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How many loads of laundry per week is normal?

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I have to say, I am completely shocked by this thread!! We do 4 loads/week in the front loader. Even when we had the stacked W/D, I don't think it was more than 6/week unless someone was sick or we were swimming. DH works in an office (but wears t-shirts & jeans), we rewear until our clothes are visibly dirty or smell (or if I've seen them try to wear the same shirt more than 3 times in a week), we reuse towels a few times as well.

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I have to say, I am completely shocked by this thread!! We do 4 loads/week in the front loader. Even when we had the stacked W/D, I don't think it was more than 6/week unless someone was sick or we were swimming. DH works in an office (but wears t-shirts & jeans), we rewear until our clothes are visibly dirty or smell (or if I've seen them try to wear the same shirt more than 3 times in a week), we reuse towels a few times as well.


That sounds pretty similar to us. I used to wash a lot more when I had 3 boys all going to school. Now that we're homeschooling I'm less fussy about immaculately clean clothes every day (I also have less time to worry :001_smile:). Where we live is rarely particularly warm either, when it is and we all get hot, sweaty and dusty then I tend to wash more.

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2 loads of diapers/wk (on average)

1 load of kitchen laundry

1 load of icky cleaning rags

2 loads of sheets

2 loads of towels

1 load of whites

8 loads of regular clothes, give or take.

And small loads of gentles at least twice a week during baseball season. Our uniforms are pretty flimsy.



I have a reflux baby who doesn't care much about aiming for the burp cloths, so we all get puked on regularly, and my kids play HARD outside. So I average 2-3 loads/day for our family of 7.

ETA: Dh might wear a suit one day, then spend the next in a t-shirt and jeans, getting covered in ick.

I love my Duet set!

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We have a family of 9 and I do about 8-10 loads of clothes, and about 5 loads of towels weekly. So that's 1 load of clothes plus 1/2 a load of towels per person. I wash 2 loads of sheets about every other week.


We do not reuse towels because there are a lot of us and only one bathroom with a shower so there isn't room to hang up all the used towels. In the winter I can wash a load of towels every other day, but in the summer I have to wash towels almost every day because they will mildew.


Susan in TX

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Oh my gosh.


There are four of us, and I'd say we do 3-4 loads of laundry a week. We don't cloth diaper, but we do use cloth napkins, kitchen towels, and cleaning rags.


Here too! I feel like I do SO MUCH laundry, so I tracked it in April and it was 17 loads. I'm :svengo: at some of these numbers. I'll never complain about laundry again either!

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We do about 1 per person per week. So I only do wash on one day.



1 - We re-wear jeans and shirts and jackets that aren't truly dirty.

2 - We only wash sheets when they're actually dirty. (Except the guest bed!)

3 - We use the same towel throughout the week.

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I was going to say 5-6 loads for a family of 5 with one in diapers, but there are loads that are combined - I'll run the diapers through a soak and short wash, then throw in other stuff for a normal wash. If you counted the diapers as a separate load, probably more like 8.

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