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What is the age for getting a driver's license in your state ..

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and did you allow your son or daughter to get one as soon as they were old enough? In Alabama you can get your license at 16. We didn't allow our son to get one as soon as he turned 16 because we didn't feel he was ready. It just seems like we're in the minority. All his friends got theirs as soon as they could and most got a new vehicle. Sometimes I feel like we're the only ones that can't afford to put our child immediately into a new car. I'm just curious about what the rest of you have done.

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We will have the DCs get license asap, but will spend LOTS of time driving under parental supervision. DH used to teach kids to fly planes, so hoping he'll be as successful at our DCs learning to drive cars.

I'm with you on the waiting until they're ready. I'd like to offer the opportunity, with a long leash attached to the responsibility.

ETA--why would any sane parent give a kid a new sports car??? It's a trend here, but I think with each new car, offer up a coffin :( Kids need to understand driving isn't for fun--it's as heavy a responsibility as carrying a loaded weapon everywhere you go.

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The laws in Illinois have recently changed and while one can get a permit at 15, new drivers need to have 9 months of driving under their belts before getting a license. We were also told by a friend that at 17 years, 9 months and beyond, it is legal for parents to teach their children. We will probably go this route and then he'd get his license at 18. Its is just way to expensive to do it any other way. I don't have $400 plus to plunk down for driving school. In addition, we don't allow him in a car with other 16 year olds so why would I want him to drive others around?


Good post. I'm interested to know what others say.

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and did you allow your son or daughter to get one as soon as they were old enough? In Alabama you can get your license at 16. We didn't allow our son to get one as soon as he turned 16 because we didn't feel he was ready. It just seems like we're in the minority. All his friends got theirs as soon as they could and most got a new vehicle. Sometimes I feel like we're the only ones that can't afford to put our child immediately into a new car. I'm just curious about what the rest of you have done.


In Arkansas it's 16. Our dc will get plenty of adult-supervised driving time before they are turned loose on their own.


And there won't be any new vehicles in their futures until they can pay for said vehicles themselves. :D Any vehicles we purchase for dc (if we go that route) will definitely have plenty of miles on them already.

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In NH it's 16 if you have drivers ed..but they can drive at 16 with their parent, without a permit..they just need their Birth Certificate. Our dd (and several of our friends did this) will drive with us supervised until 18 then she may get her drivers liscence. It's $500+ here for drivers ed, and we have a 15 passenger vehicle..that I wouldn't let her drive alone anyways..our rural hilly (mountainous for NH) roads, especially in winter can be ferioucious (sp?). She has only driven a few times in my husbands car, (a 7 passenger dodge durango- our small car!!) We may purchase a small car for our family (mainly dad as a commuter car) that has 4 wheel drive..because gas prices are killing us! And we need 4wd to get home in the winter..that she would have use of when available but it wouldn't be hers exclusively..and its if we can get it in the budget..As we will only buy a car outright...not with a carloan...Of course she may save for her own by then..too.:grouphug:

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You can get your learner's permit when at age 16.


If you do not take driver's education, and have had your permit less than six months before taking your driver's test, you have a "limited junior license" until that six month date. That means you can only drive to work, school, doctor's appts, or take your sibling or child to doctor's appts or day care.


If you do not take driver's education, you must be off the road by 9 PM except for work or school functions until you turn 18.


Not only can we not afford to buy our dc a car, we cannot afford the increase in the insurance on the vehicles we already own when they have their license.


So my oldest, by his choice, didn't get his license until his second year at Bible school in FL -- he was 20. The permit was MUCH cheaper than here in NY, and he's not on anyone's insurance, so he can afford it.


My second child has worked on a farm since just shy of his 14th birthday. He got his permit ASAP, passed his driver's test less than two months later, and bought a vehicle. He's learning how much cars, insurance, and gas cost! But it's been great that he drives himself to work and appointments (like regular allergy shots); this yr, he's taking cc courses, which he could not do otherwise.


My third has her permit, but after watching her brother pay out all the bucks, is not in a hurry to take the driver's test!


Even if our financial situation changes, I think we'll continue to have the same policies about kids, driving, and cars. It's been good for them.


A couple things I thought of later:


NYS requires a 5-hour "prelicensing course" after the getting of the permit but before the taking of the road test. Ds said it was incredibly boring.


Also, we have always had a policy that our teens may not ride with another teen driver, nor may they take passengers. We knew someone else that did this and we like the idea. We have made exceptions in two instances.

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and did you allow your son or daughter to get one as soon as they were old enough? In Alabama you can get your license at 16. We didn't allow our son to get one as soon as he turned 16 because we didn't feel he was ready. It just seems like we're in the minority. All his friends got theirs as soon as they could and most got a new vehicle. Sometimes I feel like we're the only ones that can't afford to put our child immediately into a new car. I'm just curious about what the rest of you have done.


15 here in SC but, since we feel that is too young, we will be following the graduating licensure guidelines for less lenient states (Va, PA, etc). Dd does have her permit but for the intent and purpose of providing her with all the experience we can before we allow her to get her license. As for the vehicle, we don't go that route, either. She'll have one when *we* feel she needs one.

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16 here in AZ. We did allow Meg to get her license because I felt she was ready--readier than I was at her age. 2 years later she's had no tickets or accidents, so I think in our case it was a good decision. We'll take it on a kid by kid basis.


On a related note, I think learner's permits should be available as young as 14 and certainly no older than 15, but the individual driving age should be raised to 17. It makes no sense to send them off with as little as a few months' experience behind them.



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It's 16 for a conditional license here -- I don't know what the age is for a permit, but he could have gotten that by now. He doesn't seem to be in a big hurry, though, probably because he knows he won't have "wheels."


His friends are getting their licenses and making big plans for the summer -- going to the drive-in, etc., etc., but as of now my son will not be going with them. If they act anything in the car like they do when they're messing around outside or hanging out in his room, he doesn't need to be in the car with them.


ETA: I had a terrifying experience two years ago. He was up at the neighbors and called to see if he could go to the drive-in with them. I didn't ask enough questions. It was only days later that I wondered how they got Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother, and my son into that pickup. That's when I found out that it was their son, and his cousin, that went to the drive-in -- no Mom and Dad. The boy already had two wrecks (not accidents -- wrecks), and has since added a DUI and a pregnant girlfriend, and he's just now turned 18. There's *no way* I would have let my son go *anywhere* with him unsupervised. After I asked him about it, he finally admitted to me he was scared to death the whole trip.

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Ds got his learners at 15. We didn't feel like he was ready for city traffic and we were not going to pay for insurance and a car. When he was able to afford a car and insurance, he was able to get his drivers license. So about 3 1/2 wks ago ds got his license..he turned 18 in Dec.

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It's 15 for a permit; 16 for a provisional license; and 17 for a regular license if conditions are met (basically keeping your nose clean on the provisional license).


Ds turns 15 next month.... I'm so not ready! :001_unsure:

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