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My Feat of Super Human Fortitude

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.....and how I"m paying for it now.


dc (Dear Corgi, not "dear children; I have but one child) tore his ACL on 5/19. He had surgery to replace it on 6/8. On Thursday, 6/9, I picked him up from the vet. When I lifted him from the ground (Corgis are short!) to the Suburban (Suburbans are tall!) I did something BAAAAD to my back. I have NEVER, EVER had back trouble before. Not even a twinge. But Sweet Cheetos this was bad.


I mean BAAAAD. Really BAD. Almost called my mom from right there in the vet's parking lot to bring the meat wagon and come get us all. But somehow I made it home, and sat through knitting group at my home, in AGONY.


Dh came home from work and for the first time I decided to get out of my sitting position on the heating pad at one end of the couch. I had to pee like a racehorse, and I wanted to see if I could actually move.


Short answer: NOPE. Dh helped me to bed, and spent the rest of the night medicating me and the Corgi, and helping us both up to the bathroom. Sweet, sweet man.




OMG I had serious doubts, and so did the ER doc, about whether or not I could actually make the plane. In addition to four big guns prescriptions for pain killers, prednisone and two different muscle relaxants, she gave me a letter to Southwest Airlines and one to my boss stating that I'd had an acute back injury and couldn't travel. She warned me that UNLESS I WENT STRAIGHT HOME AND LAID ON MY BACK there was no way I could go, and even if I did, the chances were slim.


So for the first time in my life, I followed doctor's orders. Dh did everything, including packing my suitcase and finishing my powerpoint presentation. And somehow, I hobbled to the plane, made it through the week, and flew home again. That was my feat of Super Human Fortitude.


Now i am in agony, because of course I shouldn't have gone, but I just had to. I am NOT a wimp, and I do NOT buckle to pain easily. But seriously, I'm in rough shape. The travel and conference were too much. I can't get in to see my doc or an orthopedist (back specialist) until next week, so in the meantime...


WHAT CAN I DO BESIDES HEAT/ICE/DRUGS? I'm stretching it as much as I can but literally, it's tough to move.


UGH....those of you with back experience, any tricks? Homeopathic stuff? Because right now a bullet to the brain is looking sweet. Or an epidural. :D


If you read my whine this far, thank you.... It feels good just to whine and stamp my feet. Well the whining feels good. Hurts to stamp my feet.



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I think if I were you, I'd have dh look for a therapeutic massage therapist (certified), possibly a Swedish massage expert, that will travel to your home. You probably have some sort of deep, soft tissue injury with nasty inflammation. A series of therapeutic massages will hopefully help reduce inflammation and restore good circulation to the area as well as relieving pressure and possible pinched nerve involvement.


I've btdt and it was when I was four months pregnant. The doctor wouldn't touch me and neither would the chiro...plus no major pain meds. Agony! A massage therapist at church was my life saver.



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I think if I were you, I'd have dh look for a therapeutic massage therapist (certified), possibly a Swedish massage expert, that will travel to your home. You probably have some sort of deep, soft tissue injury with nasty inflammation. A series of therapeutic massages will hopefully help reduce inflammation and restore good circulation to the area as well as relieving pressure and possible pinched nerve involvement.


I've btdt and it was when I was four months pregnant. The doctor wouldn't touch me and neither would the chiro...plus no major pain meds. Agony! A massage therapist at church was my life saver.




You know, I thought about that, Faith, but wondered if it would really hurt more? Or do more damage? I was looking at this place, but not knowing anything about massage therapy, I don't know if it looks like what I want.... care to take a look at the link and share your opinion?


Thanks tons!



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I wish I could help! I did physical therapy for a year after a car accident and three years later there are some days I am just in sooo much pain! If you find something great share it please :) I only do heat, not ice, but I also use Tiger Balm, you can find it at Walgreens next to Icy Hot. For my BF and I it works way better than even Tei-Fu (which also works well), which is what our physical therapists used for massage therapy. It isn't a miracle worker but it does really help.


Tiger Balm: http://www.walgreens.com/store/c/tiger-balm-neck-%26-shoulder-rub-pain-relieving-cream/ID=prod6028604-product

Tei-Fu: http://www.amazon.com/Natures-Sunshine-Massage-Lotion-tube/dp/B000J4I8O2

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That is the weird twist thing my husband has done every.single.time. he has loaded the car for a trip for the past 11 years. I had to fly him back from FL before our wedding and he was so wasted on pain killers, I wounded sometimes if we're actually married.


Get thee to a chiropractor. Post haste. It's the one hong that has been consistently helpful when he does that. (other than wobbling around in pain and twisted like a pretzel for weeks, of course)

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I would not go near a massage therapist/chiropractor or anyone else until you are seen by an orthopedist.


Most likely they will send you for physical therapy. Unfortunately the best cure for back pain/injury is rest.


I have had back issues since I was a child. I was leaning over to pick my son up out of his crib and heard a snap. I had two herniated disks that went pop. :confused:


If the pain increases/becomes unbearable I would go back to the ER (they 1000% misdiagnosed me but that is a whole other can of worms).

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I wonder if you herniated a disc. It sounds an awful lot like when I herniated a disc my neck. I couldn't stop to rest much either, because we were on vacation and I had an infant at the time. I was in so much pain, I wanted to curl up in a corner and cry.


Definitely have a scan and go to a specialist before you go to a chiropractor. Even my chiropractor warned me against going to a chiro first if it happened again--the wrong person, misdiagnosing the condition, can do more harm. And when you do go to physical therapy or a chiropractor, make sure to go to a therapist or practice that specializes in the spine.


Until then, see if you can find a therapeutic massage therapist who specializes in pain management and describe your condition. Massage therapy was a huge pain reliever for me.


And rest!


I am so sorry you're in so much pain!



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UGH....I was afraid of that. The ER doc actually mentioned that it could be, given the severity of the pain and the fact that the pain runs down both sides of my legs and hips.


I JUST. CAN'T. REST. No time-- work/kid/dog responsibilities! (Although I could use some uninterrupted knitting time, that's for sure!)



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UGH....I was afraid of that. The ER doc actually mentioned that it could be, given the severity of the pain and the fact that the pain runs down both sides of my legs and hips.


I JUST. CAN'T. REST. No time-- work/kid/dog responsibilities! (Although I could use some uninterrupted knitting time, that's for sure!)




If you start going numb go to the ER immediately.


I waited till I was totally paralyzed on one side. Ten years later I still have no feeling from my knee down.

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