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I need easy lunch ideas

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Oldest dd is highly allergic to dairy. Doc suspects peanut allergies. I gave her a tuna sandwich yesterday and she broke out on her face and her eyes started watering, so fish is right out.


I prefer not to use lunchmeat because of nitrates, filers, high sodium, etc. Same for hot dogs. We do occasionally eat these, but it is rare not common.


So, what are some quick, easy lunch ideas? I'm open to "make - a - ahead" things like leftovers. But, I need something in mind for the hectic days



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Oldest dd is highly allergic to dairy. Doc suspects peanut allergies. I gave her a tuna sandwich yesterday and she broke out on her face and her eyes started watering, so fish is right out.


I prefer not to use lunchmeat because of nitrates, filers, high sodium, etc. Same for hot dogs. We do occasionally eat these, but it is rare not common.


So, what are some quick, easy lunch ideas? I'm open to "make - a - ahead" things like leftovers. But, I need something in mind for the hectic days




The easiest thing would be to do as you suggested -- make extra dinner and reheat for leftovers. I have a hard time doing this because there are nine of us and I already make a huge dinner, and it gets eaten all up every time. But I wish I could -- it certainly would make lunch less painless.


Hummus and vegies and/or crackers is an option. We use this a couple of times a week.


Do you know you can get nitrate-free hot dogs? Oscar Meyer makes them -- and when all the other OM hot dogs go on sale at Safeway for .99 a package, these ones are included. Maybe that would be true close to you, too. I always stock up when they're .99.

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Are you sure the bread you used for the sandwich is not a "may contain"? Labeling practices vary on that topic. My peanut allergic son has had severe reactions to may contains. I email every company, unless the label specifically states that it was manufactured in a dedicated facility. Just a thought, in case it was not the tuna.


Lunches around here are generally leftovers, so I'm not much help. We have multiple food allergies, so it's tough to come up with traditional lunches. Sunbutter on apple slices is a favorite part of lunch these days, as is sesame-free hummus with veggies. Soups, gluten free pasta, eggs...


Looking forward to reading more ideas!

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Are you sure the bread you used for the sandwich is not a "may contain"? Labeling practices vary on that topic. My peanut allergic son has had severe reactions to may contains. I email every company, unless the label specifically states that it was manufactured in a dedicated facility. Just a thought, in case it was not the tuna.


Lunches around here are generally leftovers, so I'm not much help. We have multiple food allergies, so it's tough to come up with traditional lunches. Sunbutter on apple slices is a favorite part of lunch these days, as is sesame-free hummus with veggies. Soups, gluten free pasta, eggs...


Looking forward to reading more ideas!


Thanks for the idea on the bread. I had not thought of that. I was thinking more gluten. I will check the package for May contain.


I make my own mixes and breads usually, but lunch sandwiches is a different matter. I've not found a really great sandwich bread recipe. Guess I better start looking harder.........

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I have a friend who buys the costco cooked roasts & slices them up thin with a meat slicer to do her own lunchmeat. There are not as many preservatives that way, but they can be frozen in packs, and are just as easy as regular lunchmeats.


Many grocery stores will cut the cooked meats etc up into lunch meat if you ask.

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I prefer not to use lunchmeat because of nitrates, filers, high sodium, etc. Same for hot dogs. We do occasionally eat these, but it is rare not common.





I avoid lunch meats and hot dogs for the same reason. But I wanted to let you know that I found out recently that Oscar Mayer has a hot dog that is both nitrate and nitrite free.

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I did forget about the OM hotdogs. They are not easy to find locally, but I do get them when I can.


Dh is going to grill a bunch of chicken tonight so I can have chicken salad tomorrow. I am going to use the crockpot to cook turkey breasts for lunchmeat. Also, I can make pulled pork or beef for sandwiches in the crockpot.


I guess it will be okay in the long run. It is just a bit overwhelming today as I look in the pantry and wonder, "What's for lunch". I need some major planning before I go to the grocery store!


In the fast food world, what is now off the list? I know Chickfil A uses peanut oil, so that is not an option. Are any of the others? We only stop every once in a while, and usually just for fries as a snack.

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Read the ingredients on your tuna before your decide against it. Most tuna whether packed in oil or in water actually contains a broth. I can't eat those, but I can eat tuna if I carefully read the ingredients. There are a couple of types of tuna that actually contain nothing but the tuna and olive oil.

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some of our quick lunches that might work:


Nachos. They can do it themselves. Spread a layer of taco chips in a plate , cover with a layer of salsa and maybe some beans, spread a bunch of cheese over that and microwave till the cheese is melted.


My ds loves apples with peanut butter, maybe you could use other nut butters.


We do what they call poor mans pizza. Bread, pizza sauce and pepperoni and cheese, put under broiler until cheese melts. ( you could skip the pepperoni)


We most often have a bag of baby carrots on the side.

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Right now we can eat almost nothing at our house :glare: but our current favorites for lunch are baked sweetpotatoes (leftover or stick in oven in the morning, take out at lunch - it's not easy to over-cook them), roast beef or chicken salad (like tuna salad but with leftover roast beef, chicken, or turkey with mayo, diced celery and carrots), egg salad, hardboiled eggs (cook up a whole bunch and leave them in the fridge for up to a week), fruit and carrot sticks. I don't like the idea of canned fruit necessarily, but I do keep some in the cupboard for quick last minute lunches.


OK, I see that none of these are really throw together at the last minute, but might help to get some things ready over the weekend.

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I like to boil a whole chicken (pastured poultry) in 4 quarts of water with celery, carrots, onions, and some sea salt for 2 -3 hours. I strain the broth and take the meat off of the bones. This gives me lots of chicken broth to make quick chicken/rice soup (I add more veggies to this). Of course there is meat to add to the soup or for chicken salad, casseroles, etc. I do this early in the week and keep it in the refrigerator to use for the next several days.

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