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I got a great deal on a board game...

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because, it turns out, the "German edition" is, well, IN German.


If it were, say, Monopoly, that would be one thing. But this game...has a lot of parts. Maybe some extensions. They don't all fit in the box, but they were very lovingly packaged, even including card sleeves for the cards.


And a print-out of the instructions in English. But the English version feels like it's about 50pp thick; the German version is only about 3pp.


Perhaps because the cards themselves are in German, too. :svengo:


So I'm thinking we'll be learning a little German next year, along w/ whatever else. :lol:

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ooh, jealous!


Only, I don't know anywhere NEAR enough German to navigate my way through a game (and it seems to be a complicated one at that!) I only studied it for about 6 months before time (and the languages I'm actually going to use) won out.


What game is it?

And how in the world did you come across a thing like that? I'd love to find games in French (that didn't have to be shipped across the world that is! :tongue_smilie:)

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We once got a great deal on a 3D castle and knight kit. It was mostly unused, included all the original pieces, came with instructions, and was packaged in its original box. Only problem was that everything was in German, too. However, we weren't as fortunate as you, Aubrey. Ours didn't have anything in English. I thought that we could easily assemble our medieval world by looking at the pictures and diagrams, but I was mistaken. Everything is still in the box, taking up room, waiting to be attacked by our baby.

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It's Agricola, & it was $60 on Amazon, $25 on the site I ordered from.

Oh, that's going to be a challenge; the English manual has appendices. Seriously.


BGG has a video how to play that will be a good place to start. You'll also want to print up the card list.

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Sounds like a great game! Wikipedia says it has won several awards.


Instructions in English (12 pgs.)



It is. We have over a hundred eurogames, but Agricola is the:confused: only one for which we have a small monthly dinner and game. We don't play it during our regular monthly game day because the play time is relatively long.

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Oh, that's going to be a challenge; the English manual has appendices. Seriously.


BGG has a video how to play that will be a good place to start. You'll also want to print up the card list.


The website you mention has this English language (translated) rule book:





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