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Favorite Teas

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Also, this board is extremely oversexed. Seriously. I don't even want to know (ok, that's a lie, I am curious) how tea got to be equated with conjugal relations.




And to answer your question with a straight face, peppermint is extremely easy to grow in a container and makes a lovely tea. I think someone mentioned that, but I was too busy laughing to quote and agree.

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So, what you're saying is I have actually started a smutty thread?


Geez, even when I am trying to behave myself, I still end up mud wrestling.




So I will now ask the class to please not send me pictures of your favorite teas. Thank you.



I am about to choke on my potato chips.

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In the evenings during the winter, I'm partial to a cup of Lapsang Souchong. It's a smoked tea, so it tastes like a very strong black tea and smells like a campfire. Lovely!


:iagree: Lapsang Souchong is definitely my favorite. I grew up in Minnesota, so I think it has something to do with it tasting like a woodstove smells, and me equating that with my childhood.


It's definitely not for everyone, though. My dh thinks it smells like smoked fish.

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And yes, we are all very amused about the tied-up-in-knots comment. I suppose the only tea that could help me that area is only sold in specialty shops.


Also, this board is extremely oversexed. Seriously. I don't even want to know (ok, that's a lie, I am curious) how tea got to be equated with conjugal relations.


All I can say is, between kilts, tea, looooong Weiner threads, the obsession with everyone has with staying HOME all day long, and the 80 bajillion kids that are born to all the members here, how does this board even stay on the civilized side of PG-13??


Overseer SWB should change her title to Mistress SWB.


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I love Mightyleaf Teas. The website does a great job of describing them, and reading people's personal comments is very helpful.


You can buy them at some grocers. Safeway carries them here, but we live in a big coffee/tea area. At the website they sell boxes of mixed sampler teas and that was how I found some of my favorites.


I have about 20 different teas so it is hard to say what is my fave.



I drink hot Earl Grey or Breakfast tea as a sub for coffee. I like African Necter in the evening. In between I drink Jasmine, plain green, black, white, vanilla bean, citrus, and a host of others.


At work I will start my day with a large 20 oz Earl Grey and then part way through the day, pour the remaining tea over ice.

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Mothersweets writes:

Britomart - wasn't this the tea the Scottish guy in Centennial started drinking? I've always wondered what this tastes like but have never seen it at the stores. I'd really like to try it now!


I don't know? what's Centennial?


But I think you might like Lapsang! I usually order it online. Most tea companies have a version; I like the one from Republic of Tea.

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Mothersweets writes:

Britomart - wasn't this the tea the Scottish guy in Centennial started drinking? I've always wondered what this tastes like but have never seen it at the stores. I'd really like to try it now!

I don't know? what's Centennial?


But I think you might like Lapsang! I usually order it online. Most tea companies have a version; I like the one from Republic of Tea.


Centennial was a book by James Michener;it was also made into a tv mini-series back in the 1970's. Gosh, I feel old.


Thank you for the brand suggestion - I was looking at some of the links in this thread and wasn't sure what would be a good brand to try!

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Centennial was a book by James Michener;it was also made into a tv mini-series back in the 1970's. Gosh, I feel old.


Thank you for the brand suggestion - I was looking at some of the links in this thread and wasn't sure what would be a good brand to try!


Oh dear, I'm sorry! I have a friend who's always telling me that I make her feel old . . . but now her little girl who I used to rock as a baby is a teenager and so now it's my friend's daughter's who's making me feel old . . . anyway, I feel your pain! But at least I know who Michener is, does that help? ;)


Hope you like the tea! It's a very strong flavor, but if it's to your taste, there's nothing better.

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