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Teachers Bistro 4-27-2011

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The Bistro is OPEN!


On special today: adult (read: MOM conversation) without the side of attached hip-huggers. Accompanied by your choice of chocolate and tea or coffee.


Continuing special (may be a permanent implementation): :grouphug:


So, what's for lunch today? Too early for lunch? What about a snack? We: had a late breakfast, at McD's. Went to the tea shop there but their selection was disappointing in the way of pastries.


What's on the schedule today? Me: I was supposed to take a test for a job today but I think I subconsciously on purpose sabotaged my chances. I literally forgot to schedule and take a typing test which was required in advance of the test.


What's exciting today? Me: found most of next year's curricula at highly discounted prices (used) and hubby said, "Buy it!" :)


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Well, I'll take the coffee any time of day!


Lunch: The kids had Ramen, ds had a sore throat and that was his request. I had some Rosemary & Garlic Triscuts ... wow, are they tasty!


Today's schedule: We did school-lite because of the aforementioned sore throat ... but he seems fine now. Then we're off to gymnastics after dinner.


Exciting today: hhmmmmm...nothing too exciting here. But that isn't necessarily a bad thing! :tongue_smilie:

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I am liking that special! Adult conversation?? Whoda thunk it??


Lunch today: The boy is currently going off his feed, thanks to the new ADHD meds he's on. He ate a free cookie at Wal-Mart and about half a dozen bites of leftover paella at home. I conned him into taking cheese and crackers to his room. I see PediaSure in our future. I ate the rest of the paella and am topping that off with cheese and pumpkin seeds. Gotta have fiber to counteract the cheese. ;)


Today's schedule: Counteract the blahs with a brand-spankin'-new candle. Island Spa from Yankee Candle is making my house smell sunnier than it is outside.


Exciting: See above. I <3 new candle day.

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Lunch: frozen CPK Sicilian, kids had pizza rolls (it's just one of those days/weeks ;))


Scheduled: just back from library, school to finish


Exciting: um, we saw a big tree down about a mile from here, due to last night's storms...that we all completely slept through

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I choose hot chocolate with my boardie bffs.:)




Lunch - salad with protein. Is there any other lunch?


Schedule - all the stuff I didn't get done on Monday and Tuesday.


Exciting - MIL is coming home from the hospital today. I'm glad since I was a little bit concerned that she might not be coming home from the hospital at all this time.

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I'll make a fresh pot of coffee.


Lunch should be a salad, but I'm out of green things. I'm having a leftover Cornish Pasty instead.


Schedule: Little one is still sick so I plan to do more cuddling than usual. The bigger one already finished her work and is on my office floor with a pile of Asterix books.


Exciting: dd10 is making pizza for dinner. I love homemade pizza. I try to avoid excitement during the week.

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chocolate please!


Lunch: PB&J


Schedule: I realized after he left for work that DH's aunt might be coming by tonight. Thus, dropping everything off the schedule to clean. And check on my Deadliest Catch thread. And reading one of my Kindle books.


Excitement: See above.

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I'll put on the tea kettle.


For lunch, I ate all the leftovers from Easter and the past few days- included a bean and veggie casserole with sweet potato mash, quinoa w/ caramelized onions, spinach w/ garlic, green beans, and mashed parsnips. I also had a piece of fresh whole wheat bread that I baked this morning with butter. I am now so full, I may not eat dinner.


The kids had natural peanut butter on the fresh bread, leftover broccoli and a cheese stick.


School in the morning, played outside, ate lunch, went to Target, now home on the computer.


Exciting- My BIL made it to Haiti safely with the kid they have been hosting, and is getting him settled into a very nice orphanage. It makes having to leave him there bearable. They would have loved to keep him, but it wasn't allowed.

Edited by thescrappyhomeschooler
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I'll take a nice cold can of coca-cola for my beverage please (shhh, it's my one vice!).


For lunch we had cheese tortellini from Trader Joe's, a small side salad and a piece of Easter candy for dessert.


My oldest is finishing her geography, the son is reading, and the younger two are watching Olivia the Pig!


I spent the morning kind of "mentoring" a mom that is planning to start homeschooling her son next year. I didn't know her very well beforehand (just a connection through our son's Cub Scout pack). I was a little nervous about having her over, as I'm a little introverted. We ended up having a lot in common and IMO, we hit off pretty well. It was really a nice morning and I look forward to a continued friendship and helping as she begins her homeschooling journey!


Later this afternoon we have our last children's choir practice for this school year! Friday is the dress rehearsal and Saturday is their musical. It's so nice to have some activities starting to wind down--I'm worn out and am looking forward to having a little more "free time" in the near future!

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Lunch: Salad with home-grown salad mix. Wow, they are delicious! :D

Grilled cheese sandwiches and veggies for the girls, grilled

fake-cheese sandwich for the boy.


Scheduled: School and church get-together in the evening.


Exciting: My garden. Just saw a few tiny zucchini growing, cherry tomatoes,

lettuce, green onions. My poor basil plants are not looking too well, though. Something is eating them.

Lots of flowers on our pomegranate tree. I have high hopes for

this fall.

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So, what's for lunch today?

We had to eat out, so we went to Chick-Fil-A. I had 2 coupons for free sandwiches.


What's on the schedule today?

Schoolwork in the car

Hair Cut (ended up shorter than I wanted, but dd says she likes it)

Oil Change and Tire Rotation

Shopping for some shirts/shorts for the kiddos.

UPS store to print out my Biblioplan guide from the E-book

Science lab with neighbor if she gets home in time(hasn't showed yet so we'll be doing it tomorrow)

Church tonight


What's exciting today?


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So, what's for lunch today? The kids had sandwiches at home after we returned from dd's doctor appointment. She woke me up at 6am saying she had a fever. She was right, it was 103. Turns out a bad ear infection. And, as usual, it is happening just 2 days before we are leaving town for the weekend. Sigh. I finally remembered that I did not eat when I stopped by dh's office and saw left over pizza that his boss brought in today. Yep, I ate that.


What's on the schedule today? Well, the schedule was to stay at home and catch up since we haven't had school since the storms started. However, first we went to the dr. Then we went to pick up meds. Which lead us to dh's office. From there we went to the Farm supply store because we are out of chick food. Thankfully ds was not with us because they had the last chicks marked really, really cheap. Ds was picked up by my dad for blowling practice. Then we went to pick up eyeglasses for dd. She doesn't like them yet, but oh well, the dr said if she didn't I don't have to make her wear them.


What's exciting today? Well, no rain or storms! Our power only went out twice!

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