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No Bin Laden photos released?

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His 12 year old daughter actually saw him die? :(


And now she might be let out into the world to know more about who he was. Her world must feel upside down. I wonder what they told her as to why they never left the compound.

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I would rather hope they did it for our dignity.


:iagree: The terrorists are the ones who make sure the whole world sees our dead soldiers they've captured. They are the ones who video and release the deaths of innocents in order to justify themselves. We are better than that. This man was our enemy. This man caused the murder of thousands. And he still received the dignity of a religious funeral and burial in a way that still protected Americans. There is no shame in that for us. We don't "lose" by that. The respect shown to him as a human being is only to our credit.

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I, in no way, support Obama or agree with pretty much anything he does. That said, I don't think the photos should be released to the general public. It would just cause more issues. I do think that the families of those who died on 9/11 should be allowed to come to a specific place to view the photos if they so choose. It should be controlled. Putting it out there in the media is really not necessary.


I also think they revealed WAY too much about the mission itself. It seems like publishing all this info of specifics about a covert operation could potentially put future similar covert operations in jeopardy. Thereby endangering our troops. Just my opinion. Take it or leave it.

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I agree with the sentiment that too much has already been revealed.


I have thought that for many years, under different administrations. I don't understand why we are allowing...or demanding...our gov't and military to keep *showing their cards*. We aren't the only ones watching and listening.


Even if I'm skeptical about something, I realize that it's NOT all about me and my views and that I DON'T understand all the in's and out's and probably don't have a clue who ALL would be affected if a complete explanation was given.

Edited by MSPolly
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His 12 year old daughter actually saw him die? :(


And now she might be let out into the world to know more about who he was. Her world must feel upside down. I wonder what they told her as to why they never left the compound.


I haven't read very many articles about this whole thing, so I'd not caught that bit of information (about his daughter) … that's horrifying & heartbreaking .. no twelve year old child should ever have to witness something like that. :(

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I also think they revealed WAY too much about the mission itself. It seems like publishing all this info of specifics about a covert operation could potentially put future similar covert operations in jeopardy. Thereby endangering our troops. Just my opinion. Take it or leave it.


:iagree: All the information that keeps coming out, including that now of the stealth helo...*shudder* This asinine "need to know everything" complex our country has is going to be the death of us. :banghead::cursing:

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His 12 year old daughter actually saw him die? :(


Horrible, isn't it? :( I wonder if these people give even a moment's thought to what their actions put their children through. I'm sure this child was desensitized to death and violence at this age but still...this was her father. His actions led to this trauma for his child. Totally outside what I'm capable of comprehending.

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I agree with the sentiment that too much has already been revealed.


I have thought that for many years, under different administrations. I don't understand why we are allowing...or demanding...our gov't and military to keep *showing their cards*. We aren't the only ones watching and listening.


Even if I'm skeptical about something, I realize that it's NOT all about me and my views and that I DON'T understand all the in's and out's and probably don't have a clue who ALL would be affected if a complete explanation was given.




While I'm pretty uncomfortable with how this whole thing is being handled with the public, I'm hardly qualified to even suggest what I think should be done because my opinion can only be based on my very limited information, and since even that information conflicts with other information, where does that leave any of us? I sometimes think the pictures should be made available. I sometimes think maybe it's best that they are not for reasons of which I might not even be aware. When 9/11 occurred and there was all the upheaval about who knew what and releasing this top secret info and that super-classified info, I kept thinking "Please don't. Even I can see it's not safe. Just do your job as you are trained to do it, and I'll do mine."


And since I'm naturally a skeptic and I'm highly nosy, that's a lot for me to admit. It certainly isn't based on "trust" of this administration or any other, it's just that there are people doing this job that know infinitely more than I ever will about national security, and there is no choice, really, other than to let them do their jobs.

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My initial reaction to thoughts of his burial was "surrounded by dead pigs" b/c I thought he deserved disgrace in death.


THEN....I reviewed the Geneva Convention. We are forced by the GC to follow the religious customs of the POW's religion. Now, of course, many times our enemies do not follow the GC, but.....we should. (And, yes, torture is against the Geneva Convention.)


Maybe if we all saw pictures of the half blown away skull of UBL/OBL we would think it is true.


It's too bad that nobody had moving pictures of JFK's assassination. Then maybe we would KNOW FOR SURE!



Oh, wait. :001_huh:

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1. Pictures of the body would not have appeased anyone who is going to claim he isn't really dead. Pictures would be accused of being doctored or fabricated. So I don't believe showing the pictures gives anybody reason to "trust" that he is dead, if you dont' already do so.


2. To see the pictures for "closure"...I don't understand that at all. Not even slightly. He is dead. The idea of actually seeing the photo making anyone feel better - there is something wrong with that. To me that is an even farther step of "celebrating" his death that what has already taken place. And definitely a contradiction for any who say they are celebrating the military victory...what does a picture of a dead person have to do with the military victory? Sounds way more like personal vengeance that way.


:iagree: You said this way better than I could have.


Since Obama was not physically present when OBL was killed, obviously he got his information from the military and intelligence people who were there and did see the body and the DNA results, so it is their "word," not Obama's, that we are taking. Are you implying that Vice Admiral McRaven of JSOC, and all the other military and intelligence personal involved in this mission, could be lying? Really? :confused:


The military and the CIA are the ones who requested that Obama not release the photos, because they felt it would put US personnel at additional risk. The photo is supposedly extremely gruesome, with a large chunk of OBL's skull blown off. But you think Obama should have dismissed the concerns of military and intelligence personnel and released the photos anyway, so that a few nuts in tinfoil hats can be sure OBL is dead? Or that the families who lost loved ones on 9/11 would really choose to put our military at additional risk just so they could see a photo of OBL with half his head missing?




EXACTLY. So our brave soldiers that risked their lives are all just making it up?


I agree with the sentiment that too much has already been revealed.


I have thought that for many years, under different administrations. I don't understand why we are allowing...or demanding...our gov't and military to keep *showing their cards*. We aren't the only ones watching and listening.

Even if I'm skeptical about something, I realize that it's NOT all about me and my views and that I DON'T understand all the in's and out's and probably don't have a clue who ALL would be affected if a complete explanation was given.




:iagree: All the information that keeps coming out, including that now of the stealth helo...*shudder* This asinine "need to know everything" complex our country has is going to be the death of us. :banghead::cursing:


Thank you!


OBL is dead, that doesn't mean we are not still at WAR.

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