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Am I dumb to be flying right now?

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this is my first trip to see her. It's pretty spur of the moment. I just feel like she needs some help over there. They have been sharing a car, and her husband's work schedule is pretty erratic, and not really leaving them any time to take care of things.


I am flying in and renting a car so we can get some things taken care of. Hopefully that will ease her up some to enjoy the last 6-8 weeks of her pregnancy (and, I won't lie, ease me some too).


Where in Hawaii will yall be going?

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Flying to Hawaii is great. I've always had smooth rides over the ocean. And then when you land, you are truly in Paradise!


Try not to worry about the terror warnings. They're always there and people are super vigilant nowadays.


For the plane ride I always buy a bag or two of peanut M&Ms, a diet cherry Coke, and a bunch of tabloids to keep me occupied when the movies aren't so good. Also, keep your pillow and use it as an arm rest. Way more comfy than the arm rest which you're often sharing with someone anyway.


Enjoy your time there!

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I'm flying with my two children on Friday night. I'm a little stressed about it. Hopefully it won't be a big deal.


I'm actually more stressed about all the details of life that are included in a trip back to family.

Edited by Daisy
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