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How much of the Bible do YOU have memorized?

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A few Sundays ago our preacher was talking about this older woman that he knew who had several entire BOOKS of the Bible memorized. I have to say that I only know a handful of passages. I'm just curious how much of the Bible you have memorized? Also, if you were going to undertake a major bible memorization project ... what would you memorize?

Edited by Aludlam
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I don't know whole books, or even whole chapters, except Psalm 23 & Psalm 100. I do know many random verses, however, and I can immediately think of one or more of them when the need arises. I might not be able to quote it in its entirety, but I can remember enough of it that I can look it up in a concordance and find the exact wording.


I heard David Platt speak a few years ago, and was amazed when he quoted most of the book of Romans in his sermon. This was at a youth conference, and he certainly had everyone's attention!

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A few Sunday's ago our preacher was talking about this older woman that he knew who had several entire BOOKS of the Bible memorized. I have to say that I only know a handful of passages. I'm just curious how much of the Bible you have memorized? Also, if you were going to undertake a major bible memorization project ... what would you memorize?



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A few Sundays ago our preacher was talking about this older woman that he knew who had several entire BOOKS of the Bible memorized. I have to say that I only know a handful of passages. I'm just curious how much of the Bible you have memorized? Also, if you were going to undertake a major bible memorization project ... what would you memorize?


I have quite a bit memorized. I memorize easily and love the Bible, so it's been somewhat of a hobby of mine over the years. I'm slowly working my way through Psalms. Over the course of 6 months I memorized Psalms 119 but that was several years ago and I've lost or "shelved" much of it so I don't have total recall on it as I did then. I have many, many verses and passages that I'm so familiar with I can paraphrase them and in many cases directly quote them but I never set out to learn them. They are just part of my faith life.


If I was going to undertake a major project for the first time, I would start with some Psalms or key passages like I Cor 13, or James 3 or the he whole of Ephesians, Philippians or Colossians.



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like others, i have many individual verses memorized and can tell you the exact place it is. other verses, i know them by heart but can only reference the book and context behind it - but not the exact chapter and verse. then other verses i can quote, but would have to look up where that verse is exactly if asked about it. the only whole passages i can say from memory are 1 john chapters 1 & 2. i worked really hard on memorizing that though...it didn't just come to me easily. i'd like to memorize the whole book, as it's my favorite - but we'll see if that ever happens.

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I am with danger mom. I don't remember hardly any verses nor verse numbers. OUr hotel room in Pittsburgh was 316 and I did get that. That would be about it for remembering verse numbers. There are only a few verses that I can quote. One was the A verse for Sonlight some year- All have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. I remember at least one more since it is part of a reggae song I remember. But I am usually not good at remembering exact words of anything since I am a global thinker. It is strange since I have a excellent memory in many other respects.

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I think I know most of major psalms and a few beginning chapters of Ecclesiastes. I could start reciting Genesis to you, but I doubt I would get far. I still know large chunks of Song of Songs too that I had learnt in my youth, a part from Job, and odd verses picked from various places.


Overall, not very laudable LOL.


Oh yes, and from the New Testament, 1 Corinthians 13.

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