aids with Tapestry of Grace. Then the year after we'll do the full Easy Grammar...and keep switching every other year (something Cathy Duffy had suggested in her book to do!). Anyhow, you're not the only one to struggle with LA decisions. I haven't found one that fits the bill on everything, but as far as grammar usage, we really like Easy Grammar!


Hope this helps!


Holly in KY

Mama to 11yo twin boys


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Another vote for Rod and Staff English :). It is very thorough and doesn't leave gaps. I have discovered that I don't even have a grade 2 level of grammar knowledge under my belt! I do also use WTM-style writing techniques (oral narration, copywork, dictation with our spelling program, and written narrations).

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I've seen a lot of raves for The Phonics Road recently. Another you might consider is Galore Park if you're looking for a secular resource. Both R&S and CLE were too religious (and CLE has some negative things to say about Catholics) for me to feel comfortable using.

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