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Appropriate gift for adoption?

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If you celebrate Christmas, you could give them a nice Christmas ornament with the names of all the kids on it. You could also give them a story book about adoption (there are many books out there). If you have a paint-your-own pottery place you could make them a plate with the adoption date on it and maybe they could start a family tradition on their "Gotcha Day" each year (adoption day anniversary) of serving something special on it. Toys and books for the kids also work if you want to go the traditional shower route. What an exciting time for your friends!

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Somethig classic, helpful, growthful. Are these their first children? Are they starting from scratch?


Number 1 would be books, harcover, one for each child. Poetry, fairy tales, etc. I would sign these.


Maybe a little basket of art supplies, including some nice dough or clay.


If I wanted to be really spendy and they were close to me and I could afford it, maybe a wooden kitchen or a set of blocks.

Edited by LibraryLover
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Somethig classic, helpful, growthful. Are these their first children? Are they starting from scratch?




These are their first, but they are not really starting from scratch. They fostered the kids from the time the baby was just a few weeks old, but the adoption was finalized this month.


Love the ideas. A family membership is a great idea, as well as these wonderful suggestions for tangible, lasting items. Maybe I can pull together a nice gift basket.

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You could gift them your time and offer some babysitting so they can have a few date nights. I really like the idea of a family membership though. :)



Yes...the new dad works for us, though. I'm happy to offer and would love to help in that way, but I don't want him to feel uncomfortable.

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Yes, this, absolutely 100%. It's a beautiful book, particularly if the children are of a different race than the parents, though even same-race adoptive parents and children would enjoy it.




Thank you (and Judomom) for the recommendation! They are of different ethnicity. I'll check it out.

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I would probably gift a family membership to a local zoo, aquarium, museum, a YMCA summer pool pass for the family, etc. I would probably give the gift to my friends rather than presenting it to the children personally.


My thoughts exactly, especially if you know what kind of place they enjoy most.

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We adopted a group of 4. A membership would have been a nice gift. I found that gifts for the kids were overwhelming as we were trying to build a relationship, and though folks were well-meaning, the kids didn't need material things. We really didn't get many gifts now that I think back, but we were offered a "shower" and felt it wasn't necessary. So thankful as folks were very kind.

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Yes...the new dad works for us, though. I'm happy to offer and would love to help in that way, but I don't want him to feel uncomfortable.


That's definitely understandable. A membership sounds really good. Since he's an employee, you may want to consider giving him one day off with pay so he can take his family to wherever you get the membership. But the membership alone is really nice too. :)

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I haven't read the other replies but as a mom of two adopted children that were 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 one of the most appreciated gifts we got was a nice gift cert. from Penneys. They were right at the age that they seemed to out grow everything soooo fast and I was able to get a couple of nice things for both kids.

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You could gift them your time and offer some babysitting so they can have a few date nights. I really like the idea of a family membership though. :)



This is a great idea, but if the kids are older, as it appears, they may not be able to/feel comfortable leaving the children for awhile. If there are any emotional issues, no matter how small, this could actually backfire. I'm not trying to be a party pooper; I do think it's a great idea, but if you do it, don't pressure them to go on a date NOW. Let them know that it's up for grabs, whenever they feel the time is right.


I like the idea of a family pass to somewhere; That can almost be cheaper than 3 separate gifts! And worth SO. MUCH. MORE. to the family! I'd be careful of adoption books (The Night You Were Born, Love You Like Crazy Cakes, etc) because alot of them are themed towards international or newborn adoption. But, i just had another great idea....I think Hallmark has Adoption Books (as opposed to the regular Baby Books).


Meals would be really good right now too, or several giftcards to local family type restaurants (speaking from one who has BTDT!)

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Thank you all so much! Lots to consider. I'll probably do some combination of membership, gift certificate, token/tangible item...and I like the paid day off idea! I think he'd appreciate that more than anything.



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