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Total momma brag (warning: baseball content)

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My 13 yo pitched an entire 9 inning game! He only pitched 90 pitches!!!! AND, his team won 3 − 1!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!


AND, my 10 yo's Fed ball team entered a tournament this weekend. They won their first three games: 12- 0, 8 − 0, and 7 − 0!!!! (Ds had a walk, a double, and a single, and a strike out) We usually don't allow them to miss church to play on Sunday, but they may WIN this tournament!!!! He's THERE!!!!!

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Thank you!!!


:party: How exciting!! (I love baseball!)


Thanks!!! Isn't it great!? We were SOOOO excited for him!


I know NOTHING about baseball, but I can sense your excitement and pride! Congrats!

:lol: Thank you!!! In professional ball, they usually take a pitcher out around 100 pitches (unless they're close to pitching a perfect game or a no-hitter). That usually happens around the 7th inning or so. So, for my son to average 10 pitches per inning (think about it - each strike-out is 3 strikes!), is REALLY good!!!! There. You learned something! LOL


And, yes. We are VERY excited and proud! (Especially since politics prevented my very talented ds from playing on tournament teams the last couple years. :glare: He's proven himself this year!!!!!)

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:hurray: sounds like 3 up and 3 down with some good fielding. Great numbers but hey, watch that arm. Ice and rest after 90 pitches. Don't let the coaches put him on the mound again too soon--4 or 5 days rest. You might want to encourage your son to run tomorrow to get the lactic acid out of his system. The pitching coach (a minor league pitcher for the Marlins at one time) for my son 18 advises this after a big outing.


The politics of baseball is so discouraging. All the players who aced my son out for an all-stars spot in little league because they were the coaches' sons no longer play baseball at the high school level. My son just graduated from high school and only just two players from all our years with little league, juniors, and high school baseball are going on to play baseball in college.



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Wow, Jennifer! 90 pitches?! That's wonderful! (My 14 yo baseball player just said "wow", too!) Games like that are so exciting!


And your 10 yo's tourney sounds awesome as well!


My oldest two are playing this weekend, too. 16 yo's team won the Ft. Wayne homeschool tourney today, and he'll play w/his other team in a tourney tomorrow and maybe Monday.


14 yo's team is doing pretty well in their tourney, too.


Have fun!

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:hurray: sounds like 3 up and 3 down with some good fielding. Great numbers but hey, watch that arm. Ice and rest after 90 pitches. Don't let the coaches put him on the mound again too soon--4 or 5 days rest. You might want to encourage your son to run tomorrow to get the lactic acid out of his system. The pitching coach (a minor league pitcher for the Marlins at one time) for my son 18 advises this after a big outing.


The politics of baseball is so discouraging. All the players who aced my son out for an all-stars spot in little league because they were the coaches' sons no longer play baseball at the high school level. My son just graduated from high school and only just two players from all our years with little league, juniors, and high school baseball are going on to play baseball in college.


Yep- Mostly 3 up, 3 down. Three hits, but then ds threw one out at first (he took a HUGE leadoff), one run came in, and he stranded another. And, he had EXCELLENT fielding!! He iced it last night and used arnica on it. I'll tell him about the running. He does run, so I'm sure he'll like to hear one more good reason for it! And, his coach wouldn't even let him play the first two innings of the game after he threw the full game. He had him ice his arm. They don't even play again until late next week.


Isn't the politics hard? Seems that if they can stick it out in the end, they'll get ahead. Is your ds one of the ones going on to play college ball? If so, congrats!!! That's amazing!




Thanks! We're really proud of him!


Congrats to both of them! That is great! (We are huge sports fans too and my oldest two girls both play softball.)




Wow, Jennifer! 90 pitches?! That's wonderful! (My 14 yo baseball player just said "wow", too!) Games like that are so exciting!


And your 10 yo's tourney sounds awesome as well!


My oldest two are playing this weekend, too. 16 yo's team won the Ft. Wayne homeschool tourney today, and he'll play w/his other team in a tourney tomorrow and maybe Monday.


14 yo's team is doing pretty well in their tourney, too.


Have fun!


Ft. Wayne! Do you live near there? I grew up in Sturgis, MI. Yes, it was exciting! But, my blood pressure will never recover!! I was so nervous for him.


Congrats to your kids!!! And, good luck for the rest of the weekend.


:hurray::001_cool: THAT'S GREAT!!!!!! :thumbup::thumbup1:




Thanks!!!! Did I mention that he also went 4 for 6 at the plate for the weekend?!?!

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Ft. Wayne! Do you live near there? I grew up in Sturgis, MI. Yes, it was exciting! But, my blood pressure will never recover!! I was so nervous for him.


Congrats to your kids!!! And, good luck for the rest of the weekend.




No, Ft. Wayne is about a 7 hr. drive for us. Dh and oldest went there, while younger 3 and I stayed here for 14 yo's tourney. Divide and conquer, you know!


We're headed out now for 16 yo's game, then some of us will leave early to take 14 yo to his. Hot and humid today--ick! Beats the non-stop rain we've been having, though!


Thanks for the good wishes! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, too!

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Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!! :D


Thank you!!!






No, Ft. Wayne is about a 7 hr. drive for us. Dh and oldest went there, while younger 3 and I stayed here for 14 yo's tourney. Divide and conquer, you know!


We're headed out now for 16 yo's game, then some of us will leave early to take 14 yo to his. Hot and humid today--ick! Beats the non-stop rain we've been having, though!


Thanks for the good wishes! Enjoy the rest of your weekend, too!


So, how'd it go? We did the divide and conquer all weekend. 8 games in 3 days. Games were 2 hours apart. ACK. And we had my parents here all weekend. They were wonderful travelling and splitting time with each child.


10 yo WON their tournament!!!! Unfortunately, ds got hit by a pitch at his last at bat and has a HUGE bruise on his knee. He's not putting much weight on it. Ugh.


Weather was wonderful!!!! But, it's SOOOOO muddy from all this darn rain. I just heard from some people at the tournament where my 13 yo played - they're under a tornado warning!!!! I'm kinda' glad he didn't advance!!!


Way to go! That's an impressive feat!


Thanks!!! He's REALLY psyched! And, all day today at his brother's game, all these people were asking him about his other game. He was loving it!!!! (He especially loved that his former coach who scr*wed him over was practically BEGGING him to think about joining his team next year as a pitcher!!!! HA!!!! NOPE!!!)

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