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Juggling homeschooling with "me" time - Couch to 5k


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About the temper tantrum... Have you ever seen the movie "Babies?" I watched this with my girls and it was hilarious. The film follows four babies, one each from Tokyo, Namibia, San Francisco, and Mongolia. There is this scene with the Japanese baby that is a RIOT. She is having a bad day, and she throws herself on the floor and just lets it out. My girls were rolling on the floor laughing, and we watched it again and again.


Some days, you just feel like that little Japanese baby, KWIM?




I have heard about the movie but never got around to watching it. I'll definitely check it out!


This a such a great thread! I'm gonna check out the C25k, that sounds exactly what I need. I've been wanting to start running but I'm so afraid of over doing it and hurting myself.



Maybe we could start a health/exercise group to sort of provide the moral support we need??? We are all in this together-not only do our kids need us to teach them they need us to live long and healthy lives so we need to plug that into our days! :)


Go for it KatieJean!! I just picked up the C5k app for my phone app and started with that.


And the idea about starting some sort of exercise/health group- I love it and would love to get involved. Not really sure how we would go about setting something up though. In the meantime, maybe those of us with blogs can post about their experiences and relate how they doing. We can check in on each other and offer encouragement. Just a thought.....

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Just wanted to share...oh, no - this may be braggy! - that my almost 6-y-o ran with me tonight! I'm in the first week of C25K, so a gentle intro. to running. She did great and we had fun! :001_smile:



Brag away!!! That's awesome!!

Also, I just saw an inspiring story on the news about one man's journey to lose weight. Ben Does Life

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Wow, no mountains in cruising range? One of my favorite quotes is, "The mountains are calling me, and I must go" (John Muir)




Heh, I've never seen a mountain in my life except for TV. We don't even have rolling hills where I live. I'd have to go a few states south or west to see that I think.





to the OP: I have also started doing research on this very same question. I was never super active, but I used to do step aerobics and weight lifting about 12 years ago. I've had kids since then and was just thinking I have no ME time either. Exercise seems to be a good way to go to both get in shape and be alone with myself for a bit.


For all of you that are getting up early to exercise, do you have all your clothes/water bottle etc all set out first the night before? Do you eat a small breakfast before going out?

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Heh, I've never seen a mountain in my life except for TV. We don't even have rolling hills where I live. I'd have to go a few states south or west to see that I think.



For all of you that are getting up early to exercise, do you have all your clothes/water bottle etc all set out first the night before? Do you eat a small breakfast before going out?


No mountains in Florida. I think that was part of the reason I got into mountain climbing years ago. Mountains seemed so exotic and foreign. It's really worth the trip to view them in person. I'll never forget seeing the Andes for the first time. Truly awe inspiring. I would LOVE to get to the Himalayas one day. {sigh}


Back to running- I did lay my clothes out the night before. Just some shorts and a tank top (along with one of my old nursing bras since I don't even own a sports one anymore). I seriously need to pick up some decent work out clothes if I intend on seeing the Couch to 5k through. Especially shoes!

And no, I do not eat breakfast beforehand. I'm sure I probably should have but I have a hard time eating upon waking. I ate when I got home. I'm sure as I research running and exercising more I will find out the best way to go about it. When to eat, what to eat, etc.

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For all of you that are getting up early to exercise, do you have all your clothes/water bottle etc all set out first the night before? Do you eat a small breakfast before going out?


All of my workout clothes are on a shelf in my closet so I don't really set them out and I keep my iPod and water bottle on the kitchen counter to grab as I head out. No breakfast for me. I can't eat beforebI workout. I do have a Muscle Milk as soon as I get in the door and a small meal within in 30 mins.

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The only secret is to wake up early. I try to get up by 5 a.m. and get running by 5:15, home at 5:45...shower and ready to feed baby by 6 a.m.


I have six children and help on our farm as well as homeschool...it is do-able. ;)


You are so inspiring!! All of you are...I just got the C25k app for my phone and I'm starting TODAY. Enough procrastination already. Do you find you have more energy? Do you get to sleep fairly early(early to me would be by or before 10pm) at night? Lastly, do you get up that early and run everyday?


I find it so very easy to push it off when I get little sleep, like last night I got woke up at 2am by a little pee pot girl...had to give her a bath and change her bedding...had just dozed back off when Piper the dog was yelping at the back door to be let out to go potty-I didn't even know she was inside....sheesh...then I couldn't fall back asleep till past 3:30! :( yucky! That's the story of my life when I have a goal in mind.


But I'm going to push through no matter what. :)))

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I started running in February on the couch to 5k program. I ran my first 5K in May. I have another in July, but I'm now starting to increase my distance in hopes of running a 10K and eventually a 1/2 marathon.


I get up early. There is just on other time in the day to spend on me with 3 kids. It nearly kills me when my alarm goes off, but I'm learning to discipline myself and get up. It's very hot here too, so if I don't get up, by 8 it is just unbearable to be outside unless you are in the pool.


I do recommend good running shoes. It can make all the difference in the world having the right shoes.


What shoes would you recommend? I would be running on concrete. :/

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You are so inspiring!! All of you are...I just got the C25k app for my phone and I'm starting TODAY. Enough procrastination already. Do you find you have more energy? Do you get to sleep fairly early(early to me would be by or before 10pm) at night? Lastly, do you get up that early and run everyday?

But I'm going to push through no matter what. :)))



Best of luck to you. I head out again tomorrow morning. I think I am *kind of* looking foward to it. :001_smile:

Yes, I did find I was way more engergized after doing an early morning run. I was able to shower, eat a small breakfast, have coffee and watch some news all before my kids got up. I was a much more patient and energized mom by the time they got up.

I have been going to bed around midnight but am aiming for 11. I have a feeling that down the road I will probably try to be in by 10. But baby steps for now. :)

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What shoes would you recommend? I would be running on concrete. :/


Go to a running store and get fit for good shoes and socks. Spend about $100. Your feet and KNEES will thank you - they are too precios to be damaged by wearing crummy footwear!

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For those of you who struggle to get out there, here's my tried and true trick:


Sleep in your running gear. (not the footwear)


Seriously, you get up and oh, sheesh, since you are already dressed, might as well go out and get it done, right? :D


As for when littles can start running, kidsrunning.com has some guidelines, I believe. My dd, who's 7, runs 3x a week with me for 1/2 mile. I expect to get her to 1 mile by the end of the calendar year, and hold her there for awhile.


And, no you don't have to eat before you run. Your system may prefer for you to have a little something, and it may not. Unless you have zero fat on you, you have the fuel to do a few miles. :) Definitely work on properly hydrating in the 24 hours before you run, and bring water for your comfort on the longer runs.

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For those of you who struggle to get out there, here's my tried and true trick:


Sleep in your running gear. (not the footwear)


Seriously, you get up and oh, sheesh, since you are already dressed, might as well go out and get it done, right? :D


As for when littles can start running, kidsrunning.com has some guidelines, I believe. My dd, who's 7, runs 3x a week with me for 1/2 mile. I expect to get her to 1 mile by the end of the calendar year, and hold her there for awhile.


And, no you don't have to eat before you run. Your system may prefer for you to have a little something, and it may not. Unless you have zero fat on you, you have the fuel to do a few miles. :) Definitely work on properly hydrating in the 24 hours before you run, and bring water for your comfort on the longer runs.


Thanks for the kids running website. My ds wants to start and I didn't know how to do it.


I've never been able to eat before working out no matter what the workout even before my last pg when I was in the best shape since college. Guess that'll change when I get to my long training runs for the 1/2 marathon, right? Hydration plays a big factor in how my runs go, I've noticed. Good idea to mention it.


I start Week 8 of C25K on Tuesday. My dh assures me I can do it. I'll be heading to bed early tomorrow night.

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You guys are great -- I have been running and working out between each child (I have four; 10yo, 7yo, 4.5yo and 1.5yo) and with the last one (now he is 1.5 yo) I have ramped up my running to 6-7miles 3x a week. I hope to run a half marathon in the fall/winter/spring. I need to have "me" time, but running fulfills only part of it. I love to run, but I also try to sometimes fit in a quiet library visit or listening to NPR in the car by myself. I have thought to get up early but my husband (and soon my oldest son) gets up at 6am or so to do his morning prayers at a local synagogue which stops me from getting out and I am so NOT getting up at 4am to do anything!! :)


I am excited for our move in August for I will have a treadmill in my basement and be able to "run away" to exercise without having to worry about my kiddos!


ETA: Oh, I "barefoot" run, i.e., with limited or no footwear at all -- when outside I run in Isotoner slippers or socks or barefoot. There is a line of thinking that says running shoes are the cause of all the foot, hip and knee issues. I had to visit my chiropractor regularly when running in fancy running shoes only 2-3 miles 3x a week, but once I started barefoot running, I think I have gone twice in a year, mainly for other issues!



Edited by YaelAldrich
forgot to add something
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ETA: Oh, I "barefoot" run, i.e., with limited or no footwear at all -- when outside I run in Isotoner slippers or socks or barefoot. There is a line of thinking that says running shoes are the cause of all the foot, hip and knee issues. I had to visit my chiropractor regularly when running in fancy running shoes only 2-3 miles 3x a week, but once I started barefoot running, I think I have gone twice in a year, mainly for other issues!




Yael, I'm rabidly minimalist myself (Nike Frees or less for marathons, Vibram 5 Fingers for winter runs, and this time of year, a whole lot of bare feet ;) ). So, you are not alone here. :)


I'm fairly rabid in my feelings about shoes esp. motion control shoes, but I try to keep myself under control in a Couch to 5K discussion. (How am I doing??) :tongue_smilie:

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Yael, I'm rabidly minimalist myself (Nike Frees or less for marathons, Vibram 5 Fingers for winter runs, and this time of year, a whole lot of bare feet ;) ). So, you are not alone here. :)


I'm fairly rabid in my feelings about shoes esp. motion control shoes, but I try to keep myself under control in a Couch to 5K discussion. (How am I doing??) :tongue_smilie:


You're doing fine! :lol:


I've read about the bare foot running some. It scares me to death though. I agree with it in principle, but I'd be afraid of broken glass, splinters, etc. I've pulled enough splinters (including HAIR splinters - ouch!) just going barefoot around my house, that I'm terrified to go outside that way. :tongue_smilie:


I haven't tried any of the minimalist running shoes though. My current running shoes are incredibly comfortable, though they're now used just for day-to-day stuff, since I haven't been running and they're a year old. I'd need to get a new pair of shoes to run in.

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I find the most important thing for some woman, even more important then shoes ... bookshelves.


If you are just starting to run good shoes wouldn't make a big difference for the short distances you are covering. But having your booKs bounce around make a huge distance. Without wearing a good bra I feel awful. I bounce around, feel awful if anyone sees, and large books can move several centimeters in each direction with each step. I personally like calculating how far my feet travel not my, .... um booKs.

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Yael, I'm rabidly minimalist myself (Nike Frees or less for marathons, Vibram 5 Fingers for winter runs, and this time of year, a whole lot of bare feet ;) ). So, you are not alone here. :)


I'm fairly rabid in my feelings about shoes esp. motion control shoes, but I try to keep myself under control in a Couch to 5K discussion. (How am I doing??) :tongue_smilie:


Aha, I was waiting for a barefoot discussion to come up once someone asked about shoes... for a newbie runner who can't do bare feet (nerve issues) what minimalist shoes would be good for starting to run? I have a pair of flexible easy spirit shoes but they run a bit loose so I think I need something different for running. I'm drooling over the Vibram 5 fingers...

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I find the most important thing for some woman, even more important then shoes ... bookshelves.


If you are just starting to run good shoes wouldn't make a big difference for the short distances you are covering. But having your booKs bounce around make a huge distance. Without wearing a good bra I feel awful. I bounce around, feel awful if anyone sees, and large books can move several centimeters in each direction with each step. I personally like calculating how far my feet travel not my, .... um booKs.


:lol:LOL! I agree, bookshelves are crucial for women runners!

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:lol:LOL! I agree, bookshelves are crucial for women runners!


Just some. I am on a family running team. I swear several of those woman are flatter then a skinny teenage boy. I know my MIL complained that her booKs were so flat that she had innies. (You know innie or outie belly buttons, well her boobs were innies). So I just left it open to say some woman need good bookshelves. Mind you I have know some men who needed bookshelves.


If you on a fixed budget and can only pick good shoes or a good bra - and you have big booKs then get the best most indestructible bra you can!


(Once when trying on a bra at a running store I couldn't for the live of me get it off over my head. The only other person in the store was a male worker. Happily a female shopper came in and was able to help me) :$

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I'm new to this whole exercise world. Anyone have a good shoe preference? I used my old sneakers from (gosh-probably 5 years ago!). I'm sure a better shoe would ease me into running....

I just bought a new pair when I started at Academy. I have now graduated to a pair of Brooks I bought when I got my feet fitted at a running store. My feet are so much happier!!!

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For all of you that are getting up early to exercise, do you have all your clothes/water bottle etc all set out first the night before? Do you eat a small breakfast before going out?

I lay out my running clothes and shoes the night before and fill my water bottle up and put the fridge. In the morning I just roll out bed get dressed, put hair in ponytail, grab my water bottle and pedometer, and go.

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I'm so happy this the OP started this thread! It's very timely for me, because I just started running a few weeks ago and for the first time in my life, I'm actually enjoying it. I've always been active and played a lot of sports, and I even ran cross country in high school, but I always hated running...with a passion. But recently, in desperation for some time away from caring for other people 24 hours a day, I headed out onto the beautiful wooded walking trails in our community. I'm finally loving running.


I am having a hard time finding the right schedule for me and my family but the motivation is actually not a problem. I'm finding that if I view it as a way to relax instead of a way to get fit, I enjoy it much more and I totally look forward to it. I am forcing myself to run more slowly and for shorter periods of time than I feel like I "should", and that is because I want to make sure I don't hate it. But I am gradually increasing my running time and distance and I think it has really been worth it to hold myself back a bit.


I'm also so glad pp mentioned barefoot running. When I saw the question about running shoes, I kind of cringed because of everything I've been reading about what shoes do to our feet and joints. One of the big reasons I have always hated running is that one of my legs is prone to stress fractures and I decided years ago that it just wasn't worth it. I honestly believe that barefoot running will prevent my recurring injuries. I haven't worked up to running for my entire run, but I do run for a portion of it every day and I'm aiming for 100% barefoot running. It feels incredible and there is no reason our feet shouldn't be able to handle it. We're the only animal that insists on wearing shoes just to walk outside.

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Yael, I'm rabidly minimalist myself (Nike Frees or less for marathons, Vibram 5 Fingers for winter runs, and this time of year, a whole lot of bare feet ;) ). So, you are not alone here. :)


I'm fairly rabid in my feelings about shoes esp. motion control shoes, but I try to keep myself under control in a Couch to 5K discussion. (How am I doing??) :tongue_smilie:


I think you are doing just fine -- do you like the Frees for any particular reason? They look so...regular to me, but I understand Nike markets them as minimalist.


I tried to buy a pair of VFFs and even took them home, but I cannot stomach paying that much $$ for a no-shoe feeling! The slippers have a no skid bottom and let my toes stretch out nicely.


OK, this is NOT about HSing. I'll stop now.



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Aha, I was waiting for a barefoot discussion to come up once someone asked about shoes... for a newbie runner who can't do bare feet (nerve issues) what minimalist shoes would be good for starting to run? I have a pair of flexible easy spirit shoes but they run a bit loose so I think I need something different for running. I'm drooling over the Vibram 5 fingers...


May I ask why you wish to go minimalist if you have nerve issues preventing you from going "really" BF? The VFFs are a foot glove with rubberized bottoms - wouldn't that bother you just as much as going BF? The cheapo way of imitating the VFFs is to wear water shoes (the mesh top, rubber bottom shoes people wear to do exercises in the pool). Go to runnersworld and go to their barefoot runner forum to get more help. There are many minimalist type shoes out there and I hope (if it is right for you) find the right one.



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When do you have "alone" time with hubby?? LOL. That's what I always ask people who have a blog!!!


I guess IF I had to go to bed at a different time as my husband, he would just have to work around it, which normally isn't a problem. He's gonna get his every day regardless of my schedule:tongue_smilie:!!


really? every day? you must be in great shape!

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I think you are doing just fine -- do you like the Frees for any particular reason? They look so...regular to me, but I understand Nike markets them as minimalist.




Oh, well the Frees and I have a serious love affair, so this isn't all rational.


1. Forefoot flex. Eliminated so many issues. While running a marathon, my legs hurt more than if I were in "more" shoe, but I have only perhaps a 1/2 day of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). If I wear a "real" running shoe, the DOMS has been 2-3 days.


2. Toes don't get beat up. I did Boston in April and one thing several folks warned me about is losing toenails. Nope. Not at all. I was sandal ready the next week...


3. I have a 7-9 mm leg differential, so I really need to wear a lift for my one side (mid-foot to heel, not just heel). While I can stand 3-4 miles barefoot without a lift, I really can't go without for longer distances. My hip gets too much play and flares up in various debilitating ways. This is the same reason I have the Vibram 5 Fingers...


4. The Frees, worn after running, seem to put everything back where it belongs. Knee feel off? After a couple more hours in my "street" pair of Frees, everything's good.


Lots of folks, not just Nike, are putting out shoes that aren't so over-engineered. I hope there's a future in our running where motion-controlled shoes are saved for the few folks who really need them, and our range of running gear spans from barefoot to a moderately cushioned, very flexible shoe.



I also want to say that the one thing about early morning running that I learned is that it can give you energy for the day, even after a bad night's sleep. I was in my early 40s when my ds was teething. I was training for some race, so I had to just get out and do the miles. I'd gain enough energy to make it to nap time with him! :tongue_smilie:

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May I ask why you wish to go minimalist if you have nerve issues preventing you from going "really" BF? The VFFs are a foot glove with rubberized bottoms - wouldn't that bother you just as much as going BF? The cheapo way of imitating the VFFs is to wear water shoes (the mesh top, rubber bottom shoes people wear to do exercises in the pool). Go to runnersworld and go to their barefoot runner forum to get more help. There are many minimalist type shoes out there and I hope (if it is right for you) find the right one.




Well, I still want to go minimalist in the sense that I believe the foot should be able to flex in order to get the natural running motion--as I understand, regular running shoes aren't as flexible and cause the person to run in a way that puts more stress on the legs.


My nerve issues aren't pain related so it's not that barefoot would cause me pain, but if I do get an injury I don't have enough sensation in my feet to tell that I've been injured :(


I think I will try the water shoe idea though, I never thought of that!


I have a difference in leg length too, but every time I'm checked they hem and haw about maybe it's just that my back is out of whack and maybe it's not a true difference in length. Maybe I should look more into this? :confused:

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