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Another Ken Ham FB post

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Ok I am not seeing it... Can someone maybe pm me the link for it in FB? I have tried searching for Ken Ham and AIG and the ones that I have found don't have anything like what the OP said?


Pretty please? :)


NM I see others said it was deleted. Well I wasn't missing anything anyway from the sound of it.

Edited by Mynyel
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Ok I am not seeing it... Can someone maybe pm me the link for it in FB? I have tried searching for Ken Ham and AIG and the ones that I have found don't have anything like what the OP said?


Pretty please? :)


NM I see others said it was deleted. Well I wasn't missing anything anyway from the sound of it.


You can also see it in post #42 in this thread.

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Ok I am not seeing it... Can someone maybe pm me the link for it in FB? I have tried searching for Ken Ham and AIG and the ones that I have found don't have anything like what the OP said?


Pretty please? :)


NM I see others said it was deleted. Well I wasn't missing anything anyway from the sound of it.


The cartoon can be seen on post 42 of this thread.


Did Ken Ham pull it from his Facebook page?



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That is disgraceful. Shameful. The one thing it is not is surprising. This is old school discrimination and dehumanization as in, " you are not one of us therefore the rules of civil discourse do not apply. " Welcome to the experience of being a secular home educator. Our friends who do not home educate are threatened by our choices so we are outside of their purview and we enjoy pariah status there . Those who home educate for religious reasons are less than welcoming ,to be kind. Tomorrow I have the unpleasant task of taking dd to have her yearly testing mandated by the state of Iowa and being surrounded by people who do not speak to me or smile at my child. This is the reality of religious bigotry that many, many people have had to face for years. It is unfortunate that dishonesty with false accusations seem to rule the day but when you begin to judge people by their alleged religious beliefs rather than what they actually say and do you are in fact reaping what you have sown. None of this has any bearing on Dr Bauer being attacked by Mr Ham but it is beyond belief that so many here coming to her defense as they should since he is distorting her words and materials, fail to own their tendency to do the same things to those with whom they disagree. If you think I exaggerate go back and read the filth posted by those who are certain they have the final word on morality and truth as evidenced by the last election cycle. Mr Ham is not alone in his vituperation. Not by a long shot.


Elizabeth, it really makes me sad that you are treated this way. I honestly can't fathom rejecting or judging someone because of their religion or lack thereof.


I was very slow to judge Ham this past week, as you can see from my many previous posts. I am a YE creationist and use many AIG materials. I tried to stay level headed and not rush to judgment. I had hoped his behavior would continue to focus on differences in ideology and not specific people.




I just can't get past this divisiveness, though. I have too much love for my fellow Christians (and others, of course, but we are talking specifically about attacks on fellow Christians) to condone anything he's doing now.


It really hurts my heart to see pain brought to other Christians who interpret scripture differently. Ham is like a pharisee to me now. He does not witness about love and grace, but hands out condemnation and judgment. I can't support that. I won't.


Elizabeth, we probably don't agree of most things political, but you are my sister, whatever religion or not, and I would never have you sit alone:)



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I haven't looked at his blog; I haven't looked at his Facebook page. I just don't have the stomach for it. And I really don't want to "feed" it. But I did just look at the cartoon here in this thread. And now I feel sick.


I said a rosary for Ken Ham and everyone involved in this last night. Part of me thinks it might be sort of "fun" to tell him that, but...


Peace, that's all I want. Is that so much to ask?;)

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If one cannot get the link to work


You can also see it in post #42 in this thread.


The cartoon can be seen on post 42 of this thread.



Wow, I didn't realize that Sis's picture link would still show it. How does that work, anyway? I wonder if Ham realizes people could do whatever Sis did (is that what someone else meant, elsewhere, about "screen shots?"), here in internet-land, so that the public could still see this one (temporary) product of his organization? It even has the copyright AIG symbol on it still.

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The cartoon can be seen on post 42 of this thread.


Did Ken Ham pull it from his Facebook page?





Interestingly, he ran it by his twitter before it hit fb. I think he wanted to float it (NO pun intended) and see if he got the 10:1 or 20:1 positive response first, or whatever formula his money monkeys are following.

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For anyone interested there is more Doug Phillips--Christine Field back and forth down the page. Christine Field is with HLA, who according to her post has been involved in attempting mediation through this whole debacle. Her posts (as well as the responses) are an interesting and informative read.

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The cartoon can be seen on post 42 of this thread.


Did Ken Ham pull it from his Facebook page?




Why do you have one of those dog collar cone things around your neck in your avatar? Did I miss a thread about it? :confused:




Ahhh, I see from another thread it is supposed to be a millstone not 'the cone of shame'.


My bad. ;)

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