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A plea: Please do not take your kids for granted

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The title sounds harsh. I know we don't try to. But just enjoy every opportunity you can with them! We are not guaranteed they will live until old age. We are not guaranteed they will outlive us. As my family found out yesterday- this may be their last day. Please try to live everyday as if it were your last, or your children's last day. We never know when that is going to be.



Sorry, just something I needed to say.

Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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The title sounds harsh. I know we don't. But just enjoy every opportunity you can with them! We are not guaranteed they will live until old age. We are not guaranteed they will outlive us. As my family found out yesterday- this may be their last day. Please try to live everyday as if it were your last, or your children's last day. We never know when that is going to be.



Sorry, just something I needed to say.

:iagree: We need to constantly be thankful for those around us. It is so easy to get caught up in the everyday life, especially the frustrations of it and stop looking at all the awesomeness that is in each person.


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Thanks for the reminder. How is your cousin's daughter doing?



I haven't heard anything, I can't get ahold of anybody. I just keep getting voicemails and I am so worried. Updates stopped about 4am my time- 6am Michigan time. I am PRAYING they are just sleeping finally but my mind will not stop wandering

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