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looking for a new Read-Aloud chapter book - 5yo girl

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The last chapter book we finished was the Littles which went over really well (the TV show probably helped make it exciting too). We tried My Father's Dragon and while we finished it, my girl didn't care for it. We're headed to the library today and I'd like to pick up SOMETHING, but I'm undecided.


Roald Dahl? Boxcar Children? Stuart Little? Charlotte's Web?


I was thinking Mr. Popper's Penguins might be fun because the movie is coming out soon...but I never read it at as a kid so I'm not sure if it is appropriate for my 5yo.


Anything about animals or a good imaginative story will

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Both DS and DD1 (4.5 and 3) absolutely love Charlotte's Web. I think we've read it at least five times by now. Also Fantastic Mr. Fox (Roald Dahl) and the Lion the With and the Wardrobe are big hits around here. We are currently reading Pinnochio.


Your DD might like Little House in the Big Woods?

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Well, those are all good choices. I'm about to start Mr. Popper with my five-year-old :). She loved My Father's Dragon (the whole series) and The Boxcar Children too. I would personally wait on Charlotte's Web until 6 (details, details, I know, but if you're trying to pick and choose, there you go!)

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I have said this before, but my girls love the Thornton Burgess Animal Adventure books. We have checked them out from the library, but they are on the public domain as well (also as recordings).

I would also wait with Charolottes, lots of talk of killing Wilbur and then Charolottes death. Unless that wouldn't bother her. My daughter actually heard it at 5 and it was fine, come to think of it. I love his language.

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My DD is only starting out with the Read out loud Chapter books so it's been difficult to find things not too over her head that she will listen to.


We did Fantastic Mr Fox which she liked and currently we are reading The Enchanted Wood -which she loves.


If you are looking for some fluff reading my DD loves the Candy Fairies series. http://series.simonandschuster.net/Candy-Fairies

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Hands down, the Wizard of Oz series. We just started book 10 this morning and I asked for a short break after and hour of reading so I could enjoy my coffee for a bit. My 5 year old loves this series.


She also loved Pippi and the sequels as well as the Usborne World History Encyclopedia :tongue_smilie:

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