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what would be the right thing to do? etiquette ?

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I have a friend I met several years ago at a homeschool group. We immediately hit it off and ADORED each other. The group's leader was a real nut job and the group had a lot of issues, and these issues brought me and this friend much closer together. Unfortunately, her dh lost his job and their house was going to go into foreclosure so they decided to sell the house and move down south where it is much cheaper to live. I was devastated and she was sad to be leaving her home, her family, her friends, and was sad that our friendship wasn't going to be allowed to develop.


We have remained in contact but only speak maybe once per year or every other year. When we talk it's still as if we were good friends. Other than that, I get a Christmas car from her. I adore her but I barely know (knew) her son.


We just got a beautiful invitation to attend her son's homeschool graduation. We won't be attending, but what's the proper thing to do? I normally give friend's kids who graduate $100 or so, but I'm thinking a nice card and $25. Does that seem cheap? What is the proper thing to do?

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Just curious, if you give $100 for graduation, what do you give when the person gets married? Around here it's $10 for graduations, $50 for weddings and $100 if it is a relative getting married.


it really depends on the relationship. For good friends where I live it's $150 for a wedding. In NY/NJ they do things on a MUCH larger scale.


We honestly don't have a "set" scale but I come up with a number privately and then ask dh and 9 times out of 10 we have the same number. :001_smile:

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We just got a beautiful invitation to attend her son's homeschool graduation. We won't be attending, but what's the proper thing to do? I normally give friend's kids who graduate $100 or so, but I'm thinking a nice card and $25. Does that seem cheap? What is the proper thing to do?

The proper thing to do is to RSVP (if you were asked to do that--is it an announcement or an invitation?).


Otherwise, giving a gift/sending a card is up to you. I'm sure her son would appreciate whatever you decide to do.

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