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Latin Poll: Do you teach it in Elementary/Middle School?


Do you teach Latin in elementary/middle school?  

  1. 1. Do you teach Latin in elementary/middle school?

    • Yes, I teach Latin in elementary/middle school.
    • Yes, but it is very slap-hazard.
    • No, I do not teach Latin or any foreign language in those grades.
    • No, but I do teach a foreign language.

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M-girl is doing Prima Latina this year. She watches the video and does the workbook pages. I review them with her at the end of the week and we do flash cards (both ways) every day.


I'm trying to work on it myself some ... even found a used edition of Wheelock's at conference this year ...


I expect to do SSL following PL and then LFC following SSL next year.

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Darn, I'm feeling the pressure. LOL.


I can't see teaching my son Latin this coming year (4th). He is still struggling just to write. But my daughter (will be 12yo and 7th grade) is really probably ready for First Form.


It just seems like one more thing to do.

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Just started Lively Latin with my son this year in the middle of 3rd grade and we LOVE it. I like that the lessons are taught via video by the creator of the curriculum - really takes the pressure off me! : ) It is "user friendly" enough that your son just might enjoy doing it even if he isn't a strong writer yet. It is flexible and fun.

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Yes, but I hadn't planned on doing anything but Spanish early on. However, once my husband told DD that scientific names were "mostly in Latin", she got a bee in her bonnet about learning it, so we started with SSL at age 5. So far, we've done SSL, LfC A (focusing on the chants/vocabulary), Minimus, and are currently doing Minimus Secundus. My plan is to do CLC A for immersion/dialogues and LfC B chants next, and then go back, starting in 3rd grade, and start LfC over again and focus on the grammar. Latin is DD's favorite subject by far.

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Daisy, if it helps, I really don't think it's crucial for your fourth grader to start now. I don't think there's anything wrong with waiting until middle school.


My dd10 did GSWL and is now using Henle I, albeit slowly - our schedule has been pathetic lately for unrelated reasons. It might take her two years to finish that book - we'll see...

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We did 10 lessons of Latina Christiana I over a year ago (4th or 5th grade). I had to return the borrowed curriculum. We're finishing 6th grade now. I had intended to use First Form Latin, but have not been able to afford it yet. Also I've had to work off an on for the last 2 years so school progress has been very up and down. Hoping to start First Form in a couple of weeks.

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