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I have even *more* respect for Susan Wise Bauer today

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to separate the wheat from the chafe. You really see a person's quality of character when they have the opportunity to react to an unwarranted personal attack. It is not an opportunity anyone ever wants, but when it happens, the witness is powerful.


Well said. Once again, :iagree:

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I have not read everything that is going on, but I have read some. I don't read minds well, but I can imagine that it would have been easier for SWB to say nothing and continue on. That she spoke out shows great bravery. That it so affects the Christian communty tells me that what she wrote needed to be written.


I have defended Peace Hill Press publications to non- Christian hsers in the past. I've always felt the bias. PHP was getting it from both sides, and unfairly, I've always believed. I know there is more -- the conferences etc., but I am glad SWB defended herself and her work to these factions. The rest is as important, imo, and she is speaking for a whole lot of folks in the Christian community.


Really, someone had to do this. That it was Susan, well, that seems to make sense. She is brilliant and articulate, comes from a strong and thoughtful family, and has tremendous support. Who better? She didn't choose this 'fight'; it came calling. Even as an outsider, I think it's a pretty important one .

Edited by LibraryLover
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Me too! Wow, I cannot believe that they still think that they need to be warning us against Susan. Ridiculous.





How sad. How on earth does does this sort of rhetoric help spread the loving words of Jesus? SWB is the enemy? It makes certain people look insane. Salem, MA? ;) (Forgive that rhetoric...but really, can you imagine a woman speaking out in those times?)

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I have not read everything that is going on, but I have read some. I don't read minds well, but I can imagine that it would have been easier for SWB to say nothing and continue on. That she spoke out shows great bravery. That it so affects the Christian communty tells me that what she wrote needed to be written.


I have defended Peace Hill Press publications to non- Christian hsers in the past. I've always felt the bias. PHP was getting it from both sides, and unfairly, I've always believed. I know there is more -- the conferences etc., but I am glad SWB defended herself and her work to these factions. The rest is as important, imo, and she is speaking for a whole lot of folks in the Christian community.


Really, someone had to do this. That it was Susan, well, that seems to make sense. She is brilliant and articulate, comes from a strong and thoughtful family, and has tremendous support. Who better? She didn't choose this 'fight'; it came calling. Even as an outsider, I think it's a pretty important one .



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This whole debackle (kerfluffle :lol: ) has been a rather interesting example, to me, of the power of the politics of fear. Cast out seeds of doubt, use words like "warning", "beware", "compromiser", "diseased" (as was in that "We Believe" letter), "anti-Christian", and make people too leery of what's being "warned" against to ever consider looking into it themselves lest they allow the "danger" into their own home, but they'll still spread the "warning" onto others.


It's frightening in it's efficiency. :(

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I rarely post here, but I wanted to add an thanks from another big fan. I have so much respect for Susan and for her mother! We are observant Jews, but with a secular approach to non-religious subjects. I am always so impressed with Susan's brilliance, articulateness, clarity, excellent writing, and organization. TWTM instantly stood out to me from among the literally dozens of books I read when I was considering homeschooling. I read it over and over again for the sheer pleasure. We also love SOTW. Even my three year old always wants to listen to it in the car (Mommy, TORY OF DAH WOWLD!!)


Thank you for all your hard work, Susan!

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