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Math is not his thing...how can I get in 4 math credits if he's

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It really depends on what his college major/future plans might be...if you need to 'worry' or not.


I've had SEVERAL students (including my oldest daughter) who were accepted to college (some with major scholarships!!!) with Algebra 2 as their highest high school math class.


For Science/Math majors it may be a bit harder to be accepted, depending on ACT/SAT scores (those scores can be good WITHOUT a college level math in high school).

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Hi Pat, no clue on those. Have to do some research, sound like good options though...

Jann - his goal is to enter the Navy. He will decide to either get a tutor to take him through Alg II then on to whatever they decide is next or take a local co-op class for Alg II. If he does this, that's probably as far as he will get before graduation. Not "enough" in my book so I'm a little worried. I can't however, progress him faster than he's ready for.

:glare: no matter what I want - he is where he is :D

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If he does this, that's probably as far as he will get before graduation. Not "enough" in my book so I'm a little worried.

If he needs more, he can always take classes at the community college, can't he? If he doesn't need more for his future life choice, then why make him take more? Millions of successful adults have never even taken algebra 1, much less three maths above that.


Just to weird you out a little, lol, it is not uncommon to NOT count pre-algebra for math credit at the high school level...

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I know our state standards say 4 credits of math and must include Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, and one other in senior year. The Senior year can be anything, I know consumer math is acceptable. Most of the colleges I looked into in our area also want to see 4 credits in math. So I'm assuming this is why OP is trying to get the 4 credits.



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Jann - his goal is to enter the Navy. He will decide to either get a tutor to take him through Alg II then on to whatever they decide is next or take a local co-op class for Alg II. If he does this, that's probably as far as he will get before graduation. Not "enough" in my book so I'm a little worried. I can't however, progress him faster than he's ready for.

:glare: no matter what I want - he is where he is :D


I would focus on that goal. Seems to me that having Algebra II and Trig under his belt would be needed for the Navy--just thinking about bearings in navigation and other technical math applications. Parental nagging might not be as inspiring as a recruiter who says we want or prefer our applicants to have this, that and the other.


A low math score might close doors for him in the Navy. If he has an end goal in mind, perhaps he can find the inner wherewithal to complete more coursework. One idea might be to complete Algebra II/Trig in the fall, statistics in the spring. This would involve the CC or a tutor.


Good luck.

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I had a mom who's graduated several kids from homeschool tell me that the local 4 year state school isn't accepting consumer math anymore. They want 4 credits in Algebra 1 and higher.


I would suggest statistics. Life of Fred has a course in it that might be a quirky, fun alternative.

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On the ASVAB, the highest level of math is Algebra I. Unless he is interested in a math field like Nuclear or engineering I would not worry about Trig.


I would look at an ASVAB Test prep book. There are sections on logic type spatial problems and mechanical/electronic type questions that most curriculums do not cover. These will bring a score way down if the student isn't familiar with it (ask me how I know). With the Navy (or any other branch) the higher the ASVAB score the better the Job choices and if he wants to go into a special force type field they need to be even higher. I would even call and talk with the educational consultant in the Navy. They can help you with what is needed.

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OH JOY OH JOY OH JOY. This information makes me so happy!

"On the ASVAB, the highest level of math is Algebra I. Unless he is interested in a math field like Nuclear or engineering I would not worry about Trig."


This will make him so happy, he's feeling very down on himself regarding having such a hard time with Algebra I (took it twice) and is working to remedy the problems, but that takes time.

Something we both felt he didn't have.

I'm so glad I asked, thanks to each of you!

Looks like we'll be doing some test prep research and looking into statistics or some other choice. All the while, plugging away to finish Alg II asap.

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