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Too tough of a punishment? or a natural consequence?

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Or, like many other things in parenting, simply do the best you can while you wait for the child to outgrow this developmentally expected stage. ;)


You can't discipline a child into a later stage of development, maturity, or functioning.



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:iagree: Leave him at home! Tell him he can't go, because he knows he isn't too take money from others. Natural consequence. 5 is not too young to learn not to steal.


Honestly I'm not sure what I would do, but I don't agree that 5 is to young to understand that taking things that don't belong to you is wrong. No he probably doesnt grasp the concept of money yet, but he is old enough to know that taking things is wrong, lying is wrong, and the attitude is disgusting.


I understand your dilemma though because I'm not sure I could leave him behind.

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Honestly if it had been me, I would have given him a stern lecture on why we shouldn't steal and I would have wanted to know why he did. Then after a good talk I would have considered the case closed and moved on to more fun stuff. I could never leave any of my kids at home while doing fun stuff like Disney.

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Thank you so much for all of the replies!

We ended up discussing it, in a relatively calmer manner. (I will admit, it angered me at first, and I probably flew off the handle a bit, putting him on the defensive.)

I explained to him, again, that taking money, or anything that doesnt belong to you , is wrong. I told him that the money was for Disneyland, and that it would be very much appreciated if he helped me find it. We then cleaned up his room together, but still did not find the money. He apologized, and told me the REAL story, which was that a neighbor kid who was at our house playing, had convinced him to go and take money out of my purse.

I will be having a talk with this kid and his parents :glare:....and asking them to look for a fifty dollar bill. The funny thing is, I had found 2 $20's in his bedroom, and I had doubts about BOTH twenties being from my purse. SOOO, what I think is that the neighbor boy (who is slightly older and a bit more conniving) may have played a little switcharoo on my DS. :angry:


Anyways, I DID take him with us to Disneyland, but he was unable to buy any souveniers, that was his "punishment" for the day. We went, had a great time, and he was on his best behavior, only needing to be reminded of his "infraction" about twenty or so times :lol:

Thanks again, for the replies, definitely helped me sort it all out...

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Thank you so much for all of the replies!

We ended up discussing it, in a relatively calmer manner. (I will admit, it angered me at first, and I probably flew off the handle a bit, putting him on the defensive.)

I explained to him, again, that taking money, or anything that doesnt belong to you , is wrong. I told him that the money was for Disneyland, and that it would be very much appreciated if he helped me find it. We then cleaned up his room together, but still did not find the money. He apologized, and told me the REAL story, which was that a neighbor kid who was at our house playing, had convinced him to go and take money out of my purse.

I will be having a talk with this kid and his parents :glare:....and asking them to look for a fifty dollar bill. The funny thing is, I had found 2 $20's in his bedroom, and I had doubts about BOTH twenties being from my purse. SOOO, what I think is that the neighbor boy (who is slightly older and a bit more conniving) may have played a little switcharoo on my DS. :angry:


Anyways, I DID take him with us to Disneyland, but he was unable to buy any souveniers, that was his "punishment" for the day. We went, had a great time, and he was on his best behavior, only needing to be reminded of his "infraction" about twenty or so times :lol:

Thanks again, for the replies, definitely helped me sort it all out...


That neighbor child would not be in my house again. I'm glad that you worked everything out. :001_smile:

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And its a big consequence for a 5yo- and 5yos don't have much of a sense of time so the relationship between stealing and going to Disney might not be grasped well. Or it might. Depends on your kid.

I would consider deeply if you are punishing him in a way that will be effective for him, or just to do something in the hope he changes.

I would also keep my wallet and all money in the house out of his reach, and also give him some money of his very own (once this issues has blown over) . If your wallet is on the floor, he is not being too sneaky! He is attracted to money- that is natural- and is at an age where it is very difficult to control his impulses- but of course he needs to learn.

I will say- in my home, he would go to Disney and alternative avenues would be found for the consequences of taking mummie's purse- immediately. Not that that issue wouldnt be dealt with seriously- it would- but I wouldn't link the 2 and I don't think it is a "natural consequence"- I think it is a punishment.



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Thank you so much for all of the replies!

We ended up discussing it, in a relatively calmer manner. (I will admit, it angered me at first, and I probably flew off the handle a bit, putting him on the defensive.)

I explained to him, again, that taking money, or anything that doesnt belong to you , is wrong. I told him that the money was for Disneyland, and that it would be very much appreciated if he helped me find it. We then cleaned up his room together, but still did not find the money. He apologized, and told me the REAL story, which was that a neighbor kid who was at our house playing, had convinced him to go and take money out of my purse.

I will be having a talk with this kid and his parents :glare:....and asking them to look for a fifty dollar bill. The funny thing is, I had found 2 $20's in his bedroom, and I had doubts about BOTH twenties being from my purse. SOOO, what I think is that the neighbor boy (who is slightly older and a bit more conniving) may have played a little switcharoo on my DS. :angry:


Anyways, I DID take him with us to Disneyland, but he was unable to buy any souveniers, that was his "punishment" for the day. We went, had a great time, and he was on his best behavior, only needing to be reminded of his "infraction" about twenty or so times :lol:

Thanks again, for the replies, definitely helped me sort it all out...

Great job momma! These things happen, it's hard. He sounds like a wonderful 5yr old. I have found that my anger can really cause one particular ds to completely bristle. His reaction is not an accurate reflection of his true heart. It is simply a reaction to the anger he feels from me.


I am so glad you had your family day!!!!

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