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HCG diet drops and pellets?

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Ok, I am considering hcg for weight loss. I know there are a bunch of women on WTM who use hcg to lose weight. What has been your experience? Testimony? What brand did you use? Type? How did you decide on that brand (reviews)? I have tried to follow some of the links, but I get a bit confused. I really respect you ladies. You do your research :001_smile:

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Joanne is right.


Did you get my PM?


My suggestion: sit down when you have time and are uninterrupted. For me, that means waking up before everyone. Get a cup of tea and read, read, read. Or, better yet, if you can, copy and paste the posts that are of interest to you. As well as other info online. I spent months reading on it before diving in. :)

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Are you hungry on this plan? You mentioned that this is a very mental diet. I am guessing you may not be hungry but you may be emotionally hungry.:001_smile:Or maybe get bored and eat. I am just concerned that I will be completely controlled by this diet meaning...it will be all that I think about. Do you know what I mean? I was like that with the SB diet. I do not want to be living for meal time, but be able to live my life without it being a distraction.

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I'm on week 3 of the new Weight Watchers plan - and so far (minus one miserable day of travel disaster!) it's been great. I've lost nearly 9 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks (I had to weigh in early so I am a few days short of 3 weeks) and for the most part it hasn't been a huge struggle. The new plan totally encourages eating fresh whole foods, and with the new way points are calculated, (which now takes into account fat, fiber, carbs and protein), there's no great benefit to eating "fake" sugars or additives. It's really great. From reading online people really are losing weight consistently with the plan. I highly recommend it if you're looking for any alternative ideas.

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Are you hungry on this plan?

Not really very hungry on the 1st round (a round is each time you go on it). This time, the 2nd round has been a bit more difficult.


You mentioned that this is a very mental diet. I am guessing you may not be hungry but you may be emotionally hungry.

Yes, it's not really physical hunger, at least not for me. More mental. When the whole family gets to eat what they want - pizza, Nutella with waffles ;), ice cream, whatever ... you do feel a bit deprived. But the good thing is that it's not so much physical hunger. I can now pretty much tell the difference, which is a good thing for me, since I am very, very much an emotional eater.


I am just concerned that I will be completely controlled by this diet meaning...it will be all that I think about. Do you know what I mean? I was like that with the SB diet. I do not want to be living for meal time, but be able to live my life without it being a distraction.

It hasn't been for me, but everyone is different. I guess you won't know unless you try it, or read up more about it.

I do want to add that I've seldom succeeded on diets, at least not for many, many years. I've been the poster girl for anti-diets and moderation in all things - just exercise more and eat less, I used to say. But that approach wasn't doing much for me at all anymore. Just felt healthier, but wasn't losing anything. I was constantly in the maintenance or gaining mode. Strong as an ox. But not doing too well in the weight or even clothing size department. Just saying what worked for me. Maybe something else will work for me in a few years' time. Weight will always be an issue for me. I've come to accept that. Not complaining. Just pointing it out. :)


I'm on week 3 of the new Weight Watchers plan - and so far (minus one miserable day of travel disaster!) it's been great. I've lost nearly 9 pounds in 2 1/2 weeks (I had to weigh in early so I am a few days short of 3 weeks) and for the most part it hasn't been a huge struggle.


Great job!

To me, whatever works is great. :D

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Are you hungry on this plan? You mentioned that this is a very mental diet. I am guessing you may not be hungry but you may be emotionally hungry.:001_smile:Or maybe get bored and eat. I am just concerned that I will be completely controlled by this diet meaning...it will be all that I think about. Do you know what I mean? I was like that with the SB diet. I do not want to be living for meal time, but be able to live my life without it being a distraction.


I've just finished my first round. I have been in "phase 3" (stabilization) for 10 days now... 11 more to go until "phase 4" When I began the diet, I weighed 191 pounds. I now weigh 161 pounds... I have 20-30 more to go. I am planning my 2nd round for the end of the summer.


The only time I was hungry on the diet (truly hungry, not just craving/wanting), my doseage had to be adjusted. I chose the pellets, because it seemed to be a bit more simple to measure and use.


There is a HUGE mental component to the diet -- and like Negin -- I would encourage you to read, read, read... and if you have a family, plan their meals to make it as simple and as un-tempting as possible for you during the diet. The less time I spent in the kitchen, the BETTER.


Of course, if you can plan some meals as "family meals" (which can be done), it makes it easier, too.


There have been two times on this diet I *thought* about food. One was during "that time" right before my cycle started. The second time, all I could think about was food... it was at the very end of my 40 days, and I just *knew* mentally I was *done." I needed a break.

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I've just finished my first round. I have been in "phase 3" (stabilization) for 10 days now... 11 more to go until "phase 4" When I began the diet, I weighed 191 pounds. I now weigh 161 pounds... I have 20-30 more to go. I am planning my 2nd round for the end of the summer.


The only time I was hungry on the diet (truly hungry, not just craving/wanting), my doseage had to be adjusted. I chose the pellets, because it seemed to be a bit more simple to measure and use.


There is a HUGE mental component to the diet -- and like Negin -- I would encourage you to read, read, read... and if you have a family, plan their meals to make it as simple and as un-tempting as possible for you during the diet. The less time I spent in the kitchen, the BETTER.


Of course, if you can plan some meals as "family meals" (which can be done), it makes it easier, too.


There have been two times on this diet I *thought* about food. One was during "that time" right before my cycle started. The second time, all I could think about was food... it was at the very end of my 40 days, and I just *knew* mentally I was *done." I needed a break.


This is awesome! Congrats on your progress! I've been leaning towards starting this, but I can't do anything until I wean my baby.

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I've just finished my first round. I have been in "phase 3" (stabilization) for 10 days now... 11 more to go until "phase 4" When I began the diet, I weighed 191 pounds. I now weigh 161 pounds.




plan their meals to make it as simple and as un-tempting as possible for you during the diet. The less time I spent in the kitchen, the BETTER.


:iagree: Very good advice.


Any side effects? Things that you did not expect? Warnings?

Nope. Not me.

Only a few headaches in the 2nd round and on the first few days.

Some experience headaches and/or itchy skin in the first few days.

Magnesium supplements, drinking enough water, and getting enough rest all help with the former.

Dry body brushing before showering helps with the latter. Your body's getting rid of toxins, that's why some get itchy skin.

I actually have more energy while on hcg.

Everyone's body is different.

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Did you all quit using cosmetics, lotions etc. like suggested?

Nope. Most don't seem to feel the need to quit.

I even had a few massages and had no difference in weight gain.

I do think that it's more about intake.

Mind you, I don't wear any make up. I do use lotions, etc. None are particularly oily, however.


have you guys checked out the hcg forum that negin linked in previous threads?


Amanda, thanks for linking this. :grouphug:

Very helpful place.

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I have searched for them but could not find them. There was some very helpful information in them. Hope I just can't find them and not that they are deleted. Can someone link them, if you can find them?


I started the HCG diet 10 days ago and have lost 13 pounds!


I am not hungry or tired and have suffered no side effects. I agree it is more mental than anything.... I feel like I should be hungry and I still have the desire to eat, even when I am not hungry. (But maybe that is why I have 30 extra pounds on me!)


I have done better with the restricted choices on this diet. I feel I am dropping the weight but it is allowing me to look at my bad habits clearly. I feel I am learning how to eat-to-live instead of live-to-eat. I have been on "easier" diets but have NEVER had results like this! I feel the fat has come off in my most troubled areas (my back and belly for me).


Good luck in your decision.



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I have searched for them but could not find them. There was some very helpful information in them. Hope I just can't find them and not that they are deleted. Can someone link them, if you can find them?


I started the HCG diet 10 days ago and have lost 13 pounds!



Grace, great job on your loss! :grouphug: :D


I think that the old threads have all been deleted. I disagree with that decision, but I respect it nonetheless. I would prefer it if they would be locked, but not deleted. No one, and I mean no one, that I know of or read about, has suffered side effects from HOMEOPATHIC hcg and it is most certainly allowed. I suggest that anyone who's interested visit the hcg forums and do their own research, particularly since we're not allowed to talk about it here. Again, I respect that, but I disagree. We're only trying to get healthy. That should be a noble goal in today's world. :) All it is is homeopathic, for crying out loud. Maybe next, ALL homeopathic threads will be banned? :confused: Using homeopathic cures for colds and flus and such. :confused: And it is funny how one weight loss OTC product All-e or whatever it's called - has horrible, horrible side effects - leaky bowels, etc. - yet it's okay to talk about that. :confused: We were allowed to talk freely about hcg here until someone incorrectly stated that homeopathic is not allowed. All because of that one person and that one statement. :rolleyes: Where is the fairness in that? Aren't we all intelligent people capable of doing our own research and making our own decisions? It surprises and disappoints me that that one person and her statement can sway the ultimate and final decision.

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I've read through some of the other posts and have a few questions.


Would this be a good diet to try if I want to lose about 20 lbs but not more than that?


Would I just do Phase 2 a little shorter if I've reached my goal? Or would I up the calories a bit to slow down the wait loss if it is coming down rapidly.


I've been dieting and exercising but haven't budged beyond the 5lbs I lost last year.

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I've read through some of the other posts and have a few questions.


Would this be a good diet to try if I want to lose about 20 lbs but not more than that?


Would I just do Phase 2 a little shorter if I've reached my goal? Or would I up the calories a bit to slow down the wait loss if it is coming down rapidly.


I've been dieting and exercising but haven't budged beyond the 5lbs I lost last year.


Have you checked out the hcg forum? there is a "newcomer" section that can give you all kinds of info. I think 20 lbs is perfect, you can do a shorter phase, but the shortest phase recommended is the 23 day phase. if you meet your goal before the 23 days is up, there is a protocol you follow for the rest of the time to maintain. :0

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Thanks for finding these and linking them. My search button must have not been working when I tried.


Would this be a good diet to try if I want to lose about 20 lbs but not more than that?



Would I just do Phase 2 a little shorter if I've reached my goal? Or would I up the calories a bit to slow down the wait loss if it is coming down rapidly.

The minimum amount of time for P2 is 23 days. Amanda's right. There's some kind of protocol if you reach your goal before the 23 days.

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Thanks for finding these and linking them. My search button must have not been working when I tried.



The interesting thing is they do not come up when you do a search. That is what made me think they were deleted. I was able to find them by searching your user name. But searching HCG will turn up nothing.


Those links have some great information for anyone researching HCG.

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There is something to it. I have not been following protocol exactly (I have increased protein, I mix veggies, and I do not measure an exact amount of vegetables, I also use lotion). I do not drop weight unless I workout alot. If I cut calories drastically and exercise for 1-2 hours/day then I lose slowly. I am down 8 pounds in just over 2 weeks, with no exercise, and I had my monthly time (which killed my numbers for a few days). That is not 1 pound/day, but that is HUGE for me! I have a thyroid issue and my body doesn't let go of weight without a fight.


I ordered from www.hcg1234.com because they are made in the USA.


I have heard that Green Web on Amazon is good and it is cheaper.


Just my thoughts. :001_smile:

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The interesting thing is they do not come up when you do a search. That is what made me think they were deleted. I was able to find them by searching your user name. But searching HCG will turn up nothing.


Those links have some great information for anyone researching HCG.


It may be because HCG is only three letters. It you try HCG diet, HCG shots, ordered HCG, or something else with more than three letters the search feature may bring up more.

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I've read through some of the other posts and have a few questions.


Would this be a good diet to try if I want to lose about 20 lbs but not more than that?


Would I just do Phase 2 a little shorter if I've reached my goal? Or would I up the calories a bit to slow down the wait loss if it is coming down rapidly.


I've been dieting and exercising but haven't budged beyond the 5lbs I lost last year.


I initially thought this diet would take me one short cycle- 23 days. This was NOT the case. It may not work like you think.


My story:


I began the diet to lose 17 lbs. I'm 5'3". (My goal was to go from 125 to around 108.) I lost 19, but it took me an entire 43 day cycle (plus a few extra days) to do it. It took no time at all to drop the first few pounds, but the last were s-l-o-w going. It also took awhile for my weight to finally stabilize in phase 3. I stabilzed at 109 instead of at my low weight of 106. Oh well, 109 is still good, and I'm sooooo glad I did it. :D


In the same amount of time my DH lost sixty something pounds. :lol:


(We did the HCG injections and followed Dr. Simeons protocol, which is a little different than the OP's.)

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The interesting thing is they do not come up when you do a search. I was able to find them by searching your user name. But searching HCG will turn up nothing.

Those links have some great information for anyone researching HCG.

Wow, that is interesting and rather odd :confused:. Thanks for finding that out. :)


I do not measure an exact amount of vegetables, I also use lotion).

I ordered from www.hcg1234.com because they are made in the USA.


Charleigh, you're doing great :grouphug:. Just some of my thoughts:

1. Most don't weight or measure veggies. That's one thing that most eat lots of.

2. Most use lotion, etc.

3. Mine are also made in the USA. I think that all the hhcg pellets are.


I initially thought this diet would take me one short cycle- 23 days. This was NOT the case. It may not work like you think.


Great job with you and your dh also. :D

Yes, most realize that 23 days is not enough. Most need 46. If on homeopathic, many go on for longer.


I did have a friend who suddenly started to "lactate" on this diet. Her doctor had to put her on pills to end that. And, he really was unhappy with this diet. Are there actually doctors avocating for this?

Never heard of this. Was she on homeopathic? Never heard of such a thing. Yes, many doctors do advocate this diet, since the risks of being obese or extremely overweight are often great too. Many feel much healthier and better overall. This is not for life. It's for 26 or 43 days. When I'm on it, I feel better and lighter. Love that feeling. Sheer bliss. No achy joints. No feeling out of breath. And actually more energy. :)

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I did have a friend who suddenly started to "lactate" on this diet. Her doctor had to put her on pills to end that. And, he really was unhappy with this diet. Are there actually doctors avocating for this?


Wow! This is interesting. I have never heard of this! Now I have a million questions??????????


Do you happen to know what kind she was taking? Also, was her doctor sure it was the diet and not something else like a pituitary tumor, or thyroid problem, or something? Did he test for any of these things too?


Strange. I didn't even experience the slightest amount of tenderness on this diet. (Now when I was pregnant, it hurt to even touch them. :lol:)


You asked if there are doctors actually advocating this. Yes. I was under the care of a local medical doctor. (He and his wife did the diet too. :D)

Also, the nurse practitioner at the walk in medical clinic told me that she had started this diet.

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I initially thought this diet would take me one short cycle- 23 days. This was NOT the case. It may not work like you think.


My story:


I began the diet to lose 17 lbs. I'm 5'3". (My goal was to go from 125 to around 108.) I lost 19, but it took me an entire 43 day cycle (plus a few extra days) to do it. It took no time at all to drop the first few pounds, but the last were s-l-o-w going. It also took awhile for my weight to finally stabilize in phase 3. I stabilzed at 109 instead of at my low weight of 106. Oh well, 109 is still good, and I'm sooooo glad I did it. :D


In the same amount of time my DH lost sixty something pounds. :lol:


(We did the HCG injections and followed Dr. Simeons protocol, which is a little different than the OP's.)


Thanks for sharing this! I am pretty much the same as you were (5'3'', 124lbs) and my goal is this same. I guess I was getting a bit over excited, it's good to know because I probably would have thought something was going horribly wrong.

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I do not know what to think about this. It has to be pie- in- the -sky. I was picking up my mother at a medical spa-type place (facial) the other day, and there was a guy coming out of an office who was crying/laughing. He had just been weighed and he lost 16 lbs in one week with HCG. I swear, I almost signed on then and there. It cant be true. :D I want it to be true, but how can it be true? I read the brochure from the spa and it makes no sense to me how it can work. Pregnancy hormone? Say what? :D

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Have pellets. Oldest ds and I will be starting this diet on May 13th. :D He wanted to wait until then due to a vacation that weekend and not wanting to be on a diet. Starting the diet then will be good though, cuz we can load on our fats while vacationing. ;)


I have 20-25 pounds to lose.

He has 60+

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Thanks for sharing this! I am pretty much the same as you were (5'3'', 124lbs) and my goal is this same. I guess I was getting a bit over excited, it's good to know because I probably would have thought something was going horribly wrong.


Age will factor into this some too. I can tell my metabolism is not what it once was- I'm 42.

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was picking up my mother at a medical spa-type place (facial) the other day, and there was a guy coming out of an office who was crying/laughing. He had just been weighed and he lost 16 lbs in one week with HCG.

If you do your research and read up on the forums linked earlier in this thread, you will realize that it's not necessary to fork out a lot of $ and join those clinics. Most succeed and do very well by themselves. Hcg does not have to cost a lot of $. "They" want you to think otherwise. Mind you, maybe was on Rx. That's a whole 'nuther story. 2 types of hcg - Rx and homeopathic. I don't know much about the former. I only have experience (and success) with the latter.


Have pellets. Oldest ds and I will be starting this diet on May 13th. :D He wanted to wait until then due to a vacation that weekend and not wanting to be on a diet. Starting the diet then will be good though, cuz we can load on our fats while vacationing. ;)

I have 20-25 pounds to lose.

He has 60+

Will be thinking of you both. :grouphug:

Load, load, load.

If you get hungry, snack on sliced cucumbers, etc.

Adjust your dosage if you get hungry.

Read, read, read ... which I know you've been doing. :)

You know all the rest of it. :D


Age will factor into this some too. I can tell my metabolism is not what it once was- I'm 42.

:iagree: :iagree::iagree:

I'm now 43 and my metabolism is no way the way it was at 23 or 33.

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Mind you, maybe was on Rx. That's a whole 'nuther story. 2 types of hcg - Rx and homeopathic. I don't know much about the former. I only have experience (and success) with the latter.


While Negin's experience is with the latter (homeopathic) mine is with the former (Rx subcutaneous hCG). The price you will pay at a clinic or a doctor will depend a lot on where you are located. I live in the midwest. My doctor appointments (MD office), 43 day supply of hCG, syringes, and vitamins cost a total of $150.

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