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For all the homeschooling parents . . .a quick upper

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I answered a knock at my door this a.m. and my postal carrier (who I've only seen a handful of times) handed me a large envelope and then said, "Mrs. X? I really respect that you homeschool your kids."


I was so surprised. She and I have never talked -- I'm not even sure how she knew that I do homeschool.


Anyway, if you'd been here in my place. . . she would have said the same thing to you! :cheers2:


Have a great weekend!



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How could she NOT know you hs...with all the boxes of books...


I brought a bunch of curricula from another state when we moved plus when I order curricula it comes UPS -- not from the postal carrier.


I think she may know because I get one single newsletter from a homeschool association.



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Oh this is so funny! This almost exact same thing happened to us!!! Except my postal carrier was looking for some babysitting (he ended up hiring one of my daughters) and he kind of supposed that we might be Christians (he was kind of "iffy" with his faith personally) and actually kind of was over the next few weeks he was asking some parenting advice and we ended up being close and kind of helped his family through some crises.



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