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Anyone ditch their iPod Touch for an iPad

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I wonder: did anyone start out with an iPod Touch, get an iPad, and completely ditch their iPod Touch for their iPad? If so, how do you like it?


I use (used?) my iPod Touch for everything: calendar, addresses, email, to-do lists, grocery store lists, educational apps, flashlight, you name it! Now that I have an iPad - and have many of the same apps on it - I find myself using it almost exclusively. But there are some things that (IMO) it just doesn't do as well (but I really wish it did):




I use my iPod Touch for my grocery list. I have the same app on my iPad, but don't ever lug it around the Commissary or Ikea, checking off items. Does anyone use their iPad for this?




I need a flashlight at night - My iPod Touch is the perfect size to light my way through our darkened upstairs & bedroom. My iPad would wake the entire neighborhood.




Similarly, I read in bed at night (DH is usually asleep way before I) and the iPad is too bright.



Anyhow, would like to know if anyone has successfully moved form their iPod Touch to an iPad. I'm asking - in all honesty - because I am trying to decide if I really need an iPhone or not, LOL! :tongue_smilie:

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I have an iPhone (which is just an iPod Touch with a phone) and I've been considering getting an iPad. The reason I haven't is because I just can't see myself foregoing my compact iPhone for something larger. I clip my iPhone to my pocket or slide it into my purse....it's convenient. I just can't see myself toting my iPad into WalMart and using the grocery app that I use on my iPhone.


I can see the iPad as being something that I use only at home. So that's why I haven't purchased one yet.

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I can see the iPad as being something that I use only at home. So that's why I haven't purchased one yet.


See? That's me! But now that I have an iPad, I only use my iPod Touch for groceries, a flashlight, and reading in bed. The iPad is amazing, but sometimes I wish that I didn't have it - my iPod Touch & I were inseparable :lol: Now I always feel like I need to choose. Poor me, I know. But the choice really does make things more difficult at times.

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I LOVE my iPads!


I have 3 since there was simply too much fighting over one. The educational apps are amazing. My 3 year old is doing really well on her alphabet, letters and sounds, and penmanship. My older kids work on geography. And I've decided to go with iBooks so that I don't have to store them.

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I LOVE my iPads!


I have 3 since there was simply too much fighting over one. The educational apps are amazing...


I love mine, too! In face, DH has it this week and says he loves it so much he might keep it & get me the iPad 2!!! Very excited over that!


May I ask - do you use it while out & about (maybe for list apps, to do lists, etc.) or are they mainly used at home?

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Not to hijack - but I'd like to know what grocery app is good and would love recs for educational apps. :)


Emmy, I have used Grocery Gadget & now use Shopping List (by Hensoft). I like them both, but don't need all of the bells & whistles of GG & think SL is much prettier, LOL!


For ed apps, try a search of the archives to start. There are lot of threads there. I am headed to bed, but will add the ones we use tomorrow (and hope to see more listed on this thread)!

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Just curious.....say I did get an iPad and had a grocery app on it. If I used it at home to make the grocery list, is there a way to transfer it to the iPhone? If not, then I'm not sure I would even use the iPad much at home, except for surfing the net while sitting on the couch.

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Use my iPad ALL THE TIME. Found a great purse to carry it in and now that I have the iPad 2, it's even lighter. I create documents on it, read books on it (don't think I've purchased a regular book since purchasing the iPad, but I've read much more than normal), edit photos, design graphics, etc. I use the Grocery IQ app that you can have on iPhone/iPod touch and iPad and sync. I also have an iPhone and just find it easier to us the iPad for more things. My husband is now using my original iPad. He uses it to read and mark-up pdf files for work and school. He just left on a business trip and was able to leave his personal laptop behind because of taking the iPad.


I would highly recommend one.

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I've had a 2nd generation iPod Touch for years. I recently got an iPhone, and I love it. I would like to get an iPad someday, for ebooks and traveling. In the meantime, the iPhone is great! I wouldn't buy the new iPad2; I'm hoping to save up for a refurbished first generation iPad. I do have a laptop, so between the laptop and iPhone, I don't NEED an iPad, but would like it.



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well i started with an itouch.. then got an ipad and an iphone.. i really do not use my itouch anymore at all.. I use my ipad and iphone constantly throughout the day.. honestly i barely go to my desktop or laptop anymore.. i do everything via my ipad and iphone. I even skype with my hubs on my iphone lol.. The only thing i have a problem with is i cant seem to find "the right" purse to carry my ipad with. I have been eyeing two purses on etsy by one seller.. problem is what i want is a combo of those two purses.. She does custom make but im not sure i want to spend that much on a purse lol... so i wait and keep looking lol..

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Just curious.....say I did get an iPad and had a grocery app on it. If I used it at home to make the grocery list, is there a way to transfer it to the iPhone?


Several will - probably most of the "top" ones. I know that grocery Gadget does. I currently use Shopping List, and they just added that feature via an update (yea)!


My iPad is coming, but I must say I've turned into one of those people who carries my iphone in my hand. There's not much that thing can't do. ;)


Wait till you get the iPad :D


well i started with an itouch.. then got an ipad and an iphone...The only thing i have a problem with is i cant seem to find "the right" purse to carry my ipad with.


I usually cary the Vera style Vera Bradley bag. It is plenty big (for me) - with six interior pockets that hold most of what I need a bag to hold. Then I use the rest of the interior as a shopping tote. When I carry my iPad, it easily fits with room to spare.


You can change the brightness under settings :001_smile:


LOL - I know! What I do when reading in bed, however, is to lie on my side facing away from DH. I then hang my hand off the side of the bed - and slightly below the mattress top. 'Keeps most of the light away from him and I can scroll. zoom, etc. with one hand! The iPad would still be too bright (I've tried!) and too heavy for me to use.


All in all, I think I am going to get the iPhone whenever we return to the US and also use my iPad - especially if the iPad 2 is noticeably lighter than the one I now have.


Thanks, y'all!

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I have tossed this around too. I love my ipod touch. I am really keen on the ipad. BUT in addition to the grocery list thing which I know I would not carry an ipad around for, I also use it to listen to music all the time.


For instance, I put my earbuds in and listen to music while grocery shopping and using my grocery list app and it all fits in my pocket. I listen to music or read a book with the kindle app in line at the checkout.


I wonder if I would get as much "all-around" use out of an ipad (in a family that already has 2 kindles, 2 ipod touches, 3 laptops and a desktop)?

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I will have to let you know. I bought an ipod touch in Feb. and I rarely get to use it as my boys play on it.


I am getting an ipad and my guess is that I will use that more as it is larger for my old eyes! I have a friend who carries her ipad with her everywhere she goes. I may need a bigger purse.



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I need a flashlight at night - My iPod Touch is the perfect size to light my way through our darkened upstairs & bedroom. My iPad would wake the entire neighborhood.




Similarly, I read in bed at night (DH is usually asleep way before I)



We have two ipods in the house, and my ipad. I find the ipad would not wake the neighbourhood when used as a flashlight. Perhaps it's because I don't have a flashlight app on it, so I just turn it to the main screen. That gives just barely enough light to see. Not really enough to me.


With the app for downloading books from my library it comes with a additional dimming option. I can make the screen quite dark, darker enough that it is impossible to read. Please note that not all book apps come with a additional dimming option.


Personally I use my IPAD all the time. But I usually watch movies on it, or browse the net. My dh gave me his old IPOD which I don't make use of.

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My dh who works for blackberry and has a blackberry, 2 ipods, uses my ipad, and has got to use a playbook - says that he doesn't like the ipad because it is to big for his tastes. He much prefers the size of the playbook from blackberry.


He just says he doesn't like the feel of the IPAD in his hands, to big for holding with one hand... He hardly ever uses my IPAD. Mind you he is very excited about the blackberry playbook. Perhaps if you are unsure about the IPAD wait a bit till you can get a playbook.

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