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Life Skills

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What things do you think are essential for your kids to know before leaving home? I have a rising 9th grade ds this winter.


Are there any differences in what you teach your boys vs. girls?


Thanks bunches!:001_smile:

Edited by Tammy in Germany
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No difference between boy and girl...




Meal preparation

Cleaning house

Money management

Basic car care (before they get their full driver's license)

Basic home repair...how to change a light bulb, use basic tools, fix simple things like a clogged toilet or sink...my husband's work is home repair so my boys know how to do everything from remodel a kitchen to adding a bathroom from helping him but I don't consider all that essential.



It's early. That's all I can think of at the moment. The kids help with all that stuff starting early on and adding responsibility as they get older so it isn't like they will need to cram before they grow up and leave.

Edited by Donna
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How to change a tire for sure. DS learned when he was 12 years old. We had a flat on the highway and he basically changed the tire for me. :)


laundry - wash, dry, fold and ironing

basic sewing





Anything you do around the house have your DS help you or do it for you sometimes.

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No difference between boys. I have 2 and, while mine are younger, I plan on teaching them all of the above, plus how to hem pants and sew a button. How to make a budget (and stick to it), balancing a check book, how bills work, cooking, cleaning, ironing, changing a tire, and minor home repairs.

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I will teach all of my kids, male and female, to iron a shirt, sew on a button, read a map, change a flat tire, cook some basics, hem a pair of pants, the intricacies of laundry (sorting, what temps to wash on, how to hand wash), how to check the fluid levels and tire pressure on a car, do basic first aid, what meds to take for what conditions (over the counter), money saving tips/money management, basic home repairs, how to use a lawnmower, how to clean a bathroom, how to swim (yes, that is a life skill) and I'm sure many other things that I am forgetting...

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budgeting/financial responsibility


basic household cleaning


proper social interaction skills (in various settings)


I'm sure there will be others, but these are the big ones at the moment. Ds is finishing up 5th grade and we're already putting these things in place in hopes that as he approaches high school age he'll be moving toward adult independence.

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I'm going to be different, and say there is a difference with my boys and girls.


Dealing with dating, personal care, anyways :tongue_smilie: (ie girls will be taught how it feels to be treated w/respect, what to look for, boys will be taught *how* to treat with respect)


Survival skills, as I think of them, are for everyone.



Meal planning

Grocery shopping



Basic sewing (mend a seam, fix a button)

Housework (incl laundry)


Automotive care


I don't want any of my kids being dependant on someone else for basic needs. By 'dependant', I mean completely unable to do for themselves ie: change a tire, charge car battery, cook, shop, budget well enough to keep them housed, clothed, fed well enough at least to prevent scurvy.

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