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National Mythology Exam award!

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http://www.etclassics.org/nme.html The National Mythology Exam is a once-a-year exam that kids 3rd grade and up can take. It's run through the American Classical League's "Excellence through Classics". I think at third grade you only need to do the basic 30 questions (though my daughter also chose to take the additional 10 questions for older grades). There's also an Iliad, Odyssey, Aeneid, African myth, American myth and Norse myth option.


My daughter laughed at me when I said I was proud of her. She said "Of course I got 100%, I knew my answers were all correct. I was just waiting for my gold medal to arrive."

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LOL, I'm hoping this will spur my kids to take the Exploratory Latin Exam as well!


My ds9 gold medaled. I'm very excited about it, b/c he hates tests. He took the 30, the 10 extra (Ancient Beginnings) and the Odyssey sub-test. When I glanced at it, I figured he'd miss the question about Hermes giving Odysseus moly, but the other answers were sort of silly, so process of elimination was possible. He's very proud. I know he loves the medal.


Have any of you done the ELE? They sell so many supplemental prep materials that everything looks like a really big deal. Ds is through the first BBofLL. I'm wondering how he'd do.

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