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Bad sore throat today... tell me your remedy, please!

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So far I've gargled with Hydrogen Peroxide (salt water makes me gag), and taken both Aleve and Ibuprofin for pain. This is the worst sore throat I've had in years. The pain is absolutely excruciating, though the painkillers are working to dull it somewhat.


My doctor isn't open until Monday and I can't lose my voice--I've got to preach tomorrow morning, plus three funerals this week. I had one suggestion from a friend to drink ginger tea, so I'm going to try that.


At this point I'm desperate... and I plan to try all and any remedies that seem vaguely like they might work! Help me, boardies!

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Oh! (((Kay))) I really hope you feel better soon.


My first suggestion would be gargle with hydrogen peroxide. Since you've already done that, have you tried gargling with tea tree oil?? Just add a few drops to small amount of water.


Fenugreek extract works really good. Add to water, and gargle. You can also get licorice and slippery elm lozenges. I can't recall the brand though, sorry.:001_unsure:


A mixture of raw honey and lemon juice can help with the pain. Raw honey is also antibacterial. I only buy raw honey, so I don't know if the stuff from the store does anything or not. Likely not.


When my dc's have sore throats I massage lavender oil onto their necks, over the glands. Just add a few drops to olive oil. Don't do this if you are going out- you will smell!


Do you use homeopathics? Gelsemium works good as does Aconite. I LOVE homeopathics. Oh! And my favourite is Occinococumcillum. Yah, I totally botched the spelling up, but it's amazing stuff!


Hmmm. What else? Up your Vitamin C consumption, for sure. Same for echinacea and goldenseal. You can buy those in tincture form too.


When I have a sore throat I also put hydrogen peroxide in my ears. It's another of those Dr. Mercola things :001_rolleyes: but it really does work!


HTH!! Sorry to hear you're not feeling good.

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And then take some colloidal silver.


Then a cup of Yogi Tea sore throat blend with some honey.


It's amazing how many different things there are to try , lol! ;)



You can spend so much time trying different remedies, at least it might distract you from the sore throat!



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Everytime I get that kind of sore throat, it turns out to be strep. You'd probably see some white spots on the back of your throat if it were strep, but not always. Just a plug for the nice doctors at your nearest urgent care clinic. They can prescribe! :)


Susan Wise Bauer asked a similar question last week and got lots of responses. Here's a link:


I hope you feel better! I'm praying for you!

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Throat coat tea - it seems to be topical, as in a sip will sooth your throat for 15-20 mintues, then you need another. Drinking the whole cup at once doesn't make it last longer.


Honey and Lemon - this was my mom's favorite. I loved it as a kid when I was sick. When I tried it as a healthy adult, I couldn't believe I ever liked it. But it feels goods.


Lemon-Lime Emergen-C with honey, a variation on hot honey and lemon, with extra vitamins, especially vitamin C

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If it is strep, which it sounds like, you need 24 hours of antibiotics to be noncontagious. You will do your congregation no favor if you take strep to church - at least do not touch anyone or breathe on them! And get to a doctor asap for a rapid test and meds, if it is indeed strep. What is a sore throat for some folks can be life-threatening for others.

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The best sore throat drops I have found at the store are the ones made by Chloraseptic (?sp?) as in the same people who make that green numbing spray for your throat. I love the red drops. The minute you put one in your mouth it numbs your throat so you can't feel the hurt anymore. Also, just swallowing a spoonful of honey really helps to get a nice coating down your throat.


Other than that, I just tend to drink hot coffee all day because the warmth on my throat feels so good.


Hope you feel better.

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If you aren't opposed to drinking alcohol, what really helped me when I had a bad cold (read: nonfunctioning, couldn't get up from the couch) was a small amount of warmed whiskey mixed with a little honey and lemon juice. It calmed my cough right down (i hadn't been able to make any sound without going into a huge coughing frenzy) and made my throat feel better.


We really just stumbled on it by accident, none of the cold medications were helping, so my hubby took a lesson from the old wives and mixed it up. I felt better about 5 min. after drinking it. Just gotta be careful not to overdose:D

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Cranberry juice mixed with lemonade.


But I have to tell you, last time I had a sore throat like you describe it was strep and it got worse and worse until I finally went to the emergency room (it was some holiday) and got antibiotics.


I hope you feel better soon!

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Many folks have used Apple Cider Vinegar gargle successfully on Strep.

Slippery Elm Tea is also good for a sore throat. Mix some in some warm water, using a wisk to blend. Add raw honey to taste.

I would do the ACV to quickly kill any evil little critters, and use the S E Tea to sooth instantly.

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If you aren't opposed to drinking alcohol, what really helped me when I had a bad cold (read: nonfunctioning, couldn't get up from the couch) was a small amount of warmed whiskey mixed with a little honey and lemon juice. It calmed my cough right down (i hadn't been able to make any sound without going into a huge coughing frenzy) and made my throat feel better.




Yep--this stuff is magic for a bad cough. I've never taken a drink of alcohol in my life, but I use this stuff for medicine. My Dr. told me to use it. He said it was better than any thing he could perscribe me!


Gargling with warm salt water is good for a bad throat.


I'm sick too, and have been for a week. If I'm not better by Tuesday, dh is taking me to the dr. ha. I sure hope you feel better quickly.

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