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Do you have a hard time letting go????

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I'm going through my school room and trying to find stuff to sell. I need to declutter and I could use the money for new stuff.


The problem is that I have a hard time selling books. I can handle selling the TGs, because the truth is that once I have done a core in a curriculum, I don't look forward to doing it again. But, the individual books....well, those I have a hard time letting go. What if we want to read it sometime? What if it is JUST THE THING for a child in a few years? Will it fit into book basket later?


But, I find that MOST of the books that are sitting on the shelves that I kept in the past have been unused. We have pulled few off the shelves and read them, but I don't know that it is worth it.


I still loved having all of those books lined up on the shelves.

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I'm terrible about keeping books! I have two boxes of picture books that are so full I can't close the tops flaps! I love children's books and they were such a part of my kids younger years I just can't part with them. My oldest is 21 now and figure someday she'll get married and have kids. They'll get used again. ;) I have a boxes of curriculum and papers from my son too. I'm really trying to convince myself I don't need it any longer.

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I have the same problem. I have a feeling this will only be a bigger struggle for me as we delve deeper into homeschooling.


When my grandma passed away, the only thing I wanted were her children's books....the ones I read as a kid, and now I read them to my kids. (How's that for enabling you? Whoops.)

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I'm going through my school room and trying to find stuff to sell. I need to declutter and I could use the money for new stuff.


The problem is that I have a hard time selling books. I can handle selling the TGs, because the truth is that once I have done a core in a curriculum, I don't look forward to doing it again. But, the individual books....well, those I have a hard time letting go. What if we want to read it sometime? What if it is JUST THE THING for a child in a few years? Will it fit into book basket later?


But, I find that MOST of the books that are sitting on the shelves that I kept in the past have been unused. We have pulled few off the shelves and read them, but I don't know that it is worth it.


I still loved having all of those books lined up on the shelves.


I too hate to part. I am a book hound!!! This year, the reality is if I don't part I can't pay for the fall books. This is the 1st year in the 9 that I've been hs'ing that I've had enouigh incentive to part with the ones we never read. If we read it, I kept it. I feel attached to the ones we've read even if I'm fairly certain we won't read it again. I'm not that way about novels I read for myself. Just read-alouds. Weird huh? Maybe I'm just keeping them for the next time money is tight and I have to purge to raise funds.:D

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I sell no books. Zero, nadda. The only time those get sold is if dd has outgrown them and they're just too babyish AND they're not classics. Otherwise I keep them all. History, science, all of it.




This is me. I keep everything. I still have 3 young ones to school, so everything will be used again soon anyway. Even after I am finished homeschooling the last one, I'm keeping it all for my grand kids: curriculum, classic & living books, everything that was useful. I'll just pack them away by age/grade or topic.

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I love books, too, and cannot seem to part with them. My husband's family grew up with no TV and every single one of his siblings are avid readers - as are all of their kids! Grandma (my mother-in-law) kept all the books and now has a HUGE library - all the grandkids love going there to "check out" books (yep, just like a reg library!). But I know her books are great classics, missionary stories, boys adventure, modest girls - almost all with character building/high morals - not just fluff. So I'm going to keep the tradition going here at our home, as well!

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I love books, too, and cannot seem to part with them. My husband's family grew up with no TV and every single one of his siblings are avid readers - as are all of their kids! Grandma (my mother-in-law) kept all the books and now has a HUGE library - all the grandkids love going there to "check out" books (yep, just like a reg library!). But I know her books are great classics, missionary stories, boys adventure, modest girls - almost all with character building/high morals - not just fluff. So I'm going to keep the tradition going here at our home, as well!



LOVE,LOVE,LOVE this! How wonderful for your family!

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Your kids are still on the younger side--I find that many books we read aloud are now books that my 12 yo wants to pull off the shelf and read for herself, and she's my youngest! Both look at some of the reference books we've collected. Sometimes now that we are cycling back through history I'll pull out books we previously used--or sometimes I just pull one out and leave it on the coffee table for them to discover! I wouldn't feel badly about not getting rid of books yet.


Here's what I do--I make my kids go through the books. I give them a stack or two to go through & have one sort into keep or sell piles. Then I have the next one only go through the sell pile. If even one wants to keep a book, we keep it (I go through the sell pile last & ask myself if it's really worth keeping if neither kid wants it right now--usually not, but occasionally there's a book I decide they still might use later on). I've been doing this for years & it's been a good way to declutter here. But...we still have a wall full of books, LOL!


Merry :-)

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I'm the opposite. I have a hard time holding on. Unless it's a curriculum book I intend to use for my ds6, I don't keep stuff in my house that is not being used. I can not stand to accumulate a bunch of stuff that just sits there. There has never been a time where I've let go of something and later regretted it.

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