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With trepidation and faint hope, I started a WTM support group in my area...

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...and within about three days I have received SIX responses from people who are *excited* and want to join, and four more possibilities!!!!!! I am ECSTATIC ABOUT THIS!!!! I had no idea there were other WTMers in my area! Our first meeting is in May, and I can't wait!!!!!!


Just had to share my excitement with people who would understand. :D

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If you could come west just a bit I could head east and we could meet in the middle.


Sounds promising thought. Good luck with it!


You could immigrate...and it would actually be more southeast for you, and we have NO SNOW here now....


:thumbup: I'm so excited for you!


Thank you!


How fun! What sort of things are you planning for your meeting? How did you advertise it?


The first meeting will be a meet-n-greet, because I don't know any of them! Some of them might know each other, though. If they want to, we might listen to SWB's Joy of Classical Education CD. The second one in June will be a WTM/classical curric. sharing time, right before the local curric. fair. One of the members has all the latest and greatest from PHP, so that should be fun to look through. :D Then, next Sept. to June I am thinking of theme nights - math, science, writing, etc.; for us to talk about how we teach these different things. Or, listening to some of SWB's audios, and then discussing them afterwards. I want to hear about the members and their families first, and then make a plan. But I have tons of ideas written down.


I advertised by telling someone from the provincial organization, and she published it in the e-news. Someone else got wind of it, and offered to publish it on the organization's website, so now I'm listed there. And I sent a notice to a local Christian support group, and the woman in charge of that graciously e-mailed her members for me. I also posted it on a local homeschoolers yahoo group I found. I know a library worker who is a homeschooler, and I might go see her and let her know, too, in case she is talking with anyone. Who knows, maybe my library system would be willing to publish a notice, too.


Wish I were close!


I do, too! I hope you come to NS someday.


I'm almost tempted to drive there ;)


What's stopping you?? It's only once a month....what's a mere 12-15 hour drive?


That's wonderful! I have toyed with the idea of seeking out WTM women around me, but our schedule is pretty full, so I'm hesitant to add another thing. I hope you meet some great, new friends!


Thanks! I do, too! Hmmmm....and now that I've taken the plunge, I'd encourage others to do the same, if they're thinking about it. I did all the brainstorming work, the advertising, and now I'm replying to people's e-mails about it, so that took time. But, I deliberately planned it to be only once a month, and for just a two hour meeting, so that it itself wouldn't take up a ton of time for people. (and I stated that I'm not planning co-ops, because I don't want to get into something else taking up my time, either - but I can handle and relish two hours a month with a bunch of like-minded women!!!)


That's GREAT. And we found that 10-15 was an ideal size. Enough for ideas, not enough to make it a convention or formal presentation. Good job!


Thanks for saying that! I was sort of wondering. I'm also wondering what I'm going to do if it grows much bigger...


I'm so excited for you! I was wondering about it today!


Thanks! You and Blue Hen and Patty Joanna really helped me a lot!!


Awesome! Way to go!


Wish you could come - we'd have some great laughs!


:hurray: :hurray:


And you, too!


Way to go, Colleen! I'm thrilled it's working out for you!






Congratulations! Wish I could join, but it'd be a bit of a drive.:tongue_smilie:


Just slightly! Thanks! :D


Thanks for "getting" me, everybody!

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