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Do people realize. . .

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Do people seriously not realize how ignorant they appear when they do not check the facts before they 'report' something on say, Facebook or this forum? It doesn't even take that much time to check around. This particular person doesn't believe that Snopes is truthful (?) so why not check other sources? This isn't a political statement because I don't care which president is in office, if you 'report' that "HE" cancelled the National Day of Prayer, how hard is it to just go to the National Day of Prayer's website and see???? This kind of stuff makes me nuts!!! there are so many other instances that I could put but this is the most recent. . .


Vent over. . . on with the rest of your day.

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I'm becoming best friends with the "delete" button on my email, and the "hide" feature on FB, for this very reason. ;)


:tongue_smilie:I do this with emails but I guess those 'feel' like they are only for my eyes. When people do this so publicly I just don't know how to handle it. I will now go practice using the 'hide' feature.:001_smile:

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I have corrected it privately (and humbly, imo). There was a lady from church who would send everyone those types of email forwards, and she actually thanked me for introducing her to Snopes.


So, no, people don't always think to fact check, but sometimes they do respond well to the suggestion!

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I either say "oops, this isn't true, you must have received some bad info, here is a link," or I send the same thing in a private message.


this is where I truly goofed this a.m. I should have sent a private message instead I put the NDP website in comments. darn it! off to see if I can remove it.

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I have corrected it privately (and humbly, imo). There was a lady from church who would send everyone those types of email forwards, and she actually thanked me for introducing her to Snopes.


So, no, people don't always think to fact check, but sometimes they do respond well to the suggestion!


I usually handle it this way too but this person had someone ahead of me suggest Snopes and this person acted like Snopes doesn't know anything so my thought was, "Check the source." which in this case was so easy, National Day of Prayer website.

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this is where I truly goofed this a.m. I should have sent a private message instead I put the NDP website in comments. darn it! off to see if I can remove it.

DON'T DELETE IT. Sorry to shout ;)


That stupid stupid stupid rumor has been going around since the poor man gained office. Leave the link to Snopes, so the OTHER PEOPLE looking at their page will see that it's false.


Pretty Please!


I get so tired of that particular claim.

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DON'T DELETE IT. Sorry to shout ;)


That stupid stupid stupid rumor has been going around since the poor man gained office. Leave the link to Snopes, so the OTHER PEOPLE looking at their page will see that it's false.


Pretty Please!


I get so tired of that particular claim.


great point!

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My mother does this. I just sigh and reply with a link to Snopes. I have faith that one day she'll catch on.


We have an aunt who does it at LEAST once a month through emails. We send her the snopes tag and so far she has NOT caught on. :001_huh:

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Any alarming message about anyone cancelling ANYTHING to do with *prayer* amuses me. Who can stop ANYONE from praying? Why do you need people to *see* you do it? Just quietly PRAY for crying out loud!


I don't see a need for a National Day of Prayer.

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Any alarming message about anyone cancelling ANYTHING to do with *prayer* amuses me. Who can stop ANYONE from praying? Why do you need people to *see* you do it? Just quietly PRAY for crying out loud!


I don't see a need for a National Day of Prayer.


THANK you!!! My thoughts exactly! :D

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Well, I do know some folks (my Mom) who don't ever use their computer for anything but email. She really has no clue. So when someone she trusts, (like her brother) sends her something like that, she will send it along bless her heart and she means well.

I will always check them out and let her know if it is real of not so she isn't fretting but not because I think she is "ignorant".


I think most people who pass these along truly mean well. I try to address them in a manner that won't embarrass the OP.

Frankly, I am way more bothered by grammar and spelling mistakes than I am by these.

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Did ya'll get the one with the great pictures of the icebergs in Lake Michigan??? I have had this sent to me by every person over the age of 50 that I know. Even gullible, lazy me snoped this one.




I loved that one, fake or not, those were some seriously cool photos, lol

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my MIL knows about snopes.com but will go ahead and forward something because she doesn't have the time to check it out right then. (but she has the time to forward it to about a bajillion people!) :confused: then when i send her the snopes link, she'll reply that she had her doubts about it anyway. :001_huh:

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I'm fortunate that I don't have any friends or relatives on FB or e-mail who routinely do this.


My DH has a number who do, though. For a while he'd reply with a Snopes link or other link debunking the claim, but then realized that they didn't seem to care, because they'd just keep sending out more false, outrageous e-mails. So now he just ignores or deletes them.

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Well, I do know some folks (my Mom) who don't ever use their computer for anything but email. She really has no clue. So when someone she trusts, (like her brother) sends her something like that, she will send it along bless her heart and she means well.

I will always check them out and let her know if it is real of not so she isn't fretting but not because I think she is "ignorant".


I think most people who pass these along truly mean well. I try to address them in a manner that won't embarrass the OP.

Frankly, I am way more bothered by grammar and spelling mistakes than I am by these.


I guess I'm going on the dictionary definition IG'NORANT, a. [L. ignorans.] Destitute of knowledge; uninstructed or uninformed; untaught; unenlightened. A man may be ignorant of the law, or of any art or science. He may be ignorant of his own rights, or of the rights of others


Not ignorant as in stupid. I do realize they mean well, my mom included but I've been trying to get through to her that when she sends out 'untruth' on a regular basis then people never see the 'truth' she might send. They either ignore her or delete her. That to me makes it worth the time to check things out. Just this morning I told her the FB friend who put out the "President Cancels National Day of Prayer" thing might be upset with me, she says, "but he did!" AAAARRRRGGGHHHH! NO HE DID NOT! and I do always try to inform them in the least embarrassing way, but like you and others have said, they never seem to 'get' it.

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Not ignorant as in stupid. I do realize they mean well, my mom included but I've been trying to get through to her that when she sends out 'untruth' on a regular basis then people never see the 'truth' she might send. They either ignore her or delete her. That to me makes it worth the time to check things out. Just this morning I told her the FB friend who put out the "President Cancels National Day of Prayer" thing might be upset with me, she says, "but he did!" AAAARRRRGGGHHHH! NO HE DID NOT! and I do always try to inform them in the least embarrassing way, but like you and others have said, they never seem to 'get' it.


I so understand where you are coming from. And I find it unbelievable how many seemingly otherwise intelligent people believe this stuff. And think I'm the dumb one for not believing it.

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IMO, people that are stupid enough to believe such garbage don't care to know the truth. Some folks get off on spreading vicious lies and rumors.


I agree with a previous poster, I don't think most of them are 'stupid', I think they are ignorant, uninformed. I also think that if I thought those things were true (and probably did at one point) I would be up in arms also. That is why I want people to be sure they are checking these things out so that the 'truth' isn't lost in the lies. clear as mud?? :001_smile:

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my MIL knows about snopes.com but will go ahead and forward something because she doesn't have the time to check it out right then. (but she has the time to forward it to about a bajillion people!) :confused: then when i send her the snopes link, she'll reply that she had her doubts about it anyway. :001_huh:


I feel your pain! :tongue_smilie:

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I'm fortunate that I don't have any friends or relatives on FB or e-mail who routinely do this.


My DH has a number who do, though. For a while he'd reply with a Snopes link or other link debunking the claim, but then realized that they didn't seem to care, because they'd just keep sending out more false, outrageous e-mails. So now he just ignores or deletes them.


We have a relative who always does this, including the missing child ones that have been floating around for YEARS. Our policeman cousin sends out reply emails to debunk them and it still happens again!!! :confused: It is easier to ignore them but then when they want to be taken seriously, they don't understand why no one 'hears' them.

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