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Brainstorm offering summer childcare with me, please

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I need a summer job. I don't feel like driving 30 minutes one way to either of the summer jobs I had last summer, and I don't want to get into something that I can't quit, in good conscience, before school starts. So I'm thinking about taking in several (3-4) elementary students for summer day care.


Those of you who do day care for that age, can you give me a run down on everything I need to think of? I'd like to offer a combo of activities and summer tutoring that would be attractive to parents who value a good education for their kids.


I have access to the pool in our HOA, so that would be a regular activity. I'm thinking about planning regular outings (field trips) just like I did for my littles. What other things would you do with them? I suspect we're talking 9-10 hour days at a minimum.


I'd love to have just girls or just boys, but not sure if I could swing that.


How much would you charge? (How much is summer care/week anyway?)


Would you have to have any kind of licensing or certification?


Finally, the stickiest issue is that my husband is off every other Friday. he'd love it if I could be available to him then. I don't know how I could work the two together. ??



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As a former dayhome provider, there's no way parents are going to hire someone that takes every Friday off. Just not going to work, cause too much stress and hassle for them to find someone else every week.


I wouldn't take 5 or more kids to a pool, not by myself. Just so risky, and my ability to keep a safe watch on that many kids I wouldn't be confident about, even if there is a lifeguard on duty.


Licensing, etc depends on where you live. As does pricing.


If you're wanting to do this, advertise now.


I'd plan weekly field trips...be it to a zoo, special park, events, etc. Parents pay the admission.

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Could you tutor elementary students instead? One year my sister offered a drama camp for two weeks. It ran from 9-1 and she had a good number of neighborhood children. She ran two other camps that summer, but I don't remember the focus. What's your talent?

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Our HOA allows each family to have up to four guests at a time. So the pool may be doable, but make sure you know how many you need to limit it to.


If I had to use daycare, I personally would love to send my kids to a camp type daycare. Perhaps a different focus each week would work for you.

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I don't know about TX, but in OH, children are required to be in a booster seat in the car until a certain age/height. I think it ends up being 3rd-5th grade for most kids, so car rides can be a problem for care providers.


In Texas, children are required to be in a booster by law until age 8.

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anyone else?


Can anyone help me with what you might do with elementary school kids all day if you were offering summer care for them?


My situation has varied so much for my kids, that I have a hard time even thinking of how I'd approach this. I can think of how it could range all the way from simply supervised play to full out tutoring.





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Maybe a different theme for each week...and then plan things around that theme. You could create a little organization outline that you just fill in for each week...stories, songs, field trips, imaginative play, etc.


I really love to come up with different things for our summers--the themes really helped when they were elementary age. You could cover so many different things--oceans, animals, space, pirates, water, etc. There are a lot of websites around with preschool ideas organized by theme...and you could expand on them according to ages.


You could also do an Around the World type of thing--maybe do a different country each week.


Last summer, I gave each day of the week a 'fun name' and then planned activities with my kids around those days. Marvelous Monday (art projects at home), Terrific Tuesday (field trip), Wacky Water Wednesday (swimming pool or water games), Theater Thursday (a local movie theater had a summer deal), Fantastic Fridays (friends over day).


If you couldn't find kids for all day day-care, you could try offering weeklong 'summer' camps on different subjects. Lots of moms around here will pay for their kids to have something fun or educational to go off to for a few hours at a time.

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Not sure about in home rates, but our local community center has a summer camp from 7-6 every day. They charge $150 per week. They have a different theme each week, (noted on page 2 in green). Here is the link:




Personally, I think it would be easier to offer a daycare that had a set routine each day so the kids knew what to expect. Like 8-9:30 arrival and breakfast, 9:30 - 10:30 story time and read-in, 10:30 snack, 11 craft/learning time, 12 lunch, 1 Spanish lessons, 1:30 pool time...etc.

Edited by Ferdie
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  • 2 weeks later...

In Texas, you can be "listed" for $20 a year. You are required by law to be at least listed if you keep any kids for money. If you are listed, you may keep up to 3 non-related children. This is how I am registered.




I keep a little girl in the summer who has been coming to me since she was 3. At the time she started coming here, I charged $115 per week, so I still charge that rate for her during the summer since I also keep her brother and sister the rest of the year. I charge $135 per week now, for any age. I'm in the Dallas area.


I don't go anywhere with the kids, as I also keep very little ones, and it throws off our day if we leave the house. She has a great time playing with my own kids, and she begs to come here instead of her daycare (which transports her to school) when she is out of school.


Hope this helps.


April in TX

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For the Fridays you'd like to be w/ your dh--can you find a friend or someone who'd take just those 2 days/mo? Pay her directly, let parents know ahead of time, & (if poss) continue to have the kids at *your* house so there's no remembering where to go or distance discrepancy. (Or if sub is close, don't worry about it.)

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