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How much sleep does your ds11-13 need/get?

How much sleep does your pre-adolescent son need?  

  1. 1. How much sleep does your pre-adolescent son need?

    • My son needs 9 hours to feel "at his best".
    • My son needs 10 hours to feel "at his best".
    • My son needs 11 hours to feel "at his best".
    • My son needs 12+ hours to feel "at his best". (If this, please state how many hours.)

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I would really appreciate hearing from from you. My ds has always been more average, at best, for energy level. But lately, sheesh! his energy is extremely low. With sports schedules at our house, he's getting to bed around 9:30-10:00 and wakes up around 8:00-8:30 (I've been letting him sleep in as long as he wants, thinking this would help.) I would think 10 hrs is enough!


He eats well, takes good supplements, gets some exercise daily. He is a healthy weight for his height. I don't get it. :confused:


Do you think, at his age, that a good mattress would matter? I've asked him to sleep in the guest bed, but it's in another part of the house, so he doesn't want to. I don't really think it matters that much at his age, so I haven't pushed it.


I know our weather has been crazy - one day humid and hot, the next day cold and rainy.


So, how much sleep does your son, who's entering adolescence, need to feel good the next day?

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Both my boys needed 10 hours at that age. DD would sleep 10 at night AND take an afternoon nap on her grumpy days.


DS19 now gets by fine on 7-8 hours (even less most nights since he is in the military now). DS15 is still growing like crazy and needs 10 hours at night. If he ever slows down the growth spurts, I expect he will be able to do with less sleep too.

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Ds has been reminding me that at his 11yo check-up, the resident who was shadowing our ped that day told him that "Sleeping for 12 hours at a time every now and then -- maybe once a week -- is a great idea at this age" -- even for a kid who's usually sleeping 9-10 hours each night. I can't think of a time in recent history when ds has slept for 12 hours straight, but I'm keeping it in the back of my mind just in case I *do* seem him doing that from time to time so I don't freak out. ;)


FWIW, ds had mono last fall and it was really *obviously* different from normal tiredness. Even the "normal" of a preadolescent whose body is growing and changing quickly. ... Just saying I think it's reasonable to be concerned when a child's level of exhaustion is really different from his or her normal, but that it's often *obvious* when there's a real problem (beyond just growing).

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My 12 year old is at his best with 10 hours sleep, but copes very well with 9. I'm monitoring him a bit more closely now, though, because his older brother, at roughly this age, suddenly went through a phase where he needed quite a lot of extra sleep and VERY MUCH food (oh, my poor food budget :eek:) and then shot up by about 5 centimetres in a matter of weeks. This happened several times. Your son's body may be preparing for a growth spurt.


And yes, in my opinion, a good mattress is very important at this age, mainly due to the fact that they grow so much and their spines need good support.

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Thank you for your responses! It is good for me to see that 10-11 hrs of sleep is normal, even a good number of you said 12 hrs. We'll have to think about a new mattress for ds. Last night and tonight he's been sleeping on the floor of his room :tongue_smilie: Maybe he'll get better sleep there until he gets a new mattress! LOL

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