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Prayers for NC

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Sorry if this has been posted. We just got our power back.


Yesterday a series for tornadoes devastated several communities in central and eastern NC. Many homes and businesses were destroyed. Several have lost their lives.




The viewer submitted photos tell the tale.


I am so thankful that my family is safe and we no damage. We lost power before the warnings went out, so I didn't know how bad it was until this morning.


Please pray for those who are hurt, who have lost their homes, and those who are working to rescue and repair.

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We were in town when it hit, the power went out everywhere, we got a call that eldest's music lesson was canceled so we headed home. It took about 40 minutes (instead of the usual 10). The tornado had crossed right in front of 3 of the gates for post. We could see where it left a swath of mowed down trees (and some homes) across the highway. It hit probably half a mile from our house. When we got home our neighbor's shed was in the woods, there was a little debris in our yard, but everything was okay aside from that. A fried had to come to our house because she couldn't get home until some of the roads had cleared. We know a few people whose homes were damaged.


We still have no power, we charged our phones in the car.


Saying prayers of safety for everyone else.

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We are in the Triad and the tornado weather seemed to skip over us. I am glad you posted this, I was saying to DH last night that I hadn't heard how the eastern part of the state faired in the storms and wondered how bad it was. We will definitely be praying for the people affected.

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We're safe too. According to FoxNews and Bev Purdue, we had 62 tornadoes yesterday alone. The picture on WRAL.com of the paths is just scary.


It was close enough to us that I'm surprised it missed us. (Missed by less than 10 miles.) We have insulation on the ground all over the neighborhood, presumably dropped by the storm. We had to really look at the tornado warnings once we got the tv on to see that no, we're not in it anymore. But I'm worried that many people at our church were effected. We live in Cary but drive to North Raleigh for church.


I had planned on taking the girls to Mebane yesterday to shop at the outlets, we changed plans. I'm really glad we did!


It was almost weird after dinner to go out for ice cream and see the blue skies. And the outside tables were even dry!

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It came down about .25 miles from us. We are fine -just some mess of things blown around. However, we have friends who were hit hard. A trailer park down the road from us is devastated. It looks like a war zone.


Our church and Boy Scout troop is doing clean up this afternoon.

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We got hit with flooding but very little damage to our house, thank goodness. A fallen branch hit our new (to us) car. The neighborhood looks horrible. There was one touchdown not far from here and then a few hit a couple of miles north. We lucked out.

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We're safe too. According to FoxNews and Bev Purdue, we had 62 tornadoes yesterday alone. The picture on WRAL.com of the paths is just scary.


It was close enough to us that I'm surprised it missed us. (Missed by less than 10 miles.) We have insulation on the ground all over the neighborhood, presumably dropped by the storm. We had to really look at the tornado warnings once we got the tv on to see that no, we're not in it anymore. But I'm worried that many people at our church were effected. We live in Cary but drive to North Raleigh for church.


I had planned on taking the girls to Mebane yesterday to shop at the outlets, we changed plans. I'm really glad we did!


It was almost weird after dinner to go out for ice cream and see the blue skies. And the outside tables were even dry!

We have homes in both south Durham and Hillsborough (we're moving), and neither of our neighborhoods or surrounding areas were affected. Our home in Hillsborough is concrete, so that is where I went to ride out the storm, but things never got really bad there, except for one extremely loud rumbling blast of thunder that didn't sound quite normal. In south Durham, right on the Wake border, I didn't even see a lot of tree limbs down -- I think things started up just east of here.
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I was at the office yesterday and my husband and kids were at home. The tornado that went through Raleigh went very close to both, probably within a half mile at the office and in our neighborhood at home. At the office, we could hear the tornado. At home, dh and the girls went in the crawl space to wait it out. Our neighborhood had a good bit of damage - shingles blown off, a shed and car destroyed by a fallen tree, a couple of sheds missing, one crumpled into a ball, lots of large branches down. Power went off at both the office and home, and just came on at home this morning.


The drive home was so stressful with all the traffic lights out, no police to direct traffic, one road closed, and hard rain.


....And not one family member called to ask if we were okay. I left a message for one of my sisters and said I thought I better let someone know we were okay. She called back this morning and had no idea we even had tornados in NC.


I read somewhere last evening that there were 84 tornadoes in NC, but they were still trying to sort which ones were duplications.

Edited by LizzyBee
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Luckily all our family in NC just lost power and didn't get hit. The Lowe's my FIL always goes to is destroyed :( Prayers to all in NC.


On the news this morning, they said there were a hundred people in the Lowes and no injuries. The staff did a good job getting everyone to the back of the store.

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It came down about .25 miles from us. We are fine -just some mess of things blown around. However, we have friends who were hit hard. A trailer park down the road from us is devastated. It looks like a war zone.


Our church and Boy Scout troop is doing clean up this afternoon.


I heard that a couple of kids were killed in the trailer park. So sad.

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We think one of the tornadoes passed through our neighborhood. We were lucky, little damage here, but there are lots of trees down in the neighborhood and some homes are damaged.

Overall, I am grateful things were not much worse.

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Just tonight I saw on the news that we've been hit in NC. Not my family, but the state. I'm embarassed to say I didn't know we were hit. However, I did watch weather a day or so beforehand predicting it, but didn't keep up with it.


Hope everyone's well!!

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