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Teachers Bistro 4-18-2011

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Happy Monday!


It is the beginning of the Week of Weeks, or Passion Week. Do you observe the whole week or just Resurrection Sunday (aka Easter)? What are your plans? We'll be heading over to the west valley to enjoy some time with family.


What's for lunch? Me: no idea. yet. There are a couple of options; just need to decide which I want most. :tongue_smilie:


What's new in your schooling today? Us: we're back to history, instead of culture, as our spine. And this week have landed smack dab in Roman history that coincides with Jesus' time of Earth.


Who's up for an Ice Cream Social instead of lunch? ME!!!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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My lunch will be salad - greens, feta, artichoke hearts, tomatoes, carrots, celery, hummus, oil and vinegar.


I finished off my only icecream yesterday while playing cards with my dd.


New in school this week? Nothing for the ones at home, but I found out my ds's school canceled finals for this semester. I have mixed feelings about it, but some of his classes are down to only 4 students and somehow the trauma they've gone through figured into the decision.

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We observe the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Vigil) at church :)


In non-churchiness, my teens will be home on overlapping breaks (one today through next Tuesday, the other Thursday through the following week) so dd11 and I will enjoy lighter school days when one teen is in school and days off when both are home :party:



lunch---we had pizzas made on leftover Italian bread with salad and strawberries


new in schooling??? multiplying fractional monomials (thrilling, I know), extrusive vs intrusive igneous rocks


fun for me today---I worked out on the eliptical at a normal person time today! Usually I don't get the time until 8:30pm but as school only took 2 hours today, I was able to exercise after lunch. I think I'll be able to keep this up during all of break!

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Passion Week - We've talked about the significance of the events leading up to Christ's death. Other than that we don't "observe" per se.


Lunch- sauteed veggies are on the menu today. Possibly with some brown rice and chicken or a tortilla and chicken.


New in schooling - The kids are helping me with what they have dubbed the "List of Doom" instead of schooling today. A major health collapse after overdoing it, leading to pain is the reason. That and I haven't lesson planned for this week yet.


Ice cream social - sounds good! (Not healthy though and I need uber healthy right now - boo hiss!) But in my virtual world I'll have a banana split with two scoops of ice cream - one scoop peanut butter chocolate and one scoop french vanilla - no whipped cream or cherry, please.

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What's for lunch? Leftovers - again! Woohoo! :tongue_smilie:


What's new in your schooling today? Ah, well, I get to take DS to the ped later so we can put him back on ADHD medication :party: I know, I know there are lots of folks here who would probably disagree with that decision, but he and I are both excited about it. We're also starting a two-week project based on the book "My Side of the Mountain." He's picking two plants and two animals from the book, getting on the Internet to learn more about them and their habitats, drawing them and writing down some adjective words and phrases to go with each thing, and then writing a few paragraphs about the habitat in general. We're both excited about this project, too.


Who's up for an Ice Cream Social instead of lunch? Pass the fudge sauce!

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DD started our week by throwing up twice (so far). *sigh*. She's in bed with a low grade temp. Also, hubby is leaving for out-of-town work on Wednesday. He has been home for several months, long enough for me to get used to him again!


So I do need ice cream! However, I am making do with Reeses eggs. :)

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Thank you all for sharing a bit or your day with me! Who's next? I did manage to get to the store to buy a pizza which is now in the oven. Yep, pizza is a staple in this household, sadly. However, tonight we are having Quinoa Pasta Fagioli, so that will definitely be healthier!


Oh, I just had a yummy idea for a sundae: vanilla or chocolate ice cream topped with mini marshmallows, broken (not crushed or mutilated/annhilated) graham crackers, and either pieces of a Hershey's chocolate bar or fudge sauce, whichever you prefer. Doesn't that sound yummy?

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Holy week - We began with a truly glorious concert - parts 2 and 3 of Handel's Messiah - last night at church.

Resurrection eggs and lots of Easter Storybooks. Worship Thursday and/or Friday evening. Dyeing eggs Friday.


Lunch was chx sausages and fruit for kids. Salad for me instead of fruit.


School - reading, phonics, RA, copywork. Math got lost in the shuffle.


Brief and unsuccessful shopping trip to get DS a belt for Sunday.


We made eggplant parm. for dinner and the kids loved dipping the ep slices into the eggs, then cheese before baking. (low-carb recipe uses cheap parm instead of bread crumbs) Then making the layers for the casserole. Messy, but fun.


Room time now. :D:D:D:D

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For lunch today the girls had peanutbutter & banana sandwiches. We doctor them up (I think I read this on Rachael Ray's site) with cinnamon and honey. Delicious! I had about 1/4 banana, as I wasn't hungry.


New for us today was adding math back into the mix, after a 3-wk break. It went well and I'm glad we took the break. I wanted continue with our WWE, started last week, but was out of printer ink and couldn't print the workbook sheets.


Thurs. we will be taking a field trip with other American hs-ers to a German church that gives tours (in English for us!) of their Ostergarten (Easter garden). Translated, it looks like we will be able to "experience the Passion and Easter story with 'all your senses'. You will enter into the events around Jerusalem. Starting with the Last Supper to go over the arrest of Jesus to the crucifixion...Experience the resurrection from a new perspective." We are very excited about this!

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Laurie, Oh, how I wish I could join you on that field trip! Sounds wonderful! And, as to your signature line, I never "got" Sonlight's LA program, either, although I do love the rest of what they offer! Much success to you!


Okay, I'm closing up the Bistro now, as I'm about to start a dinner thread! Hmm, what should I call it? . . . Maybe "What's for Dinner?" :D

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I'm not Christian, so I don't observe any part of the week. My children are Catholic and they will be going to church Thursday, Friday and Saturday night this week. It will be a normal Sunday for all of us.


For lunch today we had rice, beans, and homemade corn chips. We picnicked at the park.


New in schooling today was actually getting a full day's worth of work in before heading outside to enjoy the beautiful spring weather. We've been lax the past four weeks, and it's time to buckle back down.

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