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Super creeped out

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My door bell just rang- it was two police officers. Asking if we were OK because our alarm company called because our backdoor is open. :confused:


We don't HAVE an alarm system.


After they left I had my husband call the station to make sure they were real cops. They were.


I'm super creeped out.

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I understand the creepy feeling. My mom woke up EARLY one morning to two cops standing over her bed shining a flash light in her face. Apparently, the front door had somehow come open :confused: and they called into the house first, rang the bell, I forget. A cat went bolting down the stairs & out the door. (We had never had a cat.)


But when no one answered, they had to come in & check that everything was ok.


It's funny. Things like that don't happen to Mom now that I'm not living at home. :confused::lol:

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I understand the creepy feeling. My mom woke up EARLY one morning to two cops standing over her bed shining a flash light in her face. Apparently, the front door had somehow come open :confused: and they called into the house first, rang the bell, I forget. A cat went bolting down the stairs & out the door. (We had never had a cat.)


But when no one answered, they had to come in & check that everything was ok.


It's funny. Things like that don't happen to Mom now that I'm not living at home. :confused::lol:


Wow, that's REALLY weird!

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I'm saying this because I get the impression your dh works for your LE since you said you called the station and talked to your dh there.


If it had been me, my dh would be in just a bit of trouble for not calling on the phone and checking on us and warning me two officers were on the way to the front door. Or not piping up over the radio and telling the officers on the way to the house that y'all don't have an alarm.

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The police make mistakes just like the rest of us.


We once had our address accidentally show up for another home where a woman called in distress. It also happened to be the day that we had 30 or more people visiting, sleeping all over the floor. The cops showed up, filled the driveway and all pointed their lights at our front door. They called and got a sleepy grandpa who thought it was a joke and hung up on them, so they hollered at us through a bull horn of some sort and asked everyone to exit the building. They got quite the parade of people coming out.


They took their time questioning each of the ladies to make sure that everyone was okay.


The sad part is that there really was a lady in distress somewhere, and all of the police in town were occupied at our house questioning dozens of women who were okay. I hope she got the help she needed.

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I'm saying this because I get the impression your dh works for your LE since you said you called the station and talked to your dh there.


If it had been me, my dh would be in just a bit of trouble for not calling on the phone and checking on us and warning me two officers were on the way to the front door. Or not piping up over the radio and telling the officers on the way to the house that y'all don't have an alarm.


OOps- no, he's not LE. He was home and I had him call the police station. :001_smile:


I've seen too many movies where weird things happen and then the scary music starts. :glare:

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