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For anyone struggling with CF, FM, depression or a host of other symptoms...

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I got the results from my stool test and talked with my ND today. She was so very helpful, which is not always the case concerning MDs or NDs as we have found over the years!



I have high enough levels of Candida (fungus) to be concerned about and she thinks they would have been higher if it hadn't been for some treatment I had awhile back, but had to stop as it made me unable to function (felt like I had the flu times 10)



I also have "abundant" pathogen/bacterial overgrowth (no pathogens should have been detected.)


My chymotrpsin levles are abnormally low. "Chymotrypsin is a marker enzyme for pancreatic exocrine output. A low Chymotrypsin value is suggestive of poor pancreatic output of all enzymes."


My alpha anti-chumotrypsin levels were somewhat elevated which shows there is some inflammation going on in the lower intestine, but upper intestine seemed fine. Upper intestine is where water is mostly absorbed and lower is where mostly nutrients are absorbed.


What was most concerning was my total intestinal SIgA levels. They should be at 400-880 mg/dL and mine were at less than 1. What this shows is this has been going on a long time. It also shows that my gut is in terrible shape (leaky) and my immune system and ability to absorb (state of the intestinal villi) nutrients is shot.


Dr. Mercola says, "Most people, including many physicians, do not realize that 80 percent of your immune system is located in your digestive system, making a healthy gut a major focal point if you want to maintain optimal health. Remember, a robust immune system is your number one defense system against ALL disease"


I *only* had chronic fatigue over 10 years ago. Now I have fibro., insomnia, depression, vestibulitis, and MAJOR food allergies as well. I believe I've had milk allergies for some time which can start this whole chain of events, but usually it is a combination of things. We actually are born with both good and bad bacteria in our guts (ratio and variety is dependent on a lot of factors as well) and something like antibiotics, prolonged stress, crappy food, or insufficient good pb or abundance of the bad to begin with (birth) or a combination for example can allow the bad guys to over grow. So, the pathogens i'm dealing with could be native rather than foreign invaders, but are probably a mix. Healing the gut should give me some foods back (heal food allergies) as pathogen overgrowth itself and their effect on the GI tract can lead to food allergies or exacerbate them. If I could get only one of gluten grains, milk, or eggs back the I'd be happy. smiley.gif


It takes a long time to heal the gut, but we'll be starting in greater earnest very soon with diet (key), meds, and nutritional supplements. I'll be taking Nystatin (antifungal) and penicilin (antibacterial) along with a strong probiotic. I will probably need the pb for life or when I get to better use some kind of fermented food that is pb rich daily. I'll also be taking milk thistle phytosome for liver support and digestive enzymes for digestive support (until my body starts doing what it should do on its own again). My cortisol (hormone that allows one to cope with stress and so much more) levels are trashed as well and healing the digestive tract should naturally bring this up when it needs to be during the day and down when it should be at night (currently they are reversed -did a cortisol test).



I'm so excited to be well and am feeling very hopeful! It will probably get worse before it gets better (the waste from the candida and bacteria produce alcohol like toxins and poison the muscles, brain, everything) and when you start killing them they really release these toxins. My dr. will be doing all she can to take it slow with me so as not to cause too much of a die off and is giving me other supportive stuff to help ease the process...at this point and for the last year and a half, i've had to take breaks brushing my teeth and esp. washing my hair, so these results and treatment plan is huge. I am mostly stoked at the thought of being able to think straight again. smiley.gif HTH someone!


Here's more if you want more info and below is an excerpt.




Toxins that enter the bloodstream during a damaged mucosal barrier end up in the liver, which has the job of detoxifying and discharging the poisons. Under normal conditions, the liver is taxed just by processing the daily metabolic wastes created by cell and organ activity. Imagine the further load created by dumping serious intestinal toxins on a regular basis. There is a point when the liver becomes saturated; it cannot further detoxify the poisons, and they are returned to the blood circulation. The blood has sophisticated mechanisms for preserving chemical homeostasis, and will diffuse as much of the toxic chemicals and physical debris into the interstitial fluids as is possible. From here the lymphatic system will attempt to collect and neutralize the toxins, but unable to send the toxins to the liver, the body essentially becomes toxic. Microbes grow and develop, hence there can be chronic lymphatic swelling, especially in children. Over a period of time, toxins will be forced into distal connective tissue around muscles and joints, causing fibromyalgia, or into the cells, which can precipitate genetic mutation and ultimately cancer.



The immune system is stressed in three major ways. First is at the site of the intestinal mucosa. As toxins and food antigens brush up against the mucosa, the immune system mobilizes to neutralize the toxins. Normally, much of this work would have been done by beneficial bacteria, which have been destroyed by antibiotics. For toxins that make it to the mucosa, the body will tag them with a chemical secretory IgA (SIgA), which attracts macrophages and other white blood cells to consume the toxins. It is not long before this immune response is overwhelmed and depleted. This can be measured directly with a stool or saliva test for the intestinal SIgA level.



The second stressor happens in the liver and lymphatic system which, also overwhelmed, puts demands on the immune system. The third stressor is a consequence: as the immune response diminishes, more microbes (viruses, bacteria, and fungi) multiply, allowing for a chronic state of infection. What might be tagged as a viral infection, such as Epstein-Barr virus for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, is actually an opportunistic infection taking advantage of a weakened immune system.



The most important organ in the production of immune agents seems to be the adrenal gland, and a damaged mucosal barrier slowly diminishes adrenal function. In the early and middle stages, there is actually an adrenal excess, as measured by excess cortisol output. Eventually, cortisol levels drop, and one now has exhaustion

Edited by JENinOR
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I also have "abundant" pathogen/bacterial overgrowth (no pathogens should have been detected.)...


My chymotrpsin levles are abnormally low.


What was most concerning was my total intestinal SIgA levels...



I have CFS and also have these problems. It doesn't look like I have candida, but I do have 2-3 types of pathogenic bacteria. I also had tapeworms, which I think are gone. I still seem to have another parasite called blastocystis hominis. My chymotrypsin levels were also low, which my previous doctor said meant I needed to take digestive enzymes. I started doing that and I think they are back to normal.


My intestinal SIgA levels were <5% of the lowest normal level. My new doctor had me take high doses of vitamin A for two months to help. I don't know if it worked. My salivary SIgA is still low.


Make sure you get tested for parasites. Many labs are sloppy and don't find them. Research labs carefully. Also, consider glutamine powder and quercetin to help heal your guts.

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I think gut health is so fascinating. I'm glad you're getting somewhere. I haven't been to the dr, but I'm pretty sure I have Candida overgrowth, so I just started the Candida diet a couple of days ago. Die-off is not fun. I'm not having extreme symptoms so I don't think my overgrowth is too bad yet, so hopefully I can get all the yeast gone and get back to being healthy by the end of the summer. Gut issues are not fun!

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So sorry I've been MIA! I'm using a slow android so don't have the time to write as much as I'd like. After only one week of the GAPS diet (faithfully finally!), avoiding food allergies (did a test a year ago), milk thistle, a STRONG probiotic, fish oil, vitamins A and D, digestive enzymes and Hcl, and the meds (antifugal and antibiotic) I am doing AMAZING!! My dh is just dumbfounded. He says its a miracle. I mention all the above because after trying so many things over the years individually and in various combinations I know these are working/critical and in unison(with the exception of the meds vs natural stuff but my nd strongly rec those and I feel really good about that decision). If anyone wants more detail let me know as i'll be taking our notebook to a cafe soon to catch up on emails. My healing will take time for the GI to heal and be able to digest food properly and absorb nutrirnts again but I feel better than I have in years. I feel alive again and thats what my hubby keeps saying-that i'm alive from the dead and he has his Jenny back.:crying:

Edited by JENinOR
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So sorry I've been MIA! I'm using a slow android so don't have the time to write as much as I'd like. After only one week of the GAPS diet (faithfully finally!), avoiding food allergies (did a test a year ago), milk thistle, a STRONG probiotic, fish oil, vitamins A and D, digestive enzymes and Hcl, and the meds (antifugal and antibiotic) I am doing AMAZING!! My dh is just dumbfounded. He says its a miracle. I mention all the above because after trying so many things over the years individually and in various combinations I know these are working/critical and in unison(with the exception of the meds vs natural stuff but my nd strongly rec those and I feel really good about that decision). If anyone wants more detail let me know as i'll be taking our notebook to a cafe soon to catch up on emails. My healing will take time for the GI to heal and be able to digest food properly and absorb nutrirnts again but I feel better than I have in years. I feel alive again and thats what my hubby keeps saying-that i'm alive from the dead and he has his Jenny back.:crying:


I'll PM you.

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