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Do you have a general 8x10 chart you follow?

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I was looking at the Duggars' laminated list for each child. I didn't get a good look, but I liked that idea.


If you have one, can you share it?


I am thinking of just one 8x10 that lists daily, weekly items.....and those items we do only a couple of days per week.


Help me figure this out to make it a concise list to laminate for each child.



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DS has a dry erase chore chart we bought a few years ago... You write in the chores and then each time he completes them he puts a magnet in the cross-section for date and chore... His list includes cleaning the table, emptying the garbage, emptying the dish washer, cleaning his room, feeding the dog, and walking the dog... I don't know if that's what you are looking for.

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We have that. I was looking for something permanent, not something to have to write for each child daily. This would not include things we need to add in for that particular day, but the general list that happens every week.




DS has a dry erase chore chart we bought a few years ago... You write in the chores and then each time he completes them he puts a magnet in the cross-section for date and chore... His list includes cleaning the table, emptying the garbage, emptying the dish washer, cleaning his room, feeding the dog, and walking the dog... I don't know if that's what you are looking for.
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No. I want ONE SHEET per child to cover the entire YEAR.....I am tired of listing things specifically each day and find I quit after a while because it is tedious.


I have my own calendar with specifics on it.


I want a general list for each child.


It may have come out of the MOTH idea though.




I *believe* the Duggars use Managers of Their Homes (or at least adapted from it for their own use)... Perhaps it would offer some guidance on the sort of thing you want?



Edited by DawnM
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It was on an episode quite a while ago. I have been meaning to get around to this for a while, but haven't yet.


It is a general list and I have heard Michelle ask each child, "Have you done your entire list?" and refer to a laminated list.


I think I will just have to make my own and play with what works.




Did you see it on an episode or on their website? I'm vey curious about what's listed on it.
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I have a one page generic to do list for each kid, but it's just for school and doesn't include chores and general stuff. I have thought about adding those things but I didn't want to dilute their school list and I also felt that a comprehensive list of everything looks pretty overwhelming.

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No. I want ONE SHEET per child to cover the entire YEAR.....I am tired of listing things specifically each day and find I quit after a while because it is tedious.


I have my own calendar with specifics on it.


I want a general list for each child.


It may have come out of the MOTH idea though.




MOTH assigns chores long term. One reason they do this is so they don't have to figure out whose job is. If the trash isn't emptied, she knows immediately who's responsible. You also get very good at doing that particular job.


Do you need a list of age-appropriate chores? Something like that?


I would maybe start with a list in a page protector. You can even put it on your fridge. I would think this would be something that needs to be tweaked for awhile. As you finalize your list for each child, print it up nicely and laminate it.

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I haven't watched the Duggars for a while (no TV), but if it's not the color coded MOTH chart, I would imagine that she's taken the Managers of Their Chores system (ChorePacks) and modified it into laminated lists. I did that. My kids kept losing their ChorePacks. :glare: Plus, they need a very, very detailed checklist. So, I put on their list everything to do during a certain time (say, from wake up until school starts) and laminated it and put it in their work binders. It works pretty well... till you move and chores change and things like that. :glare: I need to redo them now.

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Thanks. I really wanted this more for homeschool subjects/assignments than for chores.


I saw Joy Anna's one day on the show.


It had a list of her subjects listed and what days she had to do them.


And it won't go on the fridge, we have stainless......it won't stick!



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It doesn't sound that difficult if you are the one who schedules the kids' lessons for the week.


My ds12 schedules his own week, so this wouldn't work for him.


I could do it for my ds7. It would look like this:


Monday: Grammar, Math, History, ETC

Tuesday: Grammar, Math, History, ETC

Wednesday: Grammar, ETC

Thursday: Grammar, Math, Science, ETC

Friday: Grammar, Math, Science, ETC


Is that what you mean?

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According to an interview with the Duggars, they do use Managers of Their Homes.


A 2 second google shows


  • Managers of Their Homes - 174 spiral-bound, 8 ½ x 11 inch pages
  • Scheduling Kit (allows you to make your unique family's schedule) - Accommodates up to 8 people! If you have 8 or more children, just specify the number on the ordering process, and you'll receive the extra pieces needed free (when ordering from us)!
  • Scheduling worksheets easily guide through the scheduling process
  • Color-coding simplifies setting up individual schedules
  • 32 sample schedules of varying size families in the Appendix to give you helpful ideas.
  • Special chapter for Dads written by Steve
  • Managers of Their Homes Registration: When you register your book, you may then purchase additional Scheduling Kits for your family as you need them. Registering also allows you to join our scheduling messageboard, MOTHBoard, which is moderated by Teri Maxwell.

ETA- Here's the interview http://www.parenting.com/blogs/show-and-tell/duggar-family-interview-chore-charts

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Yeah, somewhat like that.




It doesn't sound that difficult if you are the one who schedules the kids' lessons for the week.


My ds12 schedules his own week, so this wouldn't work for him.


I could do it for my ds7. It would look like this:


Monday: Grammar, Math, History, ETC

Tuesday: Grammar, Math, History, ETC

Wednesday: Grammar, ETC

Thursday: Grammar, Math, Science, ETC

Friday: Grammar, Math, Science, ETC


Is that what you mean?

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I will take a look.




According to an interview with the Duggars, they do use Managers of Their Homes.


A 2 second google shows



  • Managers of Their Homes - 174 spiral-bound, 8 ½ x 11 inch pages
  • Scheduling Kit (allows you to make your unique family's schedule) - Accommodates up to 8 people! If you have 8 or more children, just specify the number on the ordering process, and you'll receive the extra pieces needed free (when ordering from us)!
  • Scheduling worksheets easily guide through the scheduling process
  • Color-coding simplifies setting up individual schedules
  • 32 sample schedules of varying size families in the Appendix to give you helpful ideas.
  • Special chapter for Dads written by Steve
  • Managers of Their Homes Registration: When you register your book, you may then purchase additional Scheduling Kits for your family as you need them. Registering also allows you to join our scheduling messageboard, MOTHBoard, which is moderated by Teri Maxwell.

ETA- Here's the interview http://www.parenting.com/blogs/show-and-tell/duggar-family-interview-chore-charts

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I have a one page list for my son that lists things he is to accomplish each day. The next section lists his weekly chores. The last section lists things he is to do when they come up, such as yard work, etc. I put it in a plastic sheet and it hangs on his bedroom wall so that he can see it each morning. It has worked well for us.

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It's around here somewhere... How could I misplace 6 of those?


They were stapled to the wall in the kitchen. I took them down so I could redo and reassign new chores before baby comes.


But I haven't gotten to it yet.


Mine is pretty basic. It lists all their chores for each day and has a square next to it for them to check off when done. I keep the print off inside a sheet protector and staple it to the kitchen wall. The sheet protector means they can use a dry or wet erase marker to mark done and we can wipe it all clean each week.


We don't actually use it that much though. It is mostly to get them started at first and later so others (dad, sitter, whatever) can know who has what duties.

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