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Rant! or Help me with this.

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I have a friend on fB who constantly posts new pictures of herself. Close ups of her face from every angle. Can I or should I say something? She probably has no idea how obnoxious this comes across as? I looked into her photos and 95 percent were shots of herself, mostly close ups of her face. I do believe she has no idea how this comes across as. Life goes way beyond how you look. Looks are only skin deep. This is not a young teen.


Annoyed. I still want to be her friend.

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I'm having a hard time imagining this bothering me. But I log into my facebook about once a month.


Edit: No, I wouldn't say anything. It's her facebook, she can put what she wants on it. This shouldn't be an obstacle to friendship.

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Any friend will have flaws. Being a friend means being a friend in spite of those flaws. I also think it's not that big of a deal. Just don't look at them. You don't necessarily know why she does it, she could be hiding a very deep hurt. Just love her anyways.

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Any friend will have flaws. Being a friend means being a friend in spite of those flaws. I also think it's not that big of a deal. Just don't look at them. You don't necessarily know why she does it, she could be hiding a very deep hurt. Just love her anyways.



Thanks. I guess I wonder why she is so caught up in how she looks. I think it's strange.

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I guess I don't see why you would have to say anything in the first place. If it annoys you that much, why don't you put her on ignore on facebook and just be friends in real life?


I would, but it's the most contact we have. And from what most other people post on fb seems, kind of, I want to say it kindly, "please, look at me and give me a compliment.":tongue_smilie::blushing:

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I have a friend who does this as well. I find it odd, but it's her page.


I did hide her posts from my news feed, though, so now I only have to look at them all when I intentionally go to see her page.


Oh....and the other thing she does that bugs me (and I've asked her repeatedly not to do) is post EVERY picture she has with me in it, and tags me, no matter how horrible. She did this just last week with what was undoubtedly the single most unflattering photo of me ever taken. I look like I weigh 200 pounds (and at 5'4', that's not a good thing for me) and my mouth is in some stupid position, and one of my eyes is half closed so I look like I may have just had a tiny stroke. I immediately told her to delete the thing. Some people....

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I think it would be rude to say anything. It's not like she is your best friend and you guys have the sort of relationship where you can be honest like that (and I imagine that what you're getting at would still sting, even coming from one's best friend). If it bothers you so much, just don't look at her photo albums. No big deal.

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I think it would be rude to say anything. It's not like she is your best friend and you guys have the sort of relationship where you can be honest like that (and I imagine that what you're getting at would still sting, even coming from one's best friend). If it bothers you so much, just don't look at her photo albums. No big deal.


We're not best friends, but I know her really well. Used to see each other a lot, now moved apart. Really, I usually don't go into her photo albums, because I get them all in the home feed. Like "here's how I look today' then a week later "here's how I look with pink blush" and then the next day "here's how I look with short hair" then the next week "my new way of fixing my hair" a few days later "my new lip color" etc.:tongue_smilie:


Really, it has helped me, just posting here, just spilling it out somewhere. Thanks ladies. That's why I like this board.

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I'm sure she probably thinks some of the things you do are strange, too :D:tongue_smilie:

Perhaps this is an area you can just smile, show grace to her in your heart, and move on.


Thanks for the reminder!:tongue_smilie:

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I have a friend who does this. She is into serious weight lifting and it's part of that culture I think. At least amongst her group of lifting friends? It doesn't bug me, just makes me roll me eyes a little. I certainly wouldn't say anything as it isn't causing any harm. (Other than making me jealous of how fit she is!)

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Thanks. I guess I wonder why she is so caught up in how she looks. I think it's strange.


It could be that she just needs to hear some positive compliments about herself. I'm not saying definitely that she has a poor self-image, but everyone, no matter how confident, needs to hear "you're pretty" every now and then.

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