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Have your doctor take pictures, no matter where the bite is. They are normally viewed better than you taking them yourself but that is a good idea as well. If there are any other neighbors willing to possibly testify or at least write written accounts of the dogs behavior that can be helpful sometimes as well.

Do you have a dog warden and were their complaints made to them before this bite occurred? If so try to have either the dog warden or those accounts ready as well.

Sorry this happened to you!


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I'm a lifelong dog lover, but these kinds of stories really scare me. A woman was mauled to death in NM just a few days ago.


When I walk now I'm thinking of taking red pepper spray with me.


I'm also in a situation -- very different than this -- where we're dealing with lawyers for the first time ever. They scare me too.


I highly, highly recommend that you read Winning Every Time by Lis Wiehl. It will really help you understand where a lawyer is coming from.


It's a fast, very interesting read. I'm a library person, but I ordered this book to keep.


Good luck,



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I would just encourage you to make yourself a small journal entry of exactly what happened. That way when you are deposed or otherwise asked about the incident you are consistent. I went through depositions after a robbery and after an accident. The one after my accident was three hours long - the accident had only taken about 10 seconds to occur and involved no other people. I know the lawyers were only doing their jobs but I got nervous every time I would say something and someone would start scribbling frantically.

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I think I would call a lawyer. Just to make sure this never happens to anyone ever again.


I had a friend whose mixed breed dog got out of his house and bit someone. Apparently the skin was not broken but the women immediately started shouting at him she was going to sue.


She went to the hospital for a tetanus shot and then got a lawyer.


She got around a $30,000 settlement. It was crazy.


I"m not telling you to sue but I would want to seriously make a big deal out of this.

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How scary! I'm glad the bite wasn't medically serious. My neighbors have boxer/pit bull mixes that run loose (in violation of the law) and they bark and snarl so much that I can't even walk with my kids up the street or take my puppy for a walk. :(


Do be sure to contact your state's animal control office. Your local animal shelter may be able to put you in touch with them. I don't know where you are, but in my state, dogs are only "allowed" 2 bites, and then they must be put down. They must also be quarantined after a bite, iirc.


I hope court goes smoothly for you.

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