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Well, it's settled. My 5 y/o son will never work on a dairy farm.

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We were driving with the windows open yesterday on our way to an educational program at the Daniel Boone Homestead when the breeze carried a giant whiff of cow manure into our open car windows.


My 5 y/o son was not at all pleased with the smell.


I told him, "Well, if you were a farmer, and you lived and worked on a farm, you'd have to smell it all the time. But you'd probably be used to it and wouldn't notice it as much."


He informed me, "If I was a farmer and I lived and worked on a farm, I would move out."



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I grew up in NW PA, and our good friends had a dairy farm. Then I moved to a place where factory farmed chickens are in abundance. There is simply no contest between the two. Cows smell healthy and earthy to me; caged chickens stink.


Btw, how is the Daniel Boone homestead? Interesting? It's on our list to visit, but it's a little bit of a hike, so I only want to do it if it's worth the drive.

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My parents live in the middle of nowhere. We had just been visiting them and were driving home. DD2 had been lamenting the fact that we didn't live in the country and weeping and moaning about how badly she wished we lived with Granny and Pa.


Then we passed a squished skunk.


She immediately changed her tune. Now she sees toll plazas on the highway as a mark of civilization.

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Btw, how is the Daniel Boone homestead? Interesting? It's on our list to visit, but it's a little bit of a hike, so I only want to do it if it's worth the drive.


Well, I'm not sure what it would be like if you just went on a typical day. We went specifically for an educational program where they had different stations set up with demonstrations and hands on activities and so on. Very pretty there, for sure! Not sure how much there would be to do on just a "typical" day.


I do have a few pics up on my blog if you want to take a peek.

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I live across the street from a dairy farm. They liquify the manure and spread it on the fields every so often. The first time it happened, I called DH and told him to come home because the sewer lines in the area must have broken and we had to get out of here before we were poisoned. Our windows were all closed and the odor was so strong I was sure the house was about to be flooded with raw sewage.


I didn't think about how there are no sewer lines around here.


I still don't like the smell of liquified manure. The regular manure smell doesn't bother me. I can tell that our puppy wants to go over there and roll in it.

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I met my dh when I was a teenager. The love in the air was so strong that I guess I never noticed the manure smell. :D


We lived on dairies for the first 15 years of our marriage, and I really didn't notice any smell unless it rained.


We've now built a house on the back of our property, so there's about 450 acres between us and the actual dairy. I still don't smell anything at home, but when I go to the dairy now, I definitely notice the odor! :001_huh:


My theory on this is that modern life has become so anti-bacterial, deodorized, and air-freshened, that we're no longer used to *real* life smells. :001_smile:

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I met my dh when I was a teenager. The love in the air was so strong that I guess I never noticed the manure smell. :D





My first serious boyfriend worked on a dairy farm. He'd stop by on his way home to change, and for some reason I never thought he was cuter than when he was dirty, covered in hay and smelling of manure. There's just something about a dirty, stinky farm-boy. ;)

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I grew up in NW PA, and our good friends had a dairy farm. Then I moved to a place where factory farmed chickens are in abundance. There is simply no contest between the two. Cows smell healthy and earthy to me; caged chickens stink.


Btw, how is the Daniel Boone homestead? Interesting? It's on our list to visit, but it's a little bit of a hike, so I only want to do it if it's worth the drive.


We had dairy farm in NW PA. I just pm'd you



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I love a man in a big carhartt coat that smells like a cow-swoon!


I used to work at a local farm/ranch supply store and I loved it when the ranchers/farmers would come in smelling like cows.


I love the smell of the barnyard too-to me it smells like springtime-it's usually one of the first smells that comes back in the spring when the grown thaws...

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