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Winterpromis AS1 vs Sonlight Core 3 or 3+4

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I'm trying to decide between Winterpromise American Story 1 and Sonlight, either Core 3 or Core 3+4 for my 8, 7, and 6 year olds. My 4 1/2 year old will be listening in. All my kids do Classical Conversations (which will be American History) and my 5th and 7th graders will be doing Sonlight Core 100 (the 5th grader with modifications). Here are my questions:


I've heard WP AS1 is choppy as far as events in history, is Sonlight the same?


Does anyone know anything about the new "hands on" stuff that sonlight is offering in the new catalog? I'm a little worried my younger kids will get tired of all the sonlight reading (although they love to read) and need some hands on stuff to do. (The 6 and 7 year olds are active boys!)


Which leads to the next question, I have 8 kids 12 and under. I love to do hands on stuff but it often doesn't happen because we just get busy. Are the hands-on activities of WP easy to do, easy to find materials for, and are they something the kids can mostly do on their own?


As far as sonlight Core 3 vs Core 3+4...Does Core 3+4 move so quickly that they will miss out on stuff?


Thanks for your insight!


Susanna: Mom to D (12), S(10), D(8), S(7), S(5), D(4), S(2),D(6 months) and wife to a wonderful husband!

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We haven't done most of the projects because they were annoying. The maps, pockets, etc were just cutting and coloring all the time, and my kids had no interest. I find AS1 to mostly be for older kids than it's aimed for. I didn't necessarily think the timeline was choppy, but I've ditched the guide and just read the books. Or at least the books I think are good and aimed at my kids' ages. If I were choosing between SL and WP, I'd go SL for sure. You get a lot more for your money and they always have great book choices, and customer service. It might be above the heads of some of your youngers, though, but it would be easy to supplement with some other choices.


Actually, in hindsight, I'd probably just use Guesthollow's free curriculum instead!!!

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Looking at your childrens ages, the WP AS1 would suite your age group (1st-3rd), as Sonlights is aimed for 3rd-5th so the content is delivered for a little older crowd. If you don't mind supplementing for the younger crowd, Sonlight could work for you. Also I hear that the younger programs for Sonlight should have more crafty type things added this year, but I haven't seen it myself yet as I don't have the catalog/the website is not updated yet. Be sure to check that out, Sonlight is suppose to update their website in April sometime.


I am currently using AS1 for my 1st grader this year. We have really liked the curriculum and flow, but not all of the non-fiction history books have been hits for us. This was easily fixed, as I always get extra books from the library on the same topic. The read alouds, which are fiction, have been great and we have actually managed to throw in extras we've picked out as we get through them pretty fast. There is an Native American "focus" included with the program that has books/activities throughout the week, but it was hard to do this in pieces once a day. Instead we try to do all of the Native American activities on one day, throughout the week and it has been working better for us.


I can say there are sooooo many crafts/activities planned out, and even with just one student -- it would be impossible to do it all. This is how they have planned the curriculum, but I thought I would mention it as a lot of people complain about this aspect. They've given us a lot of options to choose from, but you do not have to do it all. There is a lot of "papery" activities planned out, and we have done probably 75% of them. We don't use any of the coloring books, there are maps we have done and some other paper crafts that show what life was like during that time period. We actually don't color every paper craft, so there is not too much coloring for us -- some of them are colorful and some are just plain black & white.


They sell an "Early American Crafts Kit" that comes with supplies to do crafts that are not so much "busy/paper" work, it has real items such as making moccasins, tepees, games, bracelets, etc. I didn't buy this, instead searched the internet for similar crafts, printed the instructions for that week and gathered the supplies myself, so some of our crafts were more "meaty". This has worked really well for us.


I would suggest that you look at the books from both suppliers and see which you like or would work for your age range the best. If you have a library or time :) it would be great for you to check them out before hand to see which would be easier for your youngers to digest.

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I think SL's core 3 is one of the best products on the market but I do think its slightly above where your kids are.


I have not used WP's AS but have only heard positive feedback IRL.


Otherwise, if you want to do Sl you could sub out Landmark ad instead use Betsy Maestro's series of books about the americas.

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FYI, there are books in AS1 that state ON THE BOOKS they are for 4th grade and up. Doing AS1 this year, it was pretty clear to me they don't even preread the books they assign to a program. Honestly, I didn't spend $500 on a curriculum to have to skip half the books and make major accommodations for my first grader when the program was supposedly aimed at the ages of both my children. And the craft kit is just a big box of supplies that aren't grouped together by project or labeled...we haven't even done them. I could hardly figure out which supply was intended for which craft. It's a huge disaster. It's sad bc their ideas are wonderful but they don't follow through.


I'm fairly certain SL and WP are probably both written at the same level. For "hands on" WP just threw in some paper craft books that you could easily get on your own and add to SL (the 3D map book --another of the books aimed for much higher ages, it says on the cover grades 4-8, and the colonial crafts book, grades 3-5 on the cover...so really no help for your little ones IMO.)


Those Maestro books mentioned above are probably the best part of the curriculum, and the "If You Lived In..." series is great for the youngers as well. Other than that, it's mostly a bust. Even the grade level readers aren't really hitting it for my kids...boring. We've really gone off on our own overall. We are studying American History using some of the books from AS1 but I could never really say we are 'doing' AS1 anymore.

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I can tell you what we did. We did Core 3 and Core 4 and took 3 years to do them. We added in Timetravelers CDs from Homeschool in the Woods and skipped books we didn't think we would like from SL.


We are finishing up Core 4 this year and the kids have really enjoyed it.



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I think SL's core 3 is one of the best products on the market but I do think its slightly above where your kids are.


I have not used WP's AS but have only heard positive feedback IRL.


Otherwise, if you want to do Sl you could sub out Landmark ad instead use Betsy Maestro's series of books about the americas.


Yes, the Landmark book is more of a middle school level book, IMO, though my kids loved it. We are using it again in Core 4, and they still love it. I didn't love it, though, because I had to do a lot of on the fly editing due to the advanced concepts and vocabulary. Learning new vocabulary is great, but if every fourth word needs to be explained, you are doing "vocabulary" not "history". lol The rest of the program is really great, though. It really is a good Core, though, and could be easily adapted to meet the needs of your kids, I think.

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FYI, there are books in AS1 that state ON THE BOOKS they are for 4th grade and up. Doing AS1 this year, it was pretty clear to me they don't even preread the books they assign to a program. Honestly, I didn't spend $500 on a curriculum to have to skip half the books and make major accommodations for my first grader when the program was supposedly aimed at the ages of both my children. And the craft kit is just a big box of supplies that aren't grouped together by project or labeled...we haven't even done them. I could hardly figure out which supply was intended for which craft. It's a huge disaster. It's sad bc their ideas are wonderful but they don't follow through.


I'm fairly certain SL and WP are probably both written at the same level. For "hands on" WP just threw in some paper craft books that you could easily get on your own and add to SL (the 3D map book --another of the books aimed for much higher ages, it says on the cover grades 4-8, and the colonial crafts book, grades 3-5 on the cover...so really no help for your little ones IMO.)


Those Maestro books mentioned above are probably the best part of the curriculum, and the "If You Lived In..." series is great for the youngers as well. Other than that, it's mostly a bust. Even the grade level readers aren't really hitting it for my kids...boring. We've really gone off on our own overall. We are studying American History using some of the books from AS1 but I could never really say we are 'doing' AS1 anymore.


You seem upset that AS1 didn't work for you, which I can completely understand as I would be too spending that kind of money! Our experience has been different with AS1, so it sounds like AS1 was just not a good fit for your family. The books, crafts, and activities have all benefited my DDs (in 1st) understanding in early American history -- and my DH and I have both learned a lot too!


I hear often that if you don't like WP you might like Sonlight and if you don't like Sonlight you might like WP! I like both and have enjoyed the books from both. I hope you do find something that works better for your family!

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I went back and forth on wp and sonlight for this next year for my 12 and 9 yr old(who I have to tweak reading at a lower level right now) .. I went with winter promise all American 1.. It combines the American story 1 and American crossing. What I did was I ordered the high school add on to beef up for my 12 yr old... And added in extras at a lower level reading for my 9 yr old. Yes more money but I have been able to add what I feel my kids need... Both kids will participate in the main program and then have "extras" specific for them. I know there has been complaints about their shipping... They have been super nice with me so I don't really have too much issue.. I ordered, then a few days later placed another order... They contacted me said they would issue a shipping refund as they will ship it with my 2nd shipping ( 1 shipment went out then they were waiting on a few things to come in to send the rest.. I got 2 huge boxes yesterday and I will have at least 2 if not 3 more on the way soon).. I asked them if they would instead add on another trades kit and let me pay the difference... Don contacted me back said they would take care of it and will contact me later for payment. ... As you see I have had great customer service... No not all my stuff came at one time but they were upfront told me it would be 2 shipments... Were very nice ... I should add the stuff I got in yesterday was awesome looking.. I can not wait till august!!

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I have no comparison to offer you, only our experience with AS1.


I'm on week 12 of AS1(2006 version) with a 7 year old advanced reader. Some of the books have been good, some a little dry to be considered CM style "living books" IMO. My dd does not like to color, so we too do a lot of the crafts in B&W but she loves all the crafts to do. I do have to tweak it as it is a little heavy on the Native American focus for me and my dd is very visual so I add in videos where I can find them. We never use the MYO History pages or the MYO Native American History pages. I was not impressed with the WP "exclusive" that is used with the newer IG's either. I bought our IG used and am able to get all the books but one through my fantastic library system so I have no regrets over lots of $$ spent. Overall my dd is happy when it's time for history and her retention seems to be good so we will be continuing on with AS2.


I have looked at Guesthollow and it looks pretty darn good.

Good luck and clear thinking in your decision making process=D


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I am also unable to compare but can give you my experience with WP. For one thing, the books that say "fourth grade" on them are meant for a fourth grader to read to themselves, while WP is designed as a read-aloud program. We LOVED Amer Story 1 and I did it with a second grader. We will be re-visiting the program again in the fall when my second ds is a second grader. I sort of wish we had the money to purchase Amer Crossing for the older, but that is not to be so I will purchase some of the resources and pace the study for both via TruthQuest history. We are 4-year satisfied WP users, so you already know where my heart lies. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the adventure reading in AS1 and AS2. More than Moccasins is really fun (the Native American craft resource). We also highly enjoyed Pioneer Sampler and the Lewis and Clark craft resource.

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My problems weren't with reading levels, but with activity books aimed at older kids. That aside, WP lovers will always be defensive. ;) I used to be one, but have decided I am unimpressed with their follow-through on programs. Their ideas are SO GOOD, they are just lacking in how they carry them out. I wish someone had told me these things before I purchased it. I can assure you, the read alouds we have trouble with have nothing to do with them being meant for older kids to read on their own, I know what reading levels are and mean. I'm talking content levels. I finally started giving most of the books to my 3rd grader to read on his own because reading them out loud to them both just made my first grader cry in frustration. I know I'm not alone, I'm just one of the few willing to be vocal about it. I strongly feel the age recommendations for their programs are off. At least Sonlight openly says you maybe want to use K for 1st, etc.


If I were going to buy either of these programs, it would be Sonlight. They deliver what they promise. That said, I will be using neither next year and going off on my own with SOTW instead. ;)

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I have used WP's Animal Worlds, AS1 and AS2. We enjoyed all three of these. I found used copies which saved us money. I also combined AS1 and AS2 with MFW Adventures and we had a fantastic time! I probably wouldn't do that anymore, but at the time it was a lot of fun for our family (and we all learned a lot). My dc were about 2nd and 1st (and then 3rd and 2nd) graders at the time. My dd, in particular, was extremely excited and amazed that all this 'cool stuff' was actually part of school (she had done SL Core 1 the year before and really needed the hands-on activities and crafts that both MFW and WP provided).


I love the very extensive booklist in MFW Adventures. I think all those picture books were wonderful, and I found it very easy to combine MFW w/ WP for those two years. When looking at SL's list of books, I just felt that they were too old for my dc at the time. It was really hard for me to break from SL, as I had done pre-k, K, and 1st; but I have not had any regrets about leaving SL since then. My dd really blossomed in her love of doing school once we left SL, so no regrets here.


Have you checked out MFW at all? I used to think it wasn't rigorous enough for us, but we are sold on it now.


Blessings in your search!



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